blob: e50a7aac9fab595a200e7569a7e742404e92f4b3 [file] [log] [blame];; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document;; throws;; -expected: es3 TypeError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: document
delete this; ends without error;
var xnew = new Object(); var y = new xnew(); throws;; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: Object is not a constructor (evaluating 'new xnew()')
var x = new Object(); var y = x.ffm; ends without error;
var x = new Object(); x.ff() throws;; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: x.ff is not a function. (In 'x.ff()', 'x.ff' is undefined)
var x = function f(){return "inner";}(); -expected: es3, es5 R3eferenceError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ff
call to undefined fg() throws; -expected: es3 - TypeError, es5-ReferenceError ::: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: fg
call to an non function object ooj();;; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: ooj is not a function. (In 'ooj()', 'ooj' is an instance of Object)
o_undef();;; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: o_undef is not a function. (In 'o_undef()', 'o_undef' is undefined)
o_null();;; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: o_null is not a function. (In 'o_null()', 'o_null' is null)
undefined.toString(); -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'undefined.toString')
null.anchor();; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'null.anchor')
NaN.anchor();; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: NaN.anchor is not a function. (In 'NaN.anchor()', 'NaN.anchor' is undefined)
true.anchor();; -expected: es3, es5 TypeError ::: TypeError: true.anchor is not a function. (In 'true.anchor()', 'true.anchor' is undefined)
new Array(12.4) - RangeError exception: expected in es3 and es5::: RangeError: Array size is not a small enough positive integer.
new Array(12.4); x.length = 12.5; - RangeError exception: es5-expected, ES3-not expected ::: RangeError: Invalid array length
(123.45).toFixed(25); - RangeError exception : expected es3, es5::: RangeError: toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 20
(123.45).toExponential(-25); - RangeError exception : expected es3, es5 ::: RangeError: toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 20
eval("blah."); -expected es3-EvalError exception : expected es5-SyntaxException ::: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of script
f = new Function("a", "b", "return a+b."); -expected es3 and es5-SyntaxError exception ::: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'. Expected a property name after '.'.
var num = 0.0009;var x = num.toFixed(3); - no exception: not expected es3, es5 ::: value = 0.001
var re = /a{5,4}/; -expected: es3 -RegexExpError, es5-SyntaxError exception ::: SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: numbers out of order in {} quantifier
var re = new RegExp("\\0a"); - no exception: not expected es3, es5 ::: value =