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<title>Test that mediastreamtrack are properly ended</title>
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<p class="instructions">When prompted, accept to share your video and audio
stream, and then revoke that permission.</p>
<h1 class="instructions">Description</h1>
<p class="instructions">This test checks that the video and audio tracks of
MediaStream object returned by the success callback in getUserMedia are
correctly set into inactive state when permission is revoked.</p>
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var t = async_test("Tests that the video MediaStreamTrack objects are properly ended on permission revocation", {timeout: 20000}); // longer timeout since requires user interaction
t.step(function () {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true,video: true}).then(t.step_func(function (stream) {
var vidTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
assert_equals(vidTrack.readyState, "live", "The video track object is in live state");
var audTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
assert_equals(audTrack.readyState, "live", "The audio track object is in live state");
vidTrack.onended = t.step_func(function () {
assert_equals(vidTrack.readyState, "ended", "Video track has been ended as expected");
assert_equals(audTrack.readyState, "ended", "Audio track has been ended as expected");
assert_false(, "MediaStream has been inactive as expected");
}), function (error) {}