blob: 2163bb9b8d4442f266421a2106f57d889e9681ce [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test the Settings object.
import pytest
import h2.errors
import h2.exceptions
import h2.settings
from hypothesis import given, assume
from hypothesis.strategies import integers
class TestSettings(object):
Test the Settings object behaves as expected.
def test_settings_defaults_client(self):
The Settings object begins with the appropriate defaults for clients.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 4096
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] == 1
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] == 65535
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] == 16384
def test_settings_defaults_server(self):
The Settings object begins with the appropriate defaults for servers.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=False)
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 4096
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] == 0
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] == 65535
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] == 16384
@pytest.mark.parametrize('client', [True, False])
def test_can_set_initial_values(self, client):
The Settings object can be provided initial values that override the
overrides = {
h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 8080,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE: 16388,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 100,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: 2**16,
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=client, initial_values=overrides)
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 8080
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] == bool(client)
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] == 65535
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] == 16388
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS] == 100
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE] == 2**16
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH, 2),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH, -1),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, -1),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, 2**34),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 1),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE, 2**30),
(h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE, -1),
def test_cannot_set_invalid_initial_values(self, setting, value):
The Settings object can be provided initial values that override the
overrides = {setting: value}
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError):
def test_applying_value_doesnt_take_effect_immediately(self):
When a value is applied to the settings object, it doesn't immediately
take effect.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 8000
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 4096
def test_acknowledging_values(self):
When we acknowledge settings, the values change.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
old_settings = dict(s)
new_settings = {
h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 4000,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH: 0,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: 60,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE: 16385,
assert dict(s) == old_settings
assert dict(s) == new_settings
def test_acknowledging_returns_the_changed_settings(self):
Acknowledging settings returns the changes.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] = 8000
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] = 0
changes = s.acknowledge()
assert len(changes) == 2
table_size_change = (
push_change = changes[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH]
assert table_size_change.setting == (
assert table_size_change.original_value == 4096
assert table_size_change.new_value == 8000
assert push_change.setting == h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH
assert push_change.original_value == 1
assert push_change.new_value == 0
def test_acknowledging_only_returns_changed_settings(self):
Acknowledging settings does not return unchanged settings.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] = 70
changes = s.acknowledge()
assert len(changes) == 1
assert list(changes.keys()) == [
def test_deleting_values_deletes_all_of_them(self):
When we delete a key we lose all state about it.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 8000
del s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE]
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_length_correctly_reported(self):
Length is related only to the number of keys.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
assert len(s) == 4
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 8000
assert len(s) == 4
assert len(s) == 4
del s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE]
assert len(s) == 3
def test_new_values_work(self):
New values initially don't appear
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[80] = 81
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_new_values_follow_basic_acknowledgement_rules(self):
A new value properly appears when acknowledged.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s[80] = 81
changed_settings = s.acknowledge()
assert s[80] == 81
assert len(changed_settings) == 1
changed = changed_settings[80]
assert changed.setting == 80
assert changed.original_value is None
assert changed.new_value == 81
def test_single_values_arent_affected_by_acknowledgement(self):
When acknowledged, unchanged settings remain unchanged.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 4096
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 4096
def test_settings_getters(self):
Getters exist for well-known settings.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
assert s.header_table_size == (
assert s.enable_push == s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH]
assert s.initial_window_size == (
assert s.max_frame_size == s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE]
assert s.max_concurrent_streams == 2**32 + 1 # A sensible default.
assert s.max_header_list_size is None
def test_settings_setters(self):
Setters exist for well-known settings.
s = h2.settings.Settings(client=True)
s.header_table_size = 0
s.enable_push = 1
s.initial_window_size = 2
s.max_frame_size = 16385
s.max_concurrent_streams = 4
s.max_header_list_size = 2**16
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] == 0
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] == 1
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] == 2
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] == 16385
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS] == 4
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE] == 2**16
def test_cannot_set_invalid_values_for_enable_push(self, val):
SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH only allows two values: 0, 1.
assume(val not in (0, 1))
s = h2.settings.Settings()
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s.enable_push = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
assert s.enable_push == 1
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.ENABLE_PUSH] == 1
def test_cannot_set_invalid_vals_for_initial_window_size(self, val):
SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE only allows values between 0 and 2**32 - 1
s = h2.settings.Settings()
if 0 <= val <= 2**31 - 1:
s.initial_window_size = val
assert s.initial_window_size == val
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s.initial_window_size = val
assert (
e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR
assert s.initial_window_size == 65535
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] = val
assert (
e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] == 65535
def test_cannot_set_invalid_values_for_max_frame_size(self, val):
SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE only allows values between 2**14 and 2**24 - 1.
s = h2.settings.Settings()
if 2**14 <= val <= 2**24 - 1:
s.max_frame_size = val
assert s.max_frame_size == val
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s.max_frame_size = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
assert s.max_frame_size == 16384
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
assert s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE] == 16384
def test_cannot_set_invalid_values_for_max_header_list_size(self, val):
SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE only allows non-negative values.
s = h2.settings.Settings()
if val >= 0:
s.max_header_list_size = val
assert s.max_header_list_size == val
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s.max_header_list_size = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
assert s.max_header_list_size is None
with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.InvalidSettingsValueError) as e:
s[h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE] = val
assert e.value.error_code == h2.errors.ErrorCodes.PROTOCOL_ERROR
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
class TestSettingsEquality(object):
A class defining tests for the standard implementation of == and != .
def an_instance(self):
Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method
must return a different object. All objects returned must be equal to
each other.
overrides = {
h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 0,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE: 16384,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 4,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: 2**16,
return h2.settings.Settings(client=True, initial_values=overrides)
def another_instance(self):
Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method
must return a different object. The objects must not be equal to the
objects returned by an_instance. They may or may not be equal to
each other (they will not be compared against each other).
overrides = {
h2.settings.SettingCodes.HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 8080,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_FRAME_SIZE: 16388,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 100,
h2.settings.SettingCodes.MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: 2**16,
return h2.settings.Settings(client=False, initial_values=overrides)
def test_identical_eq(self):
An object compares equal to itself using the == operator.
o = self.an_instance()
assert (o == o)
def test_identical_ne(self):
An object doesn't compare not equal to itself using the != operator.
o = self.an_instance()
assert not (o != o)
def test_same_eq(self):
Two objects that are equal to each other compare equal to each other
using the == operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = self.an_instance()
assert (a == b)
def test_same_ne(self):
Two objects that are equal to each other do not compare not equal to
each other using the != operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = self.an_instance()
assert not (a != b)
def test_different_eq(self):
Two objects that are not equal to each other do not compare equal to
each other using the == operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = self.another_instance()
assert not (a == b)
def test_different_ne(self):
Two objects that are not equal to each other compare not equal to each
other using the != operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = self.another_instance()
assert (a != b)
def test_another_type_eq(self):
The object does not compare equal to an object of an unrelated type
(which does not implement the comparison) using the == operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = object()
assert not (a == b)
def test_another_type_ne(self):
The object compares not equal to an object of an unrelated type (which
does not implement the comparison) using the != operator.
a = self.an_instance()
b = object()
assert (a != b)
def test_delegated_eq(self):
The result of comparison using == is delegated to the right-hand
operand if it is of an unrelated type.
class Delegate(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return [self]
a = self.an_instance()
b = Delegate()
assert (a == b) == [b]
def test_delegate_ne(self):
The result of comparison using != is delegated to the right-hand
operand if it is of an unrelated type.
class Delegate(object):
def __ne__(self, other):
return [self]
a = self.an_instance()
b = Delegate()
assert (a != b) == [b]