blob: c1808ba4947290d84be92bc28dfb7a9851fd50dd [file] [log] [blame]
Checking pause locations when stepping in, out, and over arrow functions.
== Running test suite: Debugger.stepping.arrow-functions
-- Running test case: Debugger.stepping.ArrowFunctionNoParenthesis
EXPRESSION: setTimeout(entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis)
STEPS: over, in, out, in, out, in, in, in, resume
PAUSED (debugger-statement)
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis:13:5
9 let square = x => {
10 return x * x;
11 };
-> 12 |debugger;
13 identity(2);
14 addOne(1);
15 square(2);
ACTION: step-over
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis:14:5
10 return x * x;
11 };
12 debugger;
-> 13 |identity(2);
14 addOne(1);
15 square(2);
16 }
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT identity:8:25
4 <script src="../resources/log-pause-location.js"></script>
5 <script>
6 function entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis() {
-> 7 let identity = x => |x;
8 let addOne = x => x + 1;
9 let square = x => {
10 return x * x;
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis:15:5
11 };
12 debugger;
13 identity(2);
-> 14 |addOne(1);
15 square(2);
16 }
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT addOne:9:23
5 <script>
6 function entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis() {
7 let identity = x => x;
-> 8 let addOne = x => |x + 1;
9 let square = x => {
10 return x * x;
11 };
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis:16:5
12 debugger;
13 identity(2);
14 addOne(1);
-> 15 |square(2);
16 }
18 function entryArrowFunctionParenthesis() {
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT square:11:9
7 let identity = x => x;
8 let addOne = x => x + 1;
9 let square = x => {
-> 10 |return x * x;
11 };
12 debugger;
13 identity(2);
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT square:12:6
8 let addOne = x => x + 1;
9 let square = x => {
10 return x * x;
-> 11 }|;
12 debugger;
13 identity(2);
14 addOne(1);
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionNoParenthesis:17:2
13 identity(2);
14 addOne(1);
15 square(2);
-> 16 }|
18 function entryArrowFunctionParenthesis() {
19 let nothing = () => {};
ACTION: resume
PASS: Should have used all steps.
-- Running test case: Debugger.stepping.ArrowFunctionParenthesis
EXPRESSION: setTimeout(entryArrowFunctionParenthesis)
STEPS: over, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out, resume
PAUSED (debugger-statement)
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:26:5
22 let square = x => {
23 return x * x;
24 };
-> 25 |debugger;
26 nothing();
27 identity(2);
28 add(1);
ACTION: step-over
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:27:5
23 return x * x;
24 };
25 debugger;
-> 26 |nothing();
27 identity(2);
28 add(1);
29 square(2);
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT nothing:20:27
16 }
18 function entryArrowFunctionParenthesis() {
-> 19 let nothing = () => {}|;
20 let identity = (x) => x;
21 let add = (a, b) => a + b;
22 let square = x => {
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:28:5
24 };
25 debugger;
26 nothing();
-> 27 |identity(2);
28 add(1);
29 square(2);
30 }
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT identity:21:27
18 function entryArrowFunctionParenthesis() {
19 let nothing = () => {};
-> 20 let identity = (x) => |x;
21 let add = (a, b) => a + b;
22 let square = x => {
23 return x * x;
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:29:5
25 debugger;
26 nothing();
27 identity(2);
-> 28 |add(1);
29 square(2);
30 }
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT add:22:25
18 function entryArrowFunctionParenthesis() {
19 let nothing = () => {};
20 let identity = (x) => x;
-> 21 let add = (a, b) => |a + b;
22 let square = x => {
23 return x * x;
24 };
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:30:5
26 nothing();
27 identity(2);
28 add(1);
-> 29 |square(2);
30 }
32 // ---------
ACTION: step-in
PAUSE AT square:24:9
20 let identity = (x) => x;
21 let add = (a, b) => a + b;
22 let square = x => {
-> 23 |return x * x;
24 };
25 debugger;
26 nothing();
ACTION: step-out
PAUSE AT entryArrowFunctionParenthesis:31:2
27 identity(2);
28 add(1);
29 square(2);
-> 30 }|
32 // ---------
ACTION: resume
PASS: Should have used all steps.