blob: e00f6cc0bf8e98a9cd9472228f5c9fee2c072317 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Node_h
#define Node_h
#include "EditingBoundary.h"
#include "EventTarget.h"
#include "URLHash.h"
#include "LayoutRect.h"
#include "MutationObserver.h"
#include "RenderStyleConstants.h"
#include "ScriptWrappable.h"
#include "SimulatedClickOptions.h"
#include "TreeScope.h"
#include "TreeShared.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomicString.h>
namespace JSC {
class VM;
class SlotVisitor;
// This needs to be here because Document.h also depends on it.
namespace WebCore {
class Attribute;
class ClassNodeList;
class ContainerNode;
class DOMSettableTokenList;
class Document;
class Element;
class Event;
class EventContext;
class EventDispatchMediator;
class EventListener;
class FloatPoint;
class Frame;
class HTMLInputElement;
class IntRect;
class KeyboardEvent;
class NSResolver;
class NamedNodeMap;
class NameNodeList;
class NodeList;
class NodeListsNodeData;
class NodeRareData;
class QualifiedName;
class RadioNodeList;
class RegisteredEventListener;
class RenderArena;
class RenderBox;
class RenderBoxModelObject;
class RenderObject;
class RenderStyle;
class ShadowRoot;
class TagNodeList;
class PlatformGestureEvent;
class UIRequestEvent;
class TouchEvent;
typedef int ExceptionCode;
const int nodeStyleChangeShift = 14;
// SyntheticStyleChange means that we need to go through the entire style change logic even though
// no style property has actually changed. It is used to restructure the tree when, for instance,
// RenderLayers are created or destroyed due to animation changes.
enum StyleChangeType {
NoStyleChange = 0,
InlineStyleChange = 1 << nodeStyleChangeShift,
FullStyleChange = 2 << nodeStyleChangeShift,
SyntheticStyleChange = 3 << nodeStyleChangeShift
class NodeRareDataBase {
RenderObject* renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
void setRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { m_renderer = renderer; }
NodeRareDataBase(RenderObject* renderer)
: m_renderer(renderer)
{ }
RenderObject* m_renderer;
enum AttachBehavior {
class Node : public EventTarget, public ScriptWrappable, public TreeShared<Node> {
friend class Document;
friend class TreeScope;
friend class TreeScopeAdopter;
enum NodeType {
enum DocumentPosition {
static bool isSupported(const String& feature, const String& version);
static void startIgnoringLeaks();
static void stopIgnoringLeaks();
static void dumpStatistics();
virtual ~Node();
void willBeDeletedFrom(Document*);
// DOM methods & attributes for Node
bool hasTagName(const QualifiedName&) const;
bool hasLocalName(const AtomicString&) const;
virtual String nodeName() const = 0;
virtual String nodeValue() const;
virtual void setNodeValue(const String&, ExceptionCode&);
virtual NodeType nodeType() const = 0;
ContainerNode* parentNode() const;
Element* parentElement() const;
Node* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
Node* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
PassRefPtr<NodeList> childNodes();
Node* firstChild() const;
Node* lastChild() const;
bool hasAttributes() const;
NamedNodeMap* attributes() const;
Node* pseudoAwareNextSibling() const;
Node* pseudoAwarePreviousSibling() const;
Node* pseudoAwareFirstChild() const;
Node* pseudoAwareLastChild() const;
virtual URL baseURI() const;
void getSubresourceURLs(ListHashSet<URL>&) const;
// These should all actually return a node, but this is only important for language bindings,
// which will already know and hold a ref on the right node to return. Returning bool allows
// these methods to be more efficient since they don't need to return a ref
bool insertBefore(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, Node* refChild, ExceptionCode&, AttachBehavior = AttachNow);
bool replaceChild(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, Node* oldChild, ExceptionCode&, AttachBehavior = AttachNow);
bool removeChild(Node* child, ExceptionCode&);
bool appendChild(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, ExceptionCode&, AttachBehavior = AttachNow);
void remove(ExceptionCode&);
bool hasChildNodes() const { return firstChild(); }
virtual PassRefPtr<Node> cloneNode(bool deep) = 0;
virtual const AtomicString& localName() const;
virtual const AtomicString& namespaceURI() const;
virtual const AtomicString& prefix() const;
virtual void setPrefix(const AtomicString&, ExceptionCode&);
void normalize();
bool isSameNode(Node* other) const { return this == other; }
bool isEqualNode(Node*) const;
