| Canonicalization of IPv6 addresses. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS canonicalize('http://[/') is 'http://[/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[:/') is 'http://[:/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://]/') is 'http://]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://:]/') is 'http://:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[]/') is 'http://[]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[:]/') is 'http://[:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://2001:db8::1/') is 'http://2001:db8::1/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001:db8::1/') is 'http://[2001:db8::1/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://2001:db8::1]/') is 'http://2001:db8::1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::]/') is 'http://[::]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::1]/') is 'http://[::1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1::]/') is 'http://[1::]/' |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[::]/') should be http://[::c0a8:1]/. Was http://[::]/. |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[::ffff:]/') should be http://[::ffff:c0a8:1]/. Was http://[::ffff:]/. |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[000:01:02:003:004:5:6:007]/') should be http://[0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7]/. Was http://[000:01:02:003:004:5:6:007]/. |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[A:b:c:DE:fF:0:1:aC]/') is 'http://[a:b:c:de:ff:0:1:ac]/' |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[1:0:0:2::3:0]/') should be http://[1::2:0:0:3:0]/. Was http://[1:0:0:2::3:0]/. |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1::2:0:0:3:0]/') is 'http://[1::2:0:0:3:0]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::eeee:]/') is 'http://[::eeee:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001::]/') is 'http://[2001::]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1:2:]/') is 'http://[1:2:]/' |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[::ffff:192.1.2]/') should be http://[::ffff:c001:2]/. Was http://[::ffff:192.1.2]/. |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[::ffff:0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1]/') should be http://[::ffff:c0a8:1]/. Was http://[::ffff:0xC0.0Xa8.0x0.0x1]/. |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[0:0::0:0:8]/') should be http://[::8]/. Was http://[0:0::0:0:8]/. |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001:db8::1]/') is 'http://[2001:db8::1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001::db8::1]/') is 'http://[2001::db8::1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001:db8:::1]/') is 'http://[2001:db8:::1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[:::]/') is 'http://[:::]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[2001::.com]/') is 'http://[2001::.com]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::]/') is 'http://[::]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::ffff:]/') is 'http://[::ffff:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]/') is 'http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:]/') is 'http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1:2:3:4:5:6::]/') is 'http://[1:2:3:4:5:6::]/' |
| FAIL canonicalize('http://[1:2:3:4:5:6::8]/') should be http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:0:8]/. Was http://[1:2:3:4:5:6::8]/. |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:]/') is 'http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:]/') is 'http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[-1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]/') is 'http://[-1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1::%1]/') is 'http://[1::%1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1::%eth0]/') is 'http://[1::%eth0]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[1::%]/') is 'http://[1::%]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[%]/') is 'http://[%]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::%:]/') is 'http://[::%:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[:0:0::0:0:8]/') is 'http://[:0:0::0:0:8]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[0:0::0:0:8:]/') is 'http://[0:0::0:0:8:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[:0:0::0:0:8:]/') is 'http://[:0:0::0:0:8:]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::192.168..1]/') is 'http://[::192.168..1]/' |
| PASS canonicalize('http://[::1 hello]/') is 'http://[::1 hello]/' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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