| |
| PASS idl_test setup |
| PASS idl_test validation |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface object length |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface object name |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation abort() |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: operation canMakePayment() |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute id |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: attribute onpaymentmethodchange |
| PASS PaymentRequest must be primary interface of paymentRequest |
| PASS Stringification of paymentRequest |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: calling show(optional Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on paymentRequest with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "canMakePayment()" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "id" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequest interface: paymentRequest must inherit property "onpaymentmethodchange" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface object length |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface object name |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: operation toJSON() |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute requestId |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute methodName |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: attribute details |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: operation complete(optional PaymentComplete) |
| PASS PaymentResponse interface: operation retry(optional PaymentValidationErrors) |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object length |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface object name |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodName |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: attribute methodDetails |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") |
| PASS Stringification of new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodName" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentMethodChangeEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "methodDetails" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentMethodChangeEvent("paymentmethodchange") with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object length |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface object name |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: operation updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent must be primary interface of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") |
| PASS Stringification of new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") must inherit property "updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>)" with the proper type |
| PASS PaymentRequestUpdateEvent interface: calling updateWith(Promise<PaymentDetailsUpdate>) on new PaymentRequestUpdateEvent("paymentrequestupdate") with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface object length |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface object name |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: operation toJSON() |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute city |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute country |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute dependentLocality |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute organization |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute phone |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute postalCode |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute recipient |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute region |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute sortingCode |
| PASS PaymentAddress interface: attribute addressLine |
| |