blob: 6c5119082ede252fcc514132a038f661e99d4001 [file] [log] [blame]
// $ emcc -o richards.html -O2 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=83886080 -g1 -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[_setup, _getHoldcount, _scheduleIter, _getQpktcount, _main]" ./richards.c
#include <emscripten.h>
/* C version of the systems programming language benchmark
** Author: M. J. Jordan Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
** Modified by: M. Richards, Nov 1996
** to be ANSI C and runnable on 64 bit machines + other minor changes
** Modified by: M. Richards, 20 Oct 1998
** made minor corrections to improve ANSI compliance (suggested
** by David Levine)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if 1
#define Count 10000*100
#define Qpktcountval 2326410
#define Holdcountval 930563
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MAXINT 32767
#define BUFSIZE 3
#define I_IDLE 1
#define I_WORK 2
#define I_HANDLERA 3
#define I_HANDLERB 4
#define I_DEVA 5
#define I_DEVB 6
#define PKTBIT 1
#define WAITBIT 2
#define HOLDBIT 4
#define NOTPKTBIT !1
#define NOTWAITBIT !2
#define S_RUN 0
#define S_RUNPKT 1
#define S_WAIT 2
#define S_WAITPKT 3
#define S_HOLD 4
#define S_HOLDPKT 5
#define S_HOLDWAIT 6
#define K_DEV 1000
#define K_WORK 1001
struct packet
struct packet *p_link;
int p_id;
int p_kind;
int p_a1;
char p_a2[BUFSIZE+1];
struct task
struct task *t_link;
int t_id;
int t_pri;
struct packet *t_wkq;
int t_state;
struct task *(*t_fn)(struct packet *);
long t_v1;
long t_v2;
struct task *tasktab[11] = {(struct task *)10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
struct task *tasklist = 0;
struct task *tcb;
long taskid;
long v1;
long v2;
int qpktcount = 0;
int holdcount = 0;
int tracing = 0;
int layout = 0;
void append(struct packet *pkt, struct packet *ptr);
void createtask(int id,
int pri,
struct packet *wkq,
int state,
struct task *(*fn)(struct packet *),
long v1,
long v2)
struct task *t = (struct task *)malloc(sizeof(struct task));
tasktab[id] = t;
t->t_link = tasklist;
t->t_id = id;
t->t_pri = pri;
t->t_wkq = wkq;
t->t_state = state;
t->t_fn = fn;
t->t_v1 = v1;
t->t_v2 = v2;
tasklist = t;
struct packet *pkt(struct packet *link, int id, int kind)
int i;
struct packet *p = (struct packet *)malloc(sizeof(struct packet));
for (i=0; i<=BUFSIZE; i++)
p->p_a2[i] = 0;
p->p_link = link;
p->p_id = id;
p->p_kind = kind;
p->p_a1 = 0;
return (p);
void trace(char a)
if ( --layout <= 0 )
layout = 50;
int scheduleIter()
if (tcb == 0)
return 0;
struct packet *pkt;
struct task *newtcb;
switch ( tcb->t_state )
pkt = tcb->t_wkq;
tcb->t_wkq = pkt->p_link;
tcb->t_state = tcb->t_wkq == 0 ? S_RUN : S_RUNPKT;
case S_RUN:
case S_RUNPKT:
taskid = tcb->t_id;
v1 = tcb->t_v1;
v2 = tcb->t_v2;
if (tracing) {
newtcb = (*(tcb->t_fn))(pkt);
tcb->t_v1 = v1;
tcb->t_v2 = v2;
tcb = newtcb;
case S_WAIT:
case S_HOLD:
tcb = tcb->t_link;
return 0;
return 1;
struct task *wait(void)
tcb->t_state |= WAITBIT;
return (tcb);
struct task *holdself(void)
tcb->t_state |= HOLDBIT;
return (tcb->t_link) ;
struct task *findtcb(int id)
struct task *t = 0;
if (1<=id && id<=(long)tasktab[0])
t = tasktab[id];
struct task *release(int id)
struct task *t;
t = findtcb(id);
if ( t==0 ) return (0);
t->t_state &= NOTHOLDBIT;
if ( t->t_pri > tcb->t_pri ) return (t);
return (tcb) ;
struct task *qpkt(struct packet *pkt)
struct task *t;
t = findtcb(pkt->p_id);
if (t==0) return (t);
pkt->p_link = 0;
pkt->p_id = taskid;
if (t->t_wkq==0)
t->t_wkq = pkt;
t->t_state |= PKTBIT;
if (t->t_pri > tcb->t_pri) return (t);
append(pkt, (struct packet *)&(t->t_wkq));
return (tcb);
struct task *idlefn(struct packet *pkt)
if ( --v2==0 ) return ( holdself() );
if ( (v1&1) == 0 )
v1 = ( v1>>1) & MAXINT;
return ( release(I_DEVA) );
v1 = ( (v1>>1) & MAXINT) ^ 0XD008;
return ( release(I_DEVB) );
struct task *workfn(struct packet *pkt)
if ( pkt==0 ) return ( wait() );
int i;
pkt->p_id = v1;
pkt->p_a1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<=BUFSIZE; i++)
if ( v2 > 26 ) v2 = 1;
(pkt->p_a2)[i] = alphabet[v2];
return ( qpkt(pkt) );
struct task *handlerfn(struct packet *pkt)
if ( pkt!=0) {
append(pkt, (struct packet *)(pkt->p_kind==K_WORK ? &v1 : &v2));
if ( v1!=0 ) {
int count;
struct packet *workpkt = (struct packet *)v1;
count = workpkt->p_a1;
if ( count > BUFSIZE ) {
v1 = (long)(((struct packet *)v1)->p_link);
return ( qpkt(workpkt) );
if ( v2!=0 ) {
struct packet *devpkt;
devpkt = (struct packet *)v2;
v2 = (long)(((struct packet *)v2)->p_link);
devpkt->p_a1 = workpkt->p_a2[count];
workpkt->p_a1 = count+1;
return( qpkt(devpkt) );
return wait();
struct task *devfn(struct packet *pkt)
if ( pkt==0 )
if ( v1==0 ) return ( wait() );
pkt = (struct packet *)v1;
v1 = 0;
return ( qpkt(pkt) );
v1 = (long)pkt;
if (tracing) trace(pkt->p_a1);
return ( holdself() );
void append(struct packet *pkt, struct packet *ptr)
pkt->p_link = 0;
while ( ptr->p_link ) ptr = ptr->p_link;
ptr->p_link = pkt;
void setup()
struct packet *wkq = 0;
createtask(I_IDLE, 0, wkq, S_RUN, idlefn, 1, Count);
wkq = pkt(0, 0, K_WORK);
wkq = pkt(wkq, 0, K_WORK);
createtask(I_WORK, 1000, wkq, S_WAITPKT, workfn, I_HANDLERA, 0);
wkq = pkt(0, I_DEVA, K_DEV);
wkq = pkt(wkq, I_DEVA, K_DEV);
wkq = pkt(wkq, I_DEVA, K_DEV);
createtask(I_HANDLERA, 2000, wkq, S_WAITPKT, handlerfn, 0, 0);
wkq = pkt(0, I_DEVB, K_DEV);
wkq = pkt(wkq, I_DEVB, K_DEV);
wkq = pkt(wkq, I_DEVB, K_DEV);
createtask(I_HANDLERB, 3000, wkq, S_WAITPKT, handlerfn, 0, 0);
wkq = 0;
createtask(I_DEVA, 4000, wkq, S_WAIT, devfn, 0, 0);
createtask(I_DEVB, 5000, wkq, S_WAIT, devfn, 0, 0);
tcb = tasklist;
qpktcount = holdcount = 0;
tracing = FALSE;
layout = 0;
int getQpktcount()
return qpktcount;
int getHoldcount()
return holdcount;
int main()
EM_ASM( runRichards() );
return 0;