bool isDefaultNamespace(const AtomicString& namespaceURI) const;
String lookupPrefix(const AtomicString& namespaceURI) const;
String lookupNamespaceURI(const String& prefix) const;
String lookupNamespacePrefix(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const Element* originalElement) const;
String textContent(bool convertBRsToNewlines = false) const;
void setTextContent(const String&, ExceptionCode&);
Node* lastDescendant() const;
Node* firstDescendant() const;
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
bool isElementNode() const { return getFlag(IsElementFlag); }
bool isContainerNode() const { return getFlag(IsContainerFlag); }
bool isTextNode() const { return getFlag(IsTextFlag); }
bool isHTMLElement() const { return getFlag(IsHTMLFlag); }
bool isSVGElement() const { return getFlag(IsSVGFlag); }
bool isPseudoElement() const { return pseudoId() != NOPSEUDO; }
bool isBeforePseudoElement() const { return pseudoId() == BEFORE; }
bool isAfterPseudoElement() const { return pseudoId() == AFTER; }
PseudoId pseudoId() const { return (isElementNode() && hasCustomStyleResolveCallbacks()) ? customPseudoId() : NOPSEUDO; }
virtual bool isMediaControlElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool isMediaControls() const { return false; }
virtual bool isWebVTTElement() const { return false; }
bool isStyledElement() const { return getFlag(IsStyledElementFlag); }
virtual bool isAttributeNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isCharacterDataNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isFrameOwnerElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPluginElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool isInsertionPointNode() const { return false; }
bool isDocumentNode() const;
bool isTreeScope() const;
bool isDocumentFragment() const { return getFlag(IsDocumentFragmentFlag); }
bool isShadowRoot() const { return isDocumentFragment() && isTreeScope(); }
bool isInsertionPoint() const { return getFlag(NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag) && isInsertionPointNode(); }
// Returns Node rather than InsertionPoint. Should be used only for language bindings.
Node* insertionParentForBinding() const;
bool needsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPath() const;
bool inNamedFlow() const { return getFlag(InNamedFlowFlag); }
bool hasCustomStyleResolveCallbacks() const { return getFlag(HasCustomStyleResolveCallbacksFlag); }
bool hasSyntheticAttrChildNodes() const { return getFlag(HasSyntheticAttrChildNodesFlag); }
void setHasSyntheticAttrChildNodes(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, HasSyntheticAttrChildNodesFlag); }
// If this node is in a shadow tree, returns its shadow host. Otherwise, returns 0.
Element* shadowHost() const;
// If this node is in a shadow tree, returns its shadow host. Otherwise, returns this.
// Deprecated. Should use shadowHost() and check the return value.
Node* deprecatedShadowAncestorNode() const;
ShadowRoot* containingShadowRoot() const;
ShadowRoot* shadowRoot() const;
// Returns 0, a child of ShadowRoot, or a legacy shadow root.
Node* nonBoundaryShadowTreeRootNode();
// Node's parent or shadow tree host.
ContainerNode* parentOrShadowHostNode() const;
Element* parentOrShadowHostElement() const;
void setParentNode(ContainerNode*);
Node* highestAncestor() const;
// Use when it's guaranteed to that shadowHost is 0.
ContainerNode* parentNodeGuaranteedHostFree() const;
// Returns the parent node, but 0 if the parent node is a ShadowRoot.
ContainerNode* nonShadowBoundaryParentNode() const;
bool selfOrAncestorHasDirAutoAttribute() const { return getFlag(SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag); }
void setSelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoAttribute(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag); }
// Returns the enclosing event parent Element (or self) that, when clicked, would trigger a navigation.
Element* enclosingLinkEventParentOrSelf();
// These low-level calls give the caller responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the tree.
void setPreviousSibling(Node* previous) { m_previous = previous; }
void setNextSibling(Node* next) { m_next = next; }
virtual bool canContainRangeEndPoint() const { return false; }
bool isRootEditableElement() const;
Element* rootEditableElement() const;
Element* rootEditableElement(EditableType) const;
// Called by the parser when this element's close tag is reached,
// signaling that all child tags have been parsed and added.
