blob: 56ae0db573dc2e0175a7ba04928677b22cf3c511 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for stale responses with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for stale responses with Last-Modified and stale response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for fresh responses with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoids revalidation for fresh responses with Last-Modified and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and does not go to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and does not go to the network if a cached response is not found with Last-Modified and fresh response
FAIL RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Etag and fresh response promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: resource unavailable"
FAIL RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Last-Modified and fresh response promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: resource unavailable"
FAIL RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Etag and stale response promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: resource unavailable"
FAIL RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") uses cached same-origin redirects to same-origin content with Last-Modified and stale response promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: resource unavailable"
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Last-Modified and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "only-if-cached" (with "same-origin") does not follow redirects across origins and rejects with Last-Modified and stale response