| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../fast/js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <p id="description"></p> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| <script> |
| description("This test checks that textareas have the right metrics. These numbers match IE7 except for scrollHeight. For two reasons:<br>" + |
| "1. scrollHeight is different for elements without enough content to cause scroll because IE7 then reports the height of the text inside the " + |
| "element as the scrollHeight. IE8 reports has scrollHeight == offsetHeight. Gecko/WebKit have scrollHeight == clientHeight.<br>" + |
| "2. For the elements with scroll in standards-mode, IE wraps the text differently. It seems to leave 2px less space for the text. We don't " + |
| "currently mimic this quirk. It's not clear whether we should given that we agree with IE7's clientWidth numbers in all these cases."); |
| |
| function assertTextareaMetrics(doc, properties, expectedMetrics) { |
| var textarea = doc.createElement('textarea'); |
| // Give some consistent CSS for consistent rendering across platforms |
| // and to help in reasoning when trying to match IE metrics. |
| var style = 'overflow-y:auto; font-family:Ahem; line-height:20px; height:50px; width:50px;'; |
| var title = ''; |
| for (property in properties) { |
| var value = properties[property]; |
| title += ' ' + property + ': "' + value + '",'; |
| if (property == 'style') |
| style += value; |
| else |
| textarea[property] = value; |
| } |
| textarea.style.cssText = style; |
| doc.body.appendChild(textarea); |
| |
| // Create a more human-readable ID. |
| var id = title.replace(/[\'\",;\:]/g, ' ').replace(/ +/g, '-'); |
| id = id == '' ? 'no-styles' : id; |
| textarea.id = id; |
| |
| window[doc.compatMode + 'doc'] = doc; |
| |
| function assertMetricsForTextarea() { |
| if (!title) |
| title = ' none'; |
| |
| debug('Properties =' + title); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').clientWidth", String(expectedMetrics.clientWidth)); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').clientHeight", String(expectedMetrics.clientHeight)); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').offsetWidth", String(expectedMetrics.offsetWidth)); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').offsetHeight", String(expectedMetrics.offsetHeight)); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').scrollWidth", String(expectedMetrics.scrollWidth)); |
| shouldBe(doc.compatMode + "doc.getElementById('" + id + "').scrollHeight", String(expectedMetrics.scrollHeight)); |
| debug(''); |
| } |
| if (document.all) |
| // Give a timeout so IE has time to figure out it's metrics. |
| setTimeout(assertMetricsForTextarea, 100); |
| else |
| assertMetricsForTextarea(); |
| } |
| |
| var smallHTML = 'A'; |
| var htmlThatCausesScroll = 'AAAAAAAAA'; |
| |
| function testTextareasForDocument(doc, compatMode, |
| textareaSizes, textareaWithScrollSizes, |
| textareaWith8pxPaddingSizes, textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizes) { |
| if (doc.compatMode != compatMode) |
| testFailed('This doc should be in ' + compatMode + ' mode.'); |
| |
| try { |
| var scrollbarStyle = doc.createElement('style'); |
| scrollbarStyle.innerText = 'textarea::-webkit-scrollbar{ width:17px }'; |
| doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(scrollbarStyle); |
| } catch (e) { |
| // IE throws an exception here, but doesn't need the above clause anyways. |
| } |
| |
| debug('Testing ' + compatMode + ' document.') |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {}, textareaSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {disabled: true}, textareaSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: smallHTML}, textareaSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: htmlThatCausesScroll}, textareaWithScrollSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: smallHTML, disabled: true}, textareaSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: htmlThatCausesScroll, disabled: true}, textareaWithScrollSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: smallHTML, style: 'padding:8px'}, textareaWith8pxPaddingSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: htmlThatCausesScroll, style: 'padding:8px'}, textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: smallHTML, rows: 10}, textareaSizes); |
| assertTextareaMetrics(doc, {innerHTML: htmlThatCausesScroll, rows: 10}, textareaWithScrollSizes); |
| } |
| |
| // For textareas with scrollbars have the expected clientWidth be the |
| // expected offsetWidth - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth. |
| // default border on textareas is 1px solid. So, the border width is 2. |
| // And the scrollbarWidth we set to be 17 to match windows so that |
| // these numbers will be platform independent and match IE. |
| var scrollbarPlusBorderWidth = 19; |
| |
| var textareaSizesQuirks = {clientWidth: 48, |
| clientHeight: 48, |
| offsetWidth: 50, |
| offsetHeight: 50, |
| scrollWidth: 48, |
| scrollHeight: 48}; |
| |
| var textareaWithScrollSizesQuirks = {clientWidth: 50 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| clientHeight: 48, |
| offsetWidth: 50, |
| offsetHeight: 50, |
| scrollWidth: 50 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| scrollHeight: 104}; |
| |
| var textareaWith8pxPaddingSizesQuirks = {clientWidth: 48, |
| clientHeight: 48, |
| offsetWidth: 50, |
| offsetHeight: 50, |
| scrollWidth: 48, |
| scrollHeight: 48}; |
| |
| var textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizesQuirks = {clientWidth: 50 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| clientHeight: 48, |
| offsetWidth: 50, |
| offsetHeight: 50, |
| scrollWidth: 50 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| scrollHeight: 196}; |
| |
| testTextareasForDocument(document, 'BackCompat', |
| textareaSizesQuirks, textareaWithScrollSizesQuirks, |
| textareaWith8pxPaddingSizesQuirks, textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizesQuirks); |
| |
| var standardsIframe = document.createElement('iframe'); |
| standardsIframe.style.width = '100%'; |
| document.body.appendChild(standardsIframe); |
| standardsIframe.contentWindow.document.write('<!DocType html><html><head></head><body></body></html>'); |
| standardsIframe.contentWindow.document.close(); |
| |
| var textareaSizesStandards = {clientWidth: 54, |
| clientHeight: 54, |
| offsetWidth: 56, |
| offsetHeight: 56, |
| scrollWidth: 54, |
| scrollHeight: 54}; |
| |
| var textareaWithScrollSizesStandards = {clientWidth: 56 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| clientHeight: 54, |
| offsetWidth: 56, |
| offsetHeight: 56, |
| scrollWidth: 56 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| scrollHeight: 64}; |
| |
| var textareaWith8pxPaddingSizesStandards = {clientWidth: 66, |
| clientHeight: 66, |
| offsetWidth: 68, |
| offsetHeight: 68, |
| scrollWidth: 66, |
| scrollHeight: 66}; |
| |
| var textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizesStandards = {clientWidth: 68 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| clientHeight: 66, |
| offsetWidth: 68, |
| offsetHeight: 68, |
| scrollWidth: 68 - scrollbarPlusBorderWidth, |
| scrollHeight: 76}; |
| |
| testTextareasForDocument(standardsIframe.contentWindow.document, 'CSS1Compat', |
| textareaSizesStandards, textareaWithScrollSizesStandards, |
| textareaWith8pxPaddingSizesStandards, textareaWith8pxPaddingAndScrollbarSizesStandards); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../fast/js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |