blob: 2c3a9dfa43d7e0064bccd7cf2f809691d08db531 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests find for strings with soft hyphens in them.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS canFind("ab", "a" + softHyphen + "b") is true
PASS canFind("ab", "a" + softHyphen + softHyphen + "b") is true
PASS canFind("àb", "a" + softHyphen + "b") is false
PASS canFind("ab", "a" + softHyphen + "̀b") is true
PASS canFind("ab", "à" + softHyphen + "b") is true
PASS canFind("a" + softHyphen + "b", "a" + softHyphen + "b") is true
PASS canFind("a" + softHyphen + "b", "ab") is true
PASS canFind("a" + hyphen + "b", "a" + softHyphen + "b") is false
PASS canFind("a-b", "a" + softHyphen + "b") is false
PASS successfullyParsed is true