| This performs a number of different tests on JavaScript getters and setters. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| the get set object declaration syntax |
| PASS o1.b is 8 |
| PASS o1.b is 11 |
| __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ |
| PASS o2.b is 8 |
| PASS o2.b is 11 |
| Setting a value without having a setter |
| PASS o3.x = 10; o3.x is 42 |
| Getting a value without having a getter |
| PASS o4.x is undefined. |
| __lookupGetter__ and __lookupSetter__ |
| PASS o4.__lookupGetter__('b') is getB |
| PASS o4.__lookupSetter__('b') is setB |
| __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ with various invalid arguments |
| PASS o5.__defineSetter__('a', null) threw exception SyntaxError: invalid setter usage. |
| PASS o5.__defineSetter__('a', o5) threw exception SyntaxError: invalid setter usage. |
| PASS o5.__defineGetter__('a', null) threw exception SyntaxError: invalid getter usage. |
| PASS o5.__defineGetter__('a', o5) threw exception SyntaxError: invalid getter usage. |
| setters and getters with exceptions |
| PASS x = o6.x threw exception Exception in get. |
| PASS x is 0 |
| PASS o6.x = 42 threw exception Exception in set. |
| Defining a setter should also define a getter for the same property which returns undefined. Thus, a getter defined on the prototype should not be called. |
| PASS o7.x is undefined. |
| If an object has a property and its prototype has a setter function for that property, then setting the property should set the property directly and not call the setter function. |
| PASS o8.numSets is 0 |
| PASS typeof testObj.getter is 'string' |
| the get set with string property name |
| PASS o9.b is 8 |
| PASS o9.b is 11 |
| the get set with numeric property name |
| PASS o10[42] is 8 |
| PASS o10[42] is 11 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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