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<title>WebGL GLSL Conformance Tests - Swizzle as lvalue</title>
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<div id="description"></div>
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Tests swizzle lvalues with out and inout function parameters.
6.1.1 Function Calling Conventions
Evaluation of an inout parameter results in both a value and an l-value; the value is copied to
the formal parameter at call time and the l- value is used to copy out a value when the function
<script id="fs0" type="text/something-not-javascript">
precision mediump float;
void f(out $dim v) {
v = $ref;
void main()
vec4 i = vec4(10., 11., 12., 13.);
bool correct = false;
if (i == $result)
correct = true;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0, correct ? 1. : 0., 0., 1.);
<script id="fs1" type="text/something-not-javascript">
precision mediump float;
void f(inout $dim v) {
v += $ref;
void main()
vec4 i = vec4(10., 11., 12., 13.);
bool correct = false;
if (i == $resultInOut)
correct = true;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0, correct ? 1. : 0., 0., 1.);
"use strict";
// GLSL ES 3.00.6 5.5 Vector Components
// To form an l-value, swizzling must be applied to an l-value of vector type, contain no duplicate
// components, and it results in an l-value of scalar or vector type, depending on number of
// components specified.
function computeLValueSwizzles() {
let results = [];
function f(components, swizzle) {
for (let c of components) {
let rest = components.filter((e) => { return e != c; });
if (rest)
f(rest, swizzle.concat([c]));
f([0, 1, 2, 3], []);
return results;
var swizzles = computeLValueSwizzles();
// Sanity check that computing the swizzles produces something to test.
shouldBe("swizzles.length", "64");
shouldBe("components(swizzles[0])", "'r'");
shouldBe("components(swizzles[swizzles.length - 1])", "'abgr'");
var refValue = [ "1.", "2.", "3.", "4." ];
var init = [ "10.", "11.", "12.", "13." ];
function dim(swizzle) {
if (swizzle.length == 1)
return 'float'
return `vec${swizzle.length}`;
function result(swizzle) {
let a =, c) => {
if (swizzle.includes(c))
return refValue[c];
return e;
return `vec4(${a.join(', ')})`;
function resultInOut(swizzle) {
let a =, c) => {
if (swizzle.includes(c))
return `${e} + ${refValue[c]}`;
return e;
return `vec4(${a.join(', ')})`;
function ref(swizzle) {
let a = => { return refValue[c]; });
return `${dim(swizzle)}(${a.join(', ')})`;
function components(swizzle) {
return => { return 'rgba'[e]; }).join('');
var tests = [];
for (var swizzle of swizzles) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) {
var fsrc = document.getElementById("fs" + ii).text;
fsrc = fsrc.replace(/\$dim/g, dim(swizzle))
.replace(/\$resultInOut/g, resultInOut(swizzle))
.replace(/\$result/g, result(swizzle))
.replace(/\$ref/g, ref(swizzle))
.replace(/\$components/g, components(swizzle));
fShaderSource: fsrc,
fShaderSuccess: true,
linkSuccess: true,
passMsg: `Swizzle as lvalue works, func: ${ii}, swizzle: ${components(swizzle)}`