| This test checks the String.prototype.padEnd. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.length is 1 |
| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.name is "padEnd" |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").configurable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").enumerable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").writable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").get is undefined |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").set is undefined |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "padEnd").value is String.prototype.padEnd |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd() is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(+0) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(-0) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(1) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(2) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(-2) is 'foo' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10) is 'foo ' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10, undefined) is 'foo ' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10, 'x') is 'fooxxxxxxx' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10.5, 'z') is 'foozzzzzzz' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10, 'bar') is 'foobarbarb' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(10, '123456789') is 'foo1234567' |
| PASS 'foo'.padEnd(999, '') is 'foo' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(1, '') is '' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(2, 'bar') is 'ba' |
| PASS 'x'.padEnd(2, 'bar') is 'xb' |
| PASS 'xx'.padEnd(2, 'bar') is 'xx' |
| PASS 'xx'.padEnd(Math.PI, 'bar') is 'xxb' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(true, 'ABC') is 'A' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(false, 'ABC') is '' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(null, 'ABC') is '' |
| PASS ''.padEnd({}, 'ABC') is '' |
| PASS ''.padEnd(NaN, 'ABC') is '' |
| PASS 'ABC'.padEnd(10, true) is 'ABCtruetru' |
| PASS 'ABC'.padEnd(10, false) is 'ABCfalsefa' |
| PASS 'ABC'.padEnd(10, null) is 'ABCnullnul' |
| PASS 'ABC'.padEnd(10, {}) is 'ABC[object' |
| PASS 'ABC'.padEnd(10, NaN) is 'ABCNaNNaNN' |
| PASS "x".padEnd(Infinity, "") did not throw exception. |
| PASS "x".padEnd(Infinity, "x") threw exception RangeError: Out of memory. |
| PASS "x".padEnd(0x80000000, "x") threw exception RangeError: Out of memory. |
| PASS "x".padEnd(0xFFFFFFFF, "x") threw exception RangeError: Out of memory. |
| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject) is "foo barXXX" |
| PASS sideEffects is "ABC" |
| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject) threw exception ERROR. |
| PASS sideEffects is "" |
| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject) threw exception ERROR. |
| PASS sideEffects is "A" |
| PASS String.prototype.padEnd.call(thisObject, lengthObject, fillObject) threw exception ERROR. |
| PASS sideEffects is "AB" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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