// This is needed for <applet> and <object> elements, which can't lay themselves out
// until they know all of their nested <param>s. [Radar 3603191, 4040848].
// Also used for script elements and some SVG elements for similar purposes,
// but making parsing a special case in this respect should be avoided if possible.
virtual void finishParsingChildren() { }
virtual void beginParsingChildren() { }
// For <link> and <style> elements.
virtual bool sheetLoaded() { return true; }
virtual void notifyLoadedSheetAndAllCriticalSubresources(bool /* error loading subresource */) { }
virtual void startLoadingDynamicSheet() { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }
bool isUserActionElement() const { return getFlag(IsUserActionElement); }
void setUserActionElement(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, IsUserActionElement); }
bool attached() const { return getFlag(IsAttachedFlag); }
void setAttached(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, IsAttachedFlag); }
bool needsStyleRecalc() const { return styleChangeType() != NoStyleChange; }
StyleChangeType styleChangeType() const { return static_cast<StyleChangeType>(m_nodeFlags & StyleChangeMask); }
bool childNeedsStyleRecalc() const { return getFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
bool isLink() const { return getFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
bool isEditingText() const { return getFlag(IsEditingTextFlag); }
void setChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { setFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
void clearChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { clearFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
void setNeedsStyleRecalc(StyleChangeType changeType = FullStyleChange);
void clearNeedsStyleRecalc() { m_nodeFlags &= ~StyleChangeMask; }
virtual void scheduleSetNeedsStyleRecalc(StyleChangeType changeType = FullStyleChange) { setNeedsStyleRecalc(changeType); }
void setIsLink(bool f) { setFlag(f, IsLinkFlag); }
void setIsLink() { setFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
void clearIsLink() { clearFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
void setInNamedFlow() { setFlag(InNamedFlowFlag); }
void clearInNamedFlow() { clearFlag(InNamedFlowFlag); }
bool hasEventTargetData() const { return getFlag(HasEventTargetDataFlag); }
void setHasEventTargetData(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, HasEventTargetDataFlag); }
enum UserSelectAllTreatment {
bool isContentEditable(UserSelectAllTreatment = UserSelectAllDoesNotAffectEditability);
bool isContentRichlyEditable();
void inspect();
bool rendererIsEditable(EditableType editableType = ContentIsEditable, UserSelectAllTreatment treatment = UserSelectAllIsAlwaysNonEditable) const
switch (editableType) {
case ContentIsEditable:
return rendererIsEditable(Editable, treatment);
case HasEditableAXRole:
return isEditableToAccessibility(Editable);
return false;
bool rendererIsRichlyEditable(EditableType editableType = ContentIsEditable) const
switch (editableType) {
case ContentIsEditable:
return rendererIsEditable(RichlyEditable, UserSelectAllIsAlwaysNonEditable);
case HasEditableAXRole:
return isEditableToAccessibility(RichlyEditable);
return false;
virtual LayoutRect boundingBox() const;
IntRect pixelSnappedBoundingBox() const { return pixelSnappedIntRect(boundingBox()); }
LayoutRect renderRect(bool* isReplaced);
IntRect pixelSnappedRenderRect(bool* isReplaced) { return pixelSnappedIntRect(renderRect(isReplaced)); }
unsigned nodeIndex() const;
// Returns the DOM ownerDocument attribute. This method never returns 0, except in the case
// of a Document node.
Document* ownerDocument() const;
// Returns the document associated with this node. This method never returns 0.
// A Document node returns itself.
