blob: 9163a66af151e3e2f13ab7c4a40e56e3f162c97f [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
// This test has an assert_unreached() that requires that the variable
// canSendSize (initiated below) is greater than 2, if non-zero. The reason
// is that we need two non-zero values that are less that that value for
// testing with predictable results. This is a bit unfortunate but shouldn't
// have any practical impact.
// Helper class to read SDP attributes and generate SDPs with modified attribute values
class SDPAttributeHelper {
constructor(attrName, valueRegExpStr) {
this.attrName = attrName; = new RegExp(`^a=${attrName}:(${valueRegExpStr})\\r\\n`, 'm');
getValue(sdp) {
const matches = sdp.match(;
return matches ? matches[1] : null;
sdpWithValue(sdp, value) {
const matches = sdp.match(;
const sdpParts = sdp.split(matches[0]);
const attributeLine = arguments.length > 1 ? `a=${this.attrName}:${value}\r\n` : '';
return `${sdpParts[0]}${attributeLine}${sdpParts[1]}`;
sdpWithoutAttribute(sdp) {
return this.sdpWithValue(sdp);
const mmsAttributeHelper = new SDPAttributeHelper('max-message-size', '\\d+');
let canSendSize;
const remoteValue1 = 1;
const remoteValue2 = 2;
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
assert_equals(pc.sctp, null);
let maxMessageSize;
return generateDataChannelOffer(pc)
.then((offer) => {
assert_not_equals(mmsAttributeHelper.getValue(offer.sdp), null,
'SDP should have max-message-size attribute');
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithValue(offer.sdp, 0) };
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer);
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
canSendSize = pc.sctp.maxMessageSize == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : pc.sctp.maxMessageSize;
if (canSendSize != 0 && canSendSize < remoteValue2) {
assert_unreached('This test needs two values that are less than canSendSize (unless it is zero)');
}, 'Determine the local side send limitation (canSendSize) by offering a max-message-size of 0');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
assert_equals(pc.sctp, null);
return generateDataChannelOffer(pc)
.then((offer) => {
assert_not_equals(mmsAttributeHelper.getValue(offer.sdp), null,
'SDP should have max-message-size attribute');
// Remove the max-message-size SDP attribute
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithoutAttribute(offer.sdp) };
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
// Test outcome depends on canSendSize value
if (canSendSize) {
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, Math.min(65536, canSendSize),
'Missing SDP attribute and a non-zero canSendSize should give an maxMessageSize of min(65536, canSendSize)');
} else {
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, 65536,
'Missing SDP attribute and a canSendSize of 0 should give an maxMessageSize of 65536');
}, 'Remote offer SDP missing max-message-size attribute');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
assert_equals(pc.sctp, null);
return generateDataChannelOffer(pc)
.then((offer) => {
assert_not_equals(mmsAttributeHelper.getValue(offer.sdp), null,
'SDP should have max-message-size attribute');
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithValue(offer.sdp, remoteValue1) };
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer);
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, remoteValue1,
'maxMessageSize should be the value provided by the remote peer (as long as it is less than canSendSize)');
}, 'max-message-size with a (non-zero) value provided by the remote peer');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
assert_equals(pc.sctp, null);
return generateDataChannelOffer(pc)
.then((offer) => {
assert_not_equals(mmsAttributeHelper.getValue(offer.sdp), null,
'SDP should have max-message-size attribute');
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithValue(offer.sdp, remoteValue1) };
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, remoteValue1,
'maxMessageSize should be the value provided by the remote peer (as long as it is less than canSendSize)');
.then(() => pc.createOffer()) // Start new O/A exchange that updates max-message-size
.then((offer) => {
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithValue(offer.sdp, remoteValue2)};
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, remoteValue2,
'maxMessageSize should be the new value provided by the remote peer (as long as it is less than canSendSize)');
}, 'Renegotiate max-message-size with a (non-zero) value provided by the remote peer');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
assert_equals(pc.sctp, null);
const largerThanCanSendSize = canSendSize + 1;
return generateDataChannelOffer(pc)
.then((offer) => {
assert_not_equals(mmsAttributeHelper.getValue(offer.sdp), null,
'SDP should have max-message-size attribute');
offer = { type: 'offer', sdp: mmsAttributeHelper.sdpWithValue(offer.sdp, largerThanCanSendSize) };
return pc.setRemoteDescription(offer)
.then(() => pc.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => {
assert_not_equals(pc.sctp, null);
// Test outcome depends on canSendSize value
if (canSendSize) {
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, canSendSize,
'A remote value larger than a non-zero canSendSize should limit maxMessageSize to canSendSize');
} else {
assert_equals(pc.sctp.maxMessageSize, 65536,
'A canSendSize of zero should let the remote value set maxMessageSize');
}, 'max-message-size with a (non-zero) value larger than canSendSize provided by the remote peer');