blob: bf1a7e74e3244b0bac0b7a3ca95240eb8ba8bfd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "call/adaptation/resource.h"
#include "call/adaptation/resource_consumer.h"
#include "call/adaptation/resource_consumer_configuration.h"
namespace webrtc {
struct ConsumerConfigurationPair {
ConsumerConfigurationPair(ResourceConsumer* consumer,
ResourceConsumerConfiguration* configuration);
ResourceConsumer* consumer;
ResourceConsumerConfiguration* configuration;
// Given a set of Resources, ResourceConsumers and
// ResourceConsumerConfigurations, the processor calculates which consumer, if
// any, should be reconfigured and how, in order to adapt to resource
// constraints.
// Example: "CPU" is a resource, a video stream being encoded is a consumer
// and the encoder setting (e.g. VP8/720p/30fps) is a configuration.
// A resource can be "overused", "stable" or "underused". The processor
// maximises quality without overusing any resource as follows:
// 1. If we are "overusing" on any resource, find the most expensive consumer
// and adapt it one step "down".
// 2. If we are "underusing" on all resources, find the least expensive consumer
// and adapt it one step "up".
// The expensiveness of a consumer is the expensiveness of its current
// configuration and the cost of a configuration is estimated based on pixels
// per second. How a consumer can be reconfigured in terms of one step "up" or
// "down" is expressed as a graph: each configuration has a set of "upper"
// neighbors and "lower" neighbors. When there are multiple options, neighbors
// are chosen based on configuration preferences.
// See FindNextConfiguration().
// This class owns all resources, consumers and configurations. As long as it is
// alive, raw pointers to these are safe to use.
class NewResourceAdaptationProcessorPoc {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Resource>>& resources() const {
return resources_;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConsumerConfiguration>>&
configurations() const {
return configurations_;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConsumer>>& consumers() const {
return consumers_;
// Takes on ownership of the argument. A raw pointer is returned to the object
// for convenience; it is valid for the lifetime of the
// NewResourceAdaptationProcessorPoc.
// T = any subclass of Resource
template <typename T>
T* AddResource(std::unique_ptr<T> resource) {
T* resource_ptr = resource.get();
return resource_ptr;
// T = any subclass of ResourceConsumerConfiguration
template <typename T>
T* AddConfiguration(std::unique_ptr<T> configuration) {
T* configuration_ptr = configuration.get();
return configuration_ptr;
// T = any subclass of ResourceConsumer
template <typename T>
T* AddConsumer(std::unique_ptr<T> consumer) {
T* consumer_ptr = consumer.get();
return consumer_ptr;
// Based on the current state of the resources and consumers, finds the
// consumer that should be reconfigured up or down in order to maximies
// quality without overusing any resources, as described in
// NewResourceAdaptationProcessorPoc's class description.
// When this is used in a real system, care needs to be taken for how often
// FindNextConfiguration() is called. There may be a delay between
// reconfiguring a consumer and the desired effects being observed on resource
// usage.
absl::optional<ConsumerConfigurationPair> FindNextConfiguration();
ResourceConsumer* FindMostExpensiveConsumerThatCanBeAdaptedDown();
ResourceConsumer* FindLeastExpensiveConsumerThatCanBeAdaptedUp();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Resource>> resources_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConsumerConfiguration>> configurations_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConsumer>> consumers_;
} // namespace webrtc