Document& document() const
return *documentInternal();
TreeScope& treeScope() const
return *m_treeScope;
// Returns true if this node is associated with a document and is in its associated document's
// node tree, false otherwise.
bool inDocument() const
ASSERT(documentInternal() || !getFlag(InDocumentFlag));
return getFlag(InDocumentFlag);
bool isInShadowTree() const { return getFlag(IsInShadowTreeFlag); }
bool isInTreeScope() const { return getFlag(static_cast<NodeFlags>(InDocumentFlag | IsInShadowTreeFlag)); }
bool isReadOnlyNode() const { return nodeType() == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; }
bool isDocumentTypeNode() const { return nodeType() == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; }
virtual bool childTypeAllowed(NodeType) const { return false; }
unsigned childNodeCount() const;
Node* childNode(unsigned index) const;
void checkSetPrefix(const AtomicString& prefix, ExceptionCode&);
bool isDescendantOf(const Node*) const;
bool contains(const Node*) const;
bool containsIncludingShadowDOM(const Node*) const;
bool containsIncludingHostElements(const Node*) const;
// Used to determine whether range offsets use characters or node indices.
virtual bool offsetInCharacters() const;
// Number of DOM 16-bit units contained in node. Note that rendered text length can be different - e.g. because of
// css-transform:capitalize breaking up precomposed characters and ligatures.
virtual int maxCharacterOffset() const;
// Whether or not a selection can be started in this object
virtual bool canStartSelection() const;
// Getting points into and out of screen space
FloatPoint convertToPage(const FloatPoint&) const;
FloatPoint convertFromPage(const FloatPoint&) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Integration with rendering tree
// As renderer() includes a branch you should avoid calling it repeatedly in hot code paths.
RenderObject* renderer() const { return hasRareData() ? m_data.m_rareData->renderer() : m_data.m_renderer; };
void setRenderer(RenderObject* renderer)
if (hasRareData())
m_data.m_renderer = renderer;
// Use these two methods with caution.
RenderBox* renderBox() const;
RenderBoxModelObject* renderBoxModelObject() const;
// Wrapper for nodes that don't have a renderer, but still cache the style (like HTMLOptionElement).
RenderStyle* renderStyle() const;
RenderStyle* computedStyle(PseudoId pseudoElementSpecifier = NOPSEUDO) { return virtualComputedStyle(pseudoElementSpecifier); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification of document structure changes (see ContainerNode.h for more notification methods)
// At first, WebKit notifies the node that it has been inserted into the document. This is called during document parsing, and also
// when a node is added through the DOM methods insertBefore(), appendChild() or replaceChild(). The call happens _after_ the node has been added to the tree.
// This is similar to the DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
// dispatching.
// WebKit notifies this callback regardless if the subtree of the node is a document tree or a floating subtree.
// Implementation can determine the type of subtree by seeing insertionPoint->inDocument().
// For a performance reason, notifications are delivered only to ContainerNode subclasses if the insertionPoint is out of document.
// There are another callback named didNotifyDescendantInsertions(), which is called after all the descendant is notified.
// Only a few subclasses actually need this. To utilize this, the node should return InsertionShouldCallDidNotifyDescendantInsertions
// from insrtedInto().
enum InsertionNotificationRequest {
virtual InsertionNotificationRequest insertedInto(ContainerNode& insertionPoint);
virtual void didNotifySubtreeInsertions(ContainerNode*) { }
// Notifies the node that it is no longer part of the tree.
// This is a dual of insertedInto(), and is similar to the DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
// dispatching, and is called _after_ the node is removed from the tree.
virtual void removedFrom(ContainerNode& insertionPoint);
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const;
void showNode(const char* prefix = "") const;
void showTreeForThis() const;
void showNodePathForThis() const;
void showTreeAndMark(const Node* markedNode1, const char* markedLabel1, const Node* markedNode2 = 0, const char* markedLabel2 = 0) const;
void showTreeForThisAcrossFrame() const;
void invalidateNodeListCachesInAncestors(const QualifiedName* attrName = 0, Element* attributeOwnerElement = 0);
NodeListsNodeData* nodeLists();
void clearNodeLists();
PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByTagName(const AtomicString&);
PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByTagNameNS(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const AtomicString& localName);
PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByName(const String& elementName);
PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByClassName(const String& classNames);
PassRefPtr<RadioNodeList> radioNodeList(const AtomicString&);
virtual bool willRespondToMouseMoveEvents();
virtual bool willRespondToMouseClickEvents();
virtual bool willRespondToTouchEvents();
PassRefPtr<Element> querySelector(const AtomicString& selectors, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<NodeList> querySelectorAll(const AtomicString& selectors, ExceptionCode&);
unsigned short compareDocumentPosition(Node*);
virtual Node* toNode() OVERRIDE;
virtual HTMLInputElement* toInputElement();
virtual EventTargetInterface eventTargetInterface() const OVERRIDE;
virtual ScriptExecutionContext* scriptExecutionContext() const OVERRIDE FINAL; // Implemented in Document.h
virtual bool addEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>, bool useCapture) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool removeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, EventListener*, bool useCapture) OVERRIDE;
using EventTarget::dispatchEvent;
virtual bool dispatchEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>) OVERRIDE;
void dispatchScopedEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>);
void dispatchScopedEventDispatchMediator(PassRefPtr<EventDispatchMediator>);
virtual void handleLocalEvents(Event*);
void dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent();
bool dispatchDOMActivateEvent(int detail, PassRefPtr<Event> underlyingEvent);
bool dispatchGestureEvent(const PlatformGestureEvent&);
bool dispatchTouchEvent(PassRefPtr<TouchEvent>);
bool dispatchUIRequestEvent(PassRefPtr<UIRequestEvent>);
bool dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(const String& sourceURL);
virtual void dispatchInputEvent();
// Perform the default action for an event.
virtual void defaultEventHandler(Event*);
using TreeShared<Node>::ref;
using TreeShared<Node>::deref;
virtual EventTargetData* eventTargetData() OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual EventTargetData& ensureEventTargetData() OVERRIDE FINAL;
void getRegisteredMutationObserversOfType(HashMap<MutationObserver*, MutationRecordDeliveryOptions>&, MutationObserver::MutationType, const QualifiedName* attributeName);
void registerMutationObserver(MutationObserver*, MutationObserverOptions, const HashSet<AtomicString>& attributeFilter);
void unregisterMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void registerTransientMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void unregisterTransientMutationObserver(MutationObserverRegistration*);
void notifyMutationObserversNodeWillDetach();
void textRects(Vector<IntRect>&) const;
unsigned connectedSubframeCount() const;
void incrementConnectedSubframeCount(unsigned amount = 1);
void decrementConnectedSubframeCount(unsigned amount = 1);
void updateAncestorConnectedSubframeCountForRemoval() const;
void updateAncestorConnectedSubframeCountForInsertion() const;
void markAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleRecalc();
enum NodeFlags {
IsTextFlag = 1,
IsContainerFlag = 1 << 1,
IsElementFlag = 1 << 2,
IsStyledElementFlag = 1 << 3,
IsHTMLFlag = 1 << 4,
IsSVGFlag = 1 << 5,
IsAttachedFlag = 1 << 6,
ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag = 1 << 7,
InDocumentFlag = 1 << 8,
IsLinkFlag = 1 << 9,
IsUserActionElement = 1 << 10,
HasRareDataFlag = 1 << 11,
IsDocumentFragmentFlag = 1 << 12,
// These bits are used by derived classes, pulled up here so they can
// be stored in the same memory word as the Node bits above.
IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag = 1 << 13, // Element
StyleChangeMask = 1 << nodeStyleChangeShift | 1 << (nodeStyleChangeShift + 1),
SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag = 1 << 16,
IsEditingTextFlag = 1 << 17,
InNamedFlowFlag = 1 << 18,
HasSyntheticAttrChildNodesFlag = 1 << 19,
HasCustomStyleResolveCallbacksFlag = 1 << 20,
HasEventTargetDataFlag = 1 << 21,
NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag = 1 << 22,
IsInShadowTreeFlag = 1 << 23,
DefaultNodeFlags = IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag
// 8 bits remaining
bool getFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { return m_nodeFlags & mask; }
void setFlag(bool f, NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags = (m_nodeFlags & ~mask) | (-(int32_t)f & mask); }
void setFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags |= mask; }
void clearFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags &= ~mask; }
enum ConstructionType {
CreateOther = DefaultNodeFlags,
CreateText = DefaultNodeFlags | IsTextFlag,
CreateContainer = DefaultNodeFlags | IsContainerFlag,
CreateElement = CreateContainer | IsElementFlag,
CreatePseudoElement = CreateElement | InDocumentFlag | NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag,
CreateShadowRoot = CreateContainer | IsDocumentFragmentFlag | NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag | IsInShadowTreeFlag,
CreateDocumentFragment = CreateContainer | IsDocumentFragmentFlag,
CreateStyledElement = CreateElement | IsStyledElementFlag,
CreateHTMLElement = CreateStyledElement | IsHTMLFlag,
CreateSVGElement = CreateStyledElement | IsSVGFlag | HasCustomStyleResolveCallbacksFlag,
CreateDocument = CreateContainer | InDocumentFlag,
CreateInsertionPoint = CreateHTMLElement | NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag,
CreateEditingText = CreateText | IsEditingTextFlag,
Node(Document*, ConstructionType);
virtual void didMoveToNewDocument(Document* oldDocument);
virtual void addSubresourceAttributeURLs(ListHashSet<URL>&) const { }
bool hasRareData() const { return getFlag(HasRareDataFlag); }
NodeRareData* rareData() const;
NodeRareData& ensureRareData();
void clearRareData();
void clearEventTargetData();
void setHasCustomStyleResolveCallbacks() { setFlag(true, HasCustomStyleResolveCallbacksFlag); }
void setNeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPath(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, NeedsNodeRenderingTraversalSlowPathFlag); }
Document* documentInternal() const { return treeScope().documentScope(); }
void setTreeScope(TreeScope& scope) { m_treeScope = &scope; }
void setStyleChange(StyleChangeType changeType) { m_nodeFlags = (m_nodeFlags & ~StyleChangeMask) | changeType; }
friend class TreeShared<Node>;
virtual PseudoId customPseudoId() const
return NOPSEUDO;
void removedLastRef();
bool hasTreeSharedParent() const { return !!parentNode(); }
enum EditableLevel { Editable, RichlyEditable };
bool rendererIsEditable(EditableLevel, UserSelectAllTreatment = UserSelectAllIsAlwaysNonEditable) const;
bool isEditableToAccessibility(EditableLevel) const;
virtual void refEventTarget() OVERRIDE;
virtual void derefEventTarget() OVERRIDE;
virtual RenderStyle* nonRendererStyle() const { return 0; }
virtual RenderStyle* virtualComputedStyle(PseudoId = NOPSEUDO);
Element* ancestorElement() const;
void trackForDebugging();
Vector<OwnPtr<MutationObserverRegistration> >* mutationObserverRegistry();
HashSet<MutationObserverRegistration*>* transientMutationObserverRegistry();
mutable uint32_t m_nodeFlags;
ContainerNode* m_parentNode;
TreeScope* m_treeScope;
Node* m_previous;
Node* m_next;
// When a node has rare data we move the renderer into the rare data.
union DataUnion {
DataUnion() : m_renderer(0) { }
RenderObject* m_renderer;
NodeRareDataBase* m_rareData;
} m_data;
bool isParsingChildrenFinished() const { return getFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
void setIsParsingChildrenFinished() { setFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
void clearIsParsingChildrenFinished() { clearFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
// Used in Node::addSubresourceAttributeURLs() and in addSubresourceStyleURLs()
inline void addSubresourceURL(ListHashSet<URL>& urls, const URL& url)
if (!url.isNull())
inline void Node::setParentNode(ContainerNode* parent)
m_parentNode = parent;
inline ContainerNode* Node::parentNode() const
return m_parentNode;
inline ContainerNode* Node::parentNodeGuaranteedHostFree() const
return parentNode();
#define NODE_TYPE_CASTS(NodeClassName) \
inline const NodeClassName* to##NodeClassName(const Node* node) \
{ \
ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!node || is##NodeClassName(*node)); \
return static_cast<const NodeClassName*>(node); \
} \
inline NodeClassName* to##NodeClassName(Node* node) \
{ \
ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!node || is##NodeClassName(*node)); \
return static_cast<NodeClassName*>(node); \
} \
inline const NodeClassName& to##NodeClassName(const Node& node) \
{ \
return static_cast<const NodeClassName&>(node); \
} \
inline NodeClassName& to##NodeClassName(Node& node) \
{ \
return static_cast<NodeClassName&>(node); \
} \
void to##NodeClassName(const NodeClassName*); \
void to##NodeClassName(const NodeClassName&);
} // namespace WebCore
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showTree(const WebCore::Node*);
void showNodePath(const WebCore::Node*);