blob: f5c1087cfaf86fe58eb9122997f72a8abb873c11 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef String_h
#define String_h
// This file would be called String.h, but that conflicts with <string.h>
// on systems without case-sensitive file systems.
#include "StringImpl.h"
namespace WebCore {
* Currently, strings are explicitly shared (they behave like pointers), meaning
* that modifications to one instance will also modify all others. If you
* wish to get a String that is independent, use @ref copy(). In the future,
* we plan to change this to have immutable copy on write semantics.
// FIXME: Move to unsigned short instead of QChar.
class String {
String() { } // gives null string, distinguishable from an empty string
String(const QChar*, unsigned length);
String(const DeprecatedString&);
String(const char*);
String(StringImpl* i) : m_impl(i) { }
String& operator +=(const String&);
void insert(const String&, unsigned pos);
const QChar& operator[](unsigned i) const; // if i >= length(), returns 0
bool contains(QChar c) const { return find(c) != -1; }
bool contains(const char* str, bool caseSensitive = true) const { return find(str, 0, caseSensitive) != -1; }
bool contains(const String& str, bool caseSensitive = true) const { return find(str, 0, caseSensitive) != -1; }
int find(QChar c, int start = 0) const
{ return m_impl ? m_impl->find(c, start) : -1; }
int find(const char* str, int start = 0, bool caseSensitive = true) const
{ return m_impl ? m_impl->find(str, start, caseSensitive) : -1; }
int find(const String& str, int start = 0, bool caseSensitive = true) const
{ return m_impl ? m_impl->find(str.impl(), start, caseSensitive) : -1; }
bool startsWith(const String& s, bool caseSensitive = true) const
{ return m_impl ? m_impl->startsWith(s.impl(), caseSensitive) : s.isEmpty(); }
bool endsWith(const String& s, bool caseSensitive = true) const
{ return m_impl ? m_impl->endsWith(s.impl(), caseSensitive) : s.isEmpty(); }
String& replace(QChar a, QChar b) { if (m_impl) m_impl = m_impl->replace(a, b); return *this; }
unsigned length() const;
void truncate(unsigned len);
void remove(unsigned pos, int len = 1);
String substring(unsigned pos, unsigned len = UINT_MAX) const;
// Splits the string into two. The original string gets truncated to pos, and the rest is returned.
String split(unsigned pos);
// Returns a lowercase/uppercase version of the string
String lower() const;
String upper() const;
QChar *unicode() const;
DeprecatedString deprecatedString() const;
int toInt() const;
Length* toLengthArray(int& len) const;
Length* toCoordsArray(int& len) const;
bool percentage(int &_percentage) const;
String copy() const;
bool isNull() const { return !m_impl; }
bool isEmpty() const;
StringImpl* impl() const { return m_impl.get(); }
#if __APPLE__
CFStringRef createCFString() const { return m_impl ? m_impl->createCFString() : CFSTR(""); }
#if __OBJC__
operator NSString*() const { if (!m_impl) return @""; return *m_impl; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
// For debugging only, leaks memory.
const char *ascii() const;
RefPtr<StringImpl> m_impl;
String operator+(const String&, const String&);
inline bool operator==(const String& a, const String& b) { return equal(a.impl(), b.impl()); }
inline bool operator==(const String& a, const char* b) { return equal(a.impl(), b); }
inline bool operator==(const char* a, const String& b) { return equal(a, b.impl()); }
inline bool operator!=(const String& a, const String& b) { return !equal(a.impl(), b.impl()); }
inline bool operator!=(const String& a, const char* b) { return !equal(a.impl(), b); }
inline bool operator!=(const char* a, const String& b) { return !equal(a, b.impl()); }
inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const String& a, const String& b) { return equalIgnoringCase(a.impl(), b.impl()); }
inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const String& a, const char* b) { return equalIgnoringCase(a.impl(), b); }
inline bool equalIgnoringCase(const char* a, const String& b) { return equalIgnoringCase(a, b.impl()); }
bool operator==(const String& a, const DeprecatedString& b);
inline bool operator==( const DeprecatedString& b, const String& a) { return a == b; }
inline bool operator!=(const String& a, const DeprecatedString& b) { return !(a == b); }
inline bool operator!=(const DeprecatedString& b, const String& a ) { return !(a == b); }
namespace KXMLCore {
template<> struct StrHash<WebCore::String> {
static unsigned hash(const WebCore::String& key) { return key.impl()->hash(); }
static bool equal(const WebCore::String& a, const WebCore::String& b)
{ return StrHash<WebCore::StringImpl*>::equal(a.impl(), b.impl()); }
template<> struct DefaultHash<WebCore::String> {
typedef StrHash<WebCore::String> Hash;
template<> struct HashTraits<WebCore::String> {
typedef WebCore::String TraitType;
static const bool emptyValueIsZero = true;
static const bool needsDestruction = true;
static TraitType emptyValue() { return TraitType(); }
static TraitType deletedValue() { return HashTraits<RefPtr<WebCore::StringImpl> >::_deleted.get(); }