blob: 2e2dd048a7065536c03100c648f99a5ccd30c827 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Weinig <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// gcc 3.x can't handle including the HashMap pointer specialization in this file
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __GLIBCXX__ // less than gcc 3.4
#include "config.h"
#include "kjs_binding.h"
#include "Chrome.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "JSNode.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PlatformString.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "RangeException.h"
#include "XMLHttpRequest.h"
#include "kjs_dom.h"
#include "kjs_window.h"
#include <kjs/collector.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include "SVGException.h"
#include "XPathEvaluator.h"
using namespace WebCore;
using namespace EventNames;
namespace KJS {
typedef HashMap<void*, DOMObject*> DOMObjectMap;
typedef HashMap<Node*, JSNode*> NodeMap;
typedef HashMap<Document*, NodeMap*> NodePerDocMap;
// For debugging, keep a set of wrappers currently registered, and check that
// all are unregistered before they are destroyed. This has helped us fix at
// least one bug.
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define ADD_WRAPPER(wrapper)
#define REMOVE_WRAPPER(wrapper)
#define REMOVE_WRAPPERS(wrappers)
#define ADD_WRAPPER(wrapper) addWrapper(wrapper)
#define REMOVE_WRAPPER(wrapper) removeWrapper(wrapper)
#define REMOVE_WRAPPERS(wrappers) removeWrappers(wrappers)
static HashSet<DOMObject*>& wrapperSet()
static HashSet<DOMObject*> staticWrapperSet;
return staticWrapperSet;
static void addWrapper(DOMObject* wrapper)
static void removeWrapper(DOMObject* wrapper)
if (!wrapper)
static void removeWrappers(const NodeMap& wrappers)
for (NodeMap::const_iterator it = wrappers.begin(); it != wrappers.end(); ++it)
static DOMObjectMap& domObjects()
// Don't use malloc here. Calling malloc from a mark function can deadlock.
static DOMObjectMap staticDOMObjects;
return staticDOMObjects;
static NodePerDocMap& domNodesPerDocument()
// domNodesPerDocument() callers must synchronize using the JSLock because
// domNodesPerDocument() is called from a mark function, which can run
// on a secondary thread.
// Don't use malloc here. Calling malloc from a mark function can deadlock.
static NodePerDocMap staticDOMNodesPerDocument;
return staticDOMNodesPerDocument;
ScriptInterpreter::ScriptInterpreter(JSObject* global, Frame* frame)
: Interpreter(global)
, m_frame(frame)
, m_currentEvent(0)
, m_inlineCode(false)
, m_timerCallback(false)
// Time in milliseconds before the script timeout handler kicks in.
DOMObject* ScriptInterpreter::getDOMObject(void* objectHandle)
return domObjects().get(objectHandle);
void ScriptInterpreter::putDOMObject(void* objectHandle, DOMObject* wrapper)
domObjects().set(objectHandle, wrapper);
void ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMObject(void* objectHandle)
JSNode* ScriptInterpreter::getDOMNodeForDocument(Document* document, Node* node)
if (!document)
return static_cast<JSNode*>(domObjects().get(node));
NodeMap* documentDict = domNodesPerDocument().get(document);
if (documentDict)
return documentDict->get(node);
return NULL;
void ScriptInterpreter::forgetDOMNodeForDocument(Document* document, Node* node)
REMOVE_WRAPPER(getDOMNodeForDocument(document, node));
if (!document) {
NodeMap* documentDict = domNodesPerDocument().get(document);
if (documentDict)
void ScriptInterpreter::putDOMNodeForDocument(Document* document, Node* node, JSNode* wrapper)
if (!document) {
domObjects().set(node, wrapper);
NodeMap* documentDict = domNodesPerDocument().get(document);
if (!documentDict) {
documentDict = new NodeMap;
domNodesPerDocument().set(document, documentDict);
documentDict->set(node, wrapper);
void ScriptInterpreter::forgetAllDOMNodesForDocument(Document* document)
NodePerDocMap::iterator it = domNodesPerDocument().find(document);
if (it != domNodesPerDocument().end()) {
delete it->second;
void ScriptInterpreter::markDOMNodesForDocument(Document* doc)
NodePerDocMap::iterator dictIt = domNodesPerDocument().find(doc);
if (dictIt != domNodesPerDocument().end()) {
NodeMap* nodeDict = dictIt->second;
NodeMap::iterator nodeEnd = nodeDict->end();
for (NodeMap::iterator nodeIt = nodeDict->begin(); nodeIt != nodeEnd; ++nodeIt) {
JSNode* node = nodeIt->second;
// don't mark wrappers for nodes that are no longer in the
// document - they should not be saved if the node is not
// otherwise reachable from JS.
if (node->impl()->inDocument() && !node->marked())
ExecState* ScriptInterpreter::globalExec()
// we need to make sure that any script execution happening in this
// frame does not destroy it
return Interpreter::globalExec();
void ScriptInterpreter::updateDOMNodeDocument(Node* node, Document* oldDoc, Document* newDoc)
ASSERT(oldDoc != newDoc);
JSNode* wrapper = getDOMNodeForDocument(oldDoc, node);
if (wrapper) {
putDOMNodeForDocument(newDoc, node, wrapper);
forgetDOMNodeForDocument(oldDoc, node);
bool ScriptInterpreter::wasRunByUserGesture() const
if (m_currentEvent) {
const AtomicString& type = m_currentEvent->type();
bool eventOk = ( // mouse events
type == clickEvent || type == mousedownEvent ||
type == mouseupEvent || type == dblclickEvent ||
// keyboard events
type == keydownEvent || type == keypressEvent ||
type == keyupEvent ||
// other accepted events
type == selectEvent || type == changeEvent ||
type == focusEvent || type == blurEvent ||
type == submitEvent);
if (eventOk)
return true;
} else { // no event
if (m_inlineCode && !m_timerCallback)
// This is the <a href="'...')> case -> we let it through
return true;
// This is the <script></script> case or a timer callback -> block it
return false;
bool ScriptInterpreter::isGlobalObject(JSValue* v)
return v->isObject(&Window::info);
bool ScriptInterpreter::isSafeScript(const Interpreter* target)
return Window::isSafeScript(this, static_cast<const ScriptInterpreter*>(target));
Interpreter* ScriptInterpreter::interpreterForGlobalObject(const JSValue* imp)
const Window* win = static_cast<const Window*>(imp);
return win->interpreter();
bool ScriptInterpreter::shouldInterruptScript() const
Page* page = m_frame->page();
// See <rdar://problem/5479443>. We don't think that page can ever be NULL
// in this case, but if it is, we've gotten into a state where we may have
// hung the UI, with no way to ask the client whether to cancel execution.
// For now, our solution is just to cancel execution no matter what,
// ensuring that we never hang. We might want to consider other solutions
// if we discover problems with this one.
if (!page)
return true;
return page->chrome()->shouldInterruptJavaScript();
JSValue* jsStringOrNull(const String& s)
if (s.isNull())
return jsNull();
return jsString(s);
JSValue* jsOwnedStringOrNull(const KJS::UString& s)
if (s.isNull())
return jsNull();
return jsOwnedString(s);
JSValue* jsStringOrUndefined(const String& s)
if (s.isNull())
return jsUndefined();
return jsString(s);
JSValue* jsStringOrFalse(const String& s)
if (s.isNull())
return jsBoolean(false);
return jsString(s);
String valueToStringWithNullCheck(ExecState* exec, JSValue* val)
if (val->isNull())
return String();
return val->toString(exec);
String valueToStringWithUndefinedOrNullCheck(ExecState* exec, JSValue* val)
if (val->isUndefinedOrNull())
return String();
return val->toString(exec);
static const char* const exceptionNames[] = {
static const char* const rangeExceptionNames[] = {
static const char* const eventExceptionNames[] = {
static const char* const xmlHttpRequestExceptionNames[] = {
static const char* const xpathExceptionNames[] = {
static const char* const svgExceptionNames[] = {
void setDOMException(ExecState* exec, ExceptionCode ec)
if (ec == 0 || exec->hadException())
const char* type = "DOM";
int code = ec;
const char* const* nameTable;
int nameTableSize;
int nameIndex;
if (code >= RangeExceptionOffset && code <= RangeExceptionMax) {
type = "DOM Range";
code -= RangeExceptionOffset;
nameIndex = code;
nameTable = rangeExceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(rangeExceptionNames) / sizeof(rangeExceptionNames[0]);
} else if (code >= EventExceptionOffset && code <= EventExceptionMax) {
type = "DOM Events";
code -= EventExceptionOffset;
nameIndex = code;
nameTable = eventExceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(eventExceptionNames) / sizeof(eventExceptionNames[0]);
} else if (code == XMLHttpRequestExceptionOffset) {
// FIXME: this exception should be replaced with DOM SECURITY_ERR when it finds its way to the spec.
throwError(exec, GeneralError, "Permission denied");
} else if (code > XMLHttpRequestExceptionOffset && code <= XMLHttpRequestExceptionMax) {
type = "XMLHttpRequest";
// XMLHttpRequest exception codes start with 101 and we don't want 100 empty elements in the name array
nameIndex = code - NETWORK_ERR;
code -= XMLHttpRequestExceptionOffset;
nameTable = xmlHttpRequestExceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(xmlHttpRequestExceptionNames) / sizeof(xmlHttpRequestExceptionNames[0]);
} else if (code >= XPathExceptionOffset && code <= XPathExceptionMax) {
type = "DOM XPath";
// XPath exception codes start with 51 and we don't want 51 empty elements in the name array
nameIndex = code - INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR;
code -= XPathExceptionOffset;
nameTable = xpathExceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(xpathExceptionNames) / sizeof(xpathExceptionNames[0]);
} else if (code >= SVGExceptionOffset && code <= SVGExceptionMax) {
type = "DOM SVG";
code -= SVGExceptionOffset;
nameIndex = code;
nameTable = svgExceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(svgExceptionNames) / sizeof(svgExceptionNames[0]);
} else {
nameIndex = code;
nameTable = exceptionNames;
nameTableSize = sizeof(exceptionNames) / sizeof(exceptionNames[0]);
const char* name = (nameIndex < nameTableSize && nameIndex >= 0) ? nameTable[nameIndex] : 0;
// 100 characters is a big enough buffer, because there are:
// 13 characters in the message
// 10 characters in the longest type, "DOM Events"
// 27 characters in the longest name, "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR"
// 20 or so digits in the longest integer's ASCII form (even if int is 64-bit)
// 1 byte for a null character
// That adds up to about 70 bytes.
char buffer[100];
if (name)
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %s Exception %d", name, type, code);
sprintf(buffer, "%s Exception %d", type, code);
JSObject* errorObject = throwError(exec, GeneralError, buffer);
errorObject->put(exec, "code", jsNumber(code));