blob: 589fefd1bd9175efb896c78e2c88f508975d98f1 [file] [log] [blame]
Verify that the RTCPeerConnection JS built-in methods check calling 'this'
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS promise{}) rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise{}) rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise{}) rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise{}) rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise{}) rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
FAIL promise{}, null) rejected with TypeError: Can only call RTCPeerConnection.getStats on instances of RTCPeerConnection; expected reason TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise objectWithPcPrototype.createOffer() rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise objectWithPcPrototype.createAnswer() rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise objectWithPcPrototype.setLocalDescription() rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise objectWithPcPrototype.setRemoteDescription() rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS promise objectWithPcPrototype.addIceCandidate() rejected with TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
FAIL promise objectWithPcPrototype.getStats() rejected with TypeError: Can only call RTCPeerConnection.getStats on instances of RTCPeerConnection; expected reason TypeError: Function should be called on an RTCPeerConnection
PASS End of test promise chain
PASS successfullyParsed is true