blob: 27160ff487db467f22e04bb9ac1a2fcc6c096708 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 32: testDNSLookup: Test started.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: WebSocket network error: Error resolving 'nonexistent.domain.invalid': No address associated with hostname
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 43: testDNSLookup: onclose is called.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 50: testSSLCertificate: Test started.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: WebSocket network error: Unacceptable TLS certificate
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 64: testSSLCertificate: onclose is called.
WebSocket's network errors should be logged to console.
testDNSLookup: Test started. console-websocket-error.html:32
WebSocket network error: Error resolving 'nonexistent.domain.invalid': No address associated with hostname
testDNSLookup: onclose is called. console-websocket-error.html:43
testSSLCertificate: Test started. console-websocket-error.html:50
WebSocket network error: Unacceptable TLS certificate
testSSLCertificate: onclose is called. console-websocket-error.html:64