blob: 3779c53128f121d246d669514f518aa1dc57e504 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function write(v) { WScript.Echo(v + ""); }
(function Test1(x,y) {
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
x = 100;
y = 200;
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
}) (10,20);
(function Test2(x,y) {
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
arguments[0] = 100;
arguments[1] = 200;
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
}) (10,20);
(function Test3(x,y) {
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
eval("arguments[0] = 100;");
eval("y = 200;");
write(x + " " + arguments[0]);
write(y + " " + arguments[1]);
}) (10,20);