blob: fec231006683341177834df67ea3a7531f44fb15 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
FAIL createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap assert_approx_equals: Red channel of the pixel at (5, 5) expected 0 +/- 3 but got 255
FAIL createImageBitmap from a bitmap SVGImageElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Type error"
FAIL createImageBitmap from a bitmap SVGImageElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Type error"
FAIL createImageBitmap from a vector SVGImageElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Type error"
FAIL createImageBitmap from a vector SVGImageElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: Type error"
FAIL createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: OffscreenCanvas"
FAIL createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: OffscreenCanvas"
PASS createImageBitmap from an ImageData imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an ImageData imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from a Blob imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap
PASS createImageBitmap from a Blob imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap