| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="resources/sw-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| navigator.serviceWorker.register("resources/empty-worker.js", { }).then(function(registration) { |
| waitForState(registration.installing, "activated").then(function() { |
| let worker = registration.active; |
| registration.unregister().then(function (success) { |
| if (success) |
| log("PASS: Unregistration was successful"); |
| else |
| log("FAIL: Unregistration failed"); |
| }).then(function() { |
| waitForState(worker, "redundant").then(function() { |
| log("PASS: Worker became redundant after unregistering"); |
| if (registration.installing) |
| log("FAIL: registration.installing should be null"); |
| else |
| log("PASS: registration.installing is null"); |
| |
| if (registration.waiting) |
| log("FAIL: registration.waiting should be null"); |
| else |
| log("PASS: registration.waiting is null"); |
| |
| handle = setInterval(function() { |
| if (registration.active) |
| return; |
| |
| log("PASS: registration.active is null"); |
| clearInterval(handle); |
| |
| finishSWTest(); |
| }, 0); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |