blob: 48bb2baa5d0bffb6a61bd345cc829b5892222d1d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
2004, 2005 Rob Buis <>
This file is part of the KDE project
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "KCanvasRenderingStyle.h"
#include "KRenderingDevice.h"
#include "KCanvasContainer.h"
#include "SVGStyledElement.h"
namespace WebCore {
class KCanvasContainer::Private
Private() : drawsContents(true), slice(false) { }
~Private() { }
bool drawsContents : 1;
bool slice : 1;
QMatrix matrix;
KCanvasContainer::KCanvasContainer(SVGStyledElement *node)
: RenderContainer(node), d(new Private())
delete d;
bool KCanvasContainer::drawsContents() const
return d->drawsContents;
void KCanvasContainer::setDrawsContents(bool drawsContents)
d->drawsContents = drawsContents;
QMatrix KCanvasContainer::localTransform() const
return d->matrix;
void KCanvasContainer::setLocalTransform(const QMatrix &matrix)
d->matrix = matrix;
bool KCanvasContainer::fillContains(const FloatPoint &p) const
RenderObject *current = firstChild();
for (; current != 0; current = current->nextSibling())
if (current->isRenderPath() && static_cast<RenderPath *>(current)->fillContains(p))
return true;
return false;
bool KCanvasContainer::strokeContains(const FloatPoint &p) const
RenderObject *current = firstChild();
for (; current != 0; current = current->nextSibling())
if (current->isRenderPath() && static_cast<RenderPath *>(current)->strokeContains(p))
return true;
return false;
FloatRect KCanvasContainer::relativeBBox(bool includeStroke) const
FloatRect rect;
RenderObject *current = firstChild();
for (; current != 0; current = current->nextSibling()) {
FloatRect childBBox = current->relativeBBox(includeStroke);
FloatRect mappedBBox = current->localTransform().mapRect(childBBox);
return rect;
void KCanvasContainer::setSlice(bool slice)
d->slice = slice;
bool KCanvasContainer::slice() const
return d->slice;
KCanvasMatrix KCanvasContainer::getAspectRatio(const FloatRect logical, const FloatRect physical) const
KCanvasMatrix temp;
float logicX = logical.x();
float logicY = logical.y();
float logicWidth = logical.width();
float logicHeight = logical.height();
float physWidth = physical.width();
float physHeight = physical.height();
float vpar = logicWidth / logicHeight;
float svgar = physWidth / physHeight;
if (align() == ALIGN_NONE) {
temp.scale(physWidth / logicWidth, physHeight / logicHeight);
temp.translate(-logicX, -logicY);
} else if ((vpar < svgar && !slice()) || (vpar >= svgar && slice())) {
temp.scale(physHeight / logicHeight, physHeight / logicHeight);
if (align() == ALIGN_XMINYMIN || align() == ALIGN_XMINYMID || align() == ALIGN_XMINYMAX)
temp.translate(-logicX, -logicY);
else if (align() == ALIGN_XMIDYMIN || align() == ALIGN_XMIDYMID || align() == ALIGN_XMIDYMAX)
temp.translate(-logicX - (logicWidth - physWidth * logicHeight / physHeight) / 2, -logicY);
temp.translate(-logicX - (logicWidth - physWidth * logicHeight / physHeight), -logicY);
} else {
temp.scale(physWidth / logicWidth, physWidth / logicWidth);
if (align() == ALIGN_XMINYMIN || align() == ALIGN_XMIDYMIN || align() == ALIGN_XMAXYMIN)
temp.translate(-logicX, -logicY);
else if (align() == ALIGN_XMINYMID || align() == ALIGN_XMIDYMID || align() == ALIGN_XMAXYMID)
temp.translate(-logicX, -logicY - (logicHeight - physHeight * logicWidth / physWidth) / 2);
temp.translate(-logicX, -logicY - (logicHeight - physHeight * logicWidth / physWidth));
return temp;
// vim:ts=4:noet
#endif // SVG_SUPPORT