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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Node.appendChild applied to CharacterData</title>
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function create(type) {
switch (type) {
case "Text": return document.createTextNode("test"); break;
case "Comment": return document.createComment("test"); break;
case "ProcessingInstruction": return document.createProcessingInstruction("target", "test"); break;
function testNode(type1, type2) {
test(function() {
var node1 = create(type1);
var node2 = create(type2);
assert_throws("HierarchyRequestError", function () {
}, "CharacterData type " + type1 + " must not have children");
}, type1 + ".appendChild(" + type2 + ")");
var types = ["Text", "Comment", "ProcessingInstruction"];
types.forEach(function(type1) {
types.forEach(function(type2) {
testNode(type1, type2);