blob: f41fb8b9f490c99fe51c918f289ab443bbc3b50e [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.testRunner) {
testRunner.overridePreference("WebKitHTTPEquivEnabled", "0");
// This bizarre practice of continuously delaying notifyDone() by multiple 0-delay timers
// is meant to work around a few 0-delays in the meta refresh process.
// The refresh itself is on a timer, and then the policy delegate's reply might be on a timer.
// The goal here is to give a successfully scheduled meta refresh long enough to occur,
// but to not also wait an arbitrary amount of clock time before concluding the test.
function notifyDoneDelayer(iteration)
if (iteration == 10) {
if (window.testRunner)
document.body.innerHTML = "This test can only be run under DRT/WKTR";
setTimeout("notifyDoneDelayer(" + ++iteration + ");", 0);
function loaded()
setTimeout("notifyDoneDelayer(1);", 0);
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=resources/notify-done.html">
<body onload="loaded();">
This test makes sure the preference to disable meta refreshes works as expected.<br>
You should see this text when the test is done.<br>
If you do not see this text, and instead you see a blank page, then the redirect happened, which it should not have.<br>