blob: 20caafa6ff444887b97d5551fe3d8c0a08ca7081 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef KJS_BINDING_H_
#define KJS_BINDING_H_
#include <kjs/interpreter.h>
#include <kjs/lookup.h>
#if __APPLE__
#include <JavaScriptCore/runtime.h>
namespace WebCore {
class Document;
class Event;
class Frame;
class Node;
typedef int ExceptionCode;
namespace KJS {
* Base class for all objects in this binding.
class DOMObject : public JSObject {
DOMObject() : JSObject() {}
virtual UString toString(ExecState *exec) const;
class DOMNode;
* We inherit from Interpreter, to save a pointer to the HTML part
* that the interpreter runs for.
* The interpreter also stores the DOM object - >KJS::DOMObject cache.
class ScriptInterpreter : public Interpreter
ScriptInterpreter(JSObject *global, WebCore::Frame *frame);
virtual ~ScriptInterpreter();
static DOMObject* getDOMObject(void* objectHandle);
static void putDOMObject(void* objectHandle, DOMObject* obj);
static void forgetDOMObject(void* objectHandle);
static DOMNode *getDOMNodeForDocument(WebCore::Document *document, WebCore::Node *node);
static void putDOMNodeForDocument(WebCore::Document *document, WebCore::Node *nodeHandle, DOMNode *nodeWrapper);
static void forgetDOMNodeForDocument(WebCore::Document *document, WebCore::Node *node);
static void forgetAllDOMNodesForDocument(WebCore::Document *document);
static void updateDOMNodeDocument(WebCore::Node *nodeHandle, WebCore::Document *oldDoc, WebCore::Document *newDoc);
WebCore::Frame* frame() const { return m_frame; }
virtual int rtti() { return 1; }
* Set the event that is triggering the execution of a script, if any
void setCurrentEvent( WebCore::Event *evt ) { m_evt = evt; }
void setInlineCode( bool inlineCode ) { m_inlineCode = inlineCode; }
void setProcessingTimerCallback( bool timerCallback ) { m_timerCallback = timerCallback; }
* "Smart" policy
bool wasRunByUserGesture() const;
virtual void mark();
virtual ExecState *globalExec();
WebCore::Event *getCurrentEvent() const { return m_evt; }
virtual bool isGlobalObject(JSValue *v);
virtual Interpreter *interpreterForGlobalObject (const JSValue *imp);
virtual bool isSafeScript (const Interpreter *target);
virtual void *createLanguageInstanceForValue (ExecState *exec, int language, JSObject *value, const Bindings::RootObject *origin, const Bindings::RootObject *current);
void *createObjcInstanceForValue (ExecState *exec, JSObject *value, const Bindings::RootObject *origin, const Bindings::RootObject *current);
WebCore::Frame* m_frame;
WebCore::Event *m_evt;
bool m_inlineCode;
bool m_timerCallback;
* Retrieve from cache, or create, a KJS object around a DOM object
template<class DOMObj, class KJSDOMObj>
inline JSValue *cacheDOMObject(ExecState *exec, DOMObj *domObj)
if (!domObj)
return jsNull();
ScriptInterpreter *interp = static_cast<ScriptInterpreter *>(exec->dynamicInterpreter());
if (DOMObject *ret = interp->getDOMObject(domObj))
return ret;
DOMObject *ret = new KJSDOMObj(exec, domObj);
interp->putDOMObject(domObj, ret);
return ret;
// Convert a DOM implementation exception code into a JavaScript exception in the execution state.
void setDOMException(ExecState*, WebCore::ExceptionCode);
// Helper class to call setDOMException on exit without adding lots of separate calls to that function.
class DOMExceptionTranslator {
explicit DOMExceptionTranslator(ExecState *exec) : m_exec(exec), m_code(0) { }
~DOMExceptionTranslator() { setDOMException(m_exec, m_code); }
operator WebCore::ExceptionCode&() { return m_code; }
ExecState *m_exec;
WebCore::ExceptionCode m_code;
* Get a String object, or jsNull() if s is null
JSValue *jsStringOrNull(const WebCore::String&);
* Get a String object, or jsUndefined() if s is null
JSValue *jsStringOrUndefined(const WebCore::String&);
* Get a String object or a null String if the value is null
WebCore::String valueToStringWithNullCheck(ExecState* exec, JSValue *val);
template <typename T> inline JSValue* toJS(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<T> ptr) { return toJS(exec, ptr.get()); }
} // namespace