blob: 2d9d4ba6f9baf2f50a1e6a0eaebf7eb020a73659 [file] [log] [blame]
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<p><b>BUG ID:</b> <a href="">Bugzilla bug 8337</a> Incomplete repaint of inlines&rsquo; outline during editing</p>
<p style="background-color:palegreen; padding:3px;"><b>TEST PASS:</b>
The words &ldquo;sit amet&rdquo; will be deleted, and the blue outline will shrink to
surround only the remaining text, without leaving behind any trails or other artifacts.
<p style="background-color:#FF3300; padding:3px;"><b>TEST FAIL:</b>
As the words &ldquo;sit amet&rdquo; will be deleted, the blue outline will leave
trails behind as it shrinks to fit the remaining text.
<div contenteditable style="width: 100px;"><span style="outline: blue solid;">Lorem ipsum dolor&nbsp;</span></div>