blob: 270ae91dad30bb939ab2f11e776933d72df04e6f [file] [log] [blame]
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
PASS getStats() with no argument should succeed
PASS getStats(null) should succeed
FAIL getStats() with track not added to connection should reject with InvalidAccessError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
PASS getStats() with track added via addTrack should succeed
PASS getStats() with track added via addTransceiver should succeed
FAIL getStats() with track associated with more than one sender should reject with InvalidAccessError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL getStats() with track associated with both sender and receiver should reject with InvalidAccessError assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
PASS getStats() with no argument should return stats report containing peer-connection stats on an empty PC
FAIL getStats() with no argument should return stats report containing peer-connection stats and outbound-track-stats assert_true: Expect statsReport to contain stats object of type outbound-rtp expected true got false
FAIL getStats() with no argument should return stats for no-stream tracks assert_true: Expect statsReport to contain stats object of type outbound-rtp expected true got false
FAIL getStats() on track associated with RtpSender should return stats report containing outbound-rtp stats assert_equals: Expect dictionary.ip to be string expected "string" but got "undefined"
TIMEOUT getStats() on track associated with RtpReceiver should return stats report containing inbound-rtp stats Test timed out
FAIL getStats() with connected peer connections having tracks and data channel should return all mandatory to implement stats assert_unreached: test failed with error: Error: assert_true: Expect dictionary.dataChannelIdentifier to be integer expected true got false Reached unreachable code