blob: 42ef888e6d10ba4594aa127988ec673fa3b2dd99 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha256-deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha512-deadbeef9wXDjd6Wq3H6nPAhI9zOvG7mJkUr03MTxaO+8ztTKnfJif42laL93Be/IF6YYZHHF4esitVYxiwpY2== sha256-CzHgdJ7wOccM8L89n4bhcJMz3F+SPLT7YZk7gyCWUV4=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet http://localhost:8000/subresource-integrity/resources/crossorigin-anon-style.css?&2. Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha256-deadbeefCzHgdJ7wOccM8L89n4bhcJMz3F+SPLT7YZk=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet http://localhost:8000/subresource-integrity/resources/crossorigin-creds-style.css?&2. Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha256-deadbeefCzHgdJ7wOccM8L89n4bhcJMz3F+SPLT7YZk=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Status code: 200
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet http://localhost:8000/subresource-integrity/resources/crossorigin-anon-style.css?&3. Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha256-CzHgdJ7wOccM8L89n4bhcJMz3F+SPLT7YZk7gyCWUV4=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet http://localhost:8000/subresource-integrity/resources/crossorigin-anon-style.css?&4. Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 37, Expected content length: 37, Expected metadata: sha256-deadbeefCzHgdJ7wOccM8L89n4bhcJMz3F+SPLT7YZk=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load stylesheet Failed integrity metadata check. Content length: 34, Expected content length: 34, Expected metadata: sha256-fail83bWhnLig+d2VPKrRrTRyhqoDRo1ruGqZLZ0= sha512-failB7ktnzcb6h+kB9CUIuc8qvKIyLpygRJdQSEEycRy74dUsB+Yu9rSjpOPjRