blob: e0fb043fa5ae46df2836b429e17586e179e5763c [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/glsl/misc/shader-struct-scope.html
[ 1: FAIL ] [unexpected vertex shader compile status] (expected: true) Two structs defined within non-overlapping scopes should be able to use the same name
[ 2: FAIL ] [link failed] Two structs defined within non-overlapping scopes should be able to use the same name
[ 3: FAIL ] [unexpected vertex shader compile status] (expected: true) A struct defined inside a scope overrides a struct defined in a outer scope with the same name
[ 4: FAIL ] [link failed] A struct defined inside a scope overrides a struct defined in a outer scope with the same name
[ 5: FAIL ] [unexpected vertex shader compile status] (expected: true) A struct can use the same name of another out-of-scope struct
[ 6: FAIL ] [link failed] A struct can use the same name of another out-of-scope struct
[ 7: PASS ] A struct can't be defined with the same name as another struct defined in the same scope
[ 8: PASS ] Structs with appended underscored numbers don't cause link errors (ANGLE bug)
[ 9: FAIL ] [unexpected vertex shader compile status] (expected: true) Variables of masked outer scope struct work with inner scope struct
[ 10: FAIL ] [link failed] Variables of masked outer scope struct work with inner scope struct
[ 11: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 8 failures reported