blob: 6f1a421920eacd5bcd5c45bdddec2eb7eae86996 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003-6 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIother.m_ If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USm_
#ifndef FontDescription_h
#define FontDescription_h
#include "FontFamily.h"
namespace WebCore {
const unsigned cNormalWeight = 50;
const unsigned cBoldWeight = 63;
class FontDescription {
enum GenericFamilyType { NoFamily, StandardFamily, SerifFamily, SansSerifFamily,
MonospaceFamily, CursiveFamily, FantasyFamily };
: m_specifiedSize(0), m_computedSize(0),
m_italic(false), m_smallCaps(false), m_isAbsoluteSize(false), m_weight(cNormalWeight),
m_genericFamily(NoFamily), m_usePrinterFont(false), m_keywordSize(0)
bool operator==(const FontDescription&) const;
bool operator!=(const FontDescription& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
const FontFamily& family() const { return m_familyList; }
FontFamily& firstFamily() { return m_familyList; }
float specifiedSize() const { return m_specifiedSize; }
float computedSize() const { return m_computedSize; }
bool italic() const { return m_italic; }
bool bold() const { return weight() == cBoldWeight; }
int computedPixelSize() const { return int(m_computedSize + 0.5f); }
bool smallCaps() const { return m_smallCaps; }
bool isAbsoluteSize() const { return m_isAbsoluteSize; }
unsigned weight() const { return m_weight; }
GenericFamilyType genericFamily() const { return static_cast<GenericFamilyType>(m_genericFamily); }
bool usePrinterFont() const { return m_usePrinterFont; }
int keywordSize() const { return m_keywordSize; }
void setFamily(const FontFamily& family) { m_familyList = family; }
void setComputedSize(float s) { m_computedSize = s; }
void setSpecifiedSize(float s) { m_specifiedSize = s; }
void setItalic(bool i) { m_italic = i; }
void setBold(bool b) { m_weight = (b ? cBoldWeight : cNormalWeight); }
void setSmallCaps(bool c) { m_smallCaps = c; }
void setIsAbsoluteSize(bool s) { m_isAbsoluteSize = s; }
void setWeight(unsigned w) { m_weight = w; }
void setGenericFamily(GenericFamilyType genericFamily) { m_genericFamily = genericFamily; }
void setUsePrinterFont(bool p) { m_usePrinterFont = p; }
void setKeywordSize(int s) { m_keywordSize = s; }
FontFamily m_familyList; // The list of font families to be used.
float m_specifiedSize; // Specified CSS value. Independent of rendering issues such as integer
// rounding, minimum font sizes, and zooming.
float m_computedSize; // Computed size adjusted for the minimum font size and the zoom factor.
bool m_italic : 1;
bool m_smallCaps : 1;
bool m_isAbsoluteSize : 1; // Whether or not CSS specified an explicit size
// (logical sizes like "medium" don't count).
unsigned m_weight : 8;
unsigned m_genericFamily : 3; // GenericFamilyType
bool m_usePrinterFont : 1;
int m_keywordSize : 4; // We cache whether or not a font is currently represented by a CSS keyword (e.g., medium). If so,
// then we can accurately translate across different generic families to adjust for different preference settings
// (e.g., 13px monospace vs. 16px everything else). Sizes are 1-8 (like the HTML size values for <font>).
inline bool FontDescription::operator==(const FontDescription& other) const
return m_familyList == other.m_familyList
&& m_specifiedSize == other.m_specifiedSize
&& m_computedSize == other.m_computedSize
&& m_italic == other.m_italic
&& m_smallCaps == other.m_smallCaps
&& m_isAbsoluteSize == other.m_isAbsoluteSize
&& m_weight == other.m_weight
&& m_genericFamily == other.m_genericFamily
&& m_usePrinterFont == other.m_usePrinterFont
&& m_keywordSize == other.m_keywordSize;