blob: b7fc9596e18bcfb00fd262b5ea9a5d177732e595 [file] [log] [blame]
Pointer Events - lostpointercapture when capturing element is removed
Test Description: This test checks if lostpointercapture is fired at the document when the capturing node is removed from the document. Complete the following actions:
Press and hold left mouse button over "Set Capture" button. "gotpointercapture" should be logged inside of the black rectangle.
"lostpointercapture" should be logged inside of the black rectangle after a short delay.
Pointer Events Capture Test
The following pointer types were detected: mouse.
The following events were logged: gotpointercapture@target1, lostpointercapture@document.
PASS lostpointercapture event received
PASS lostpointercapture is dispatched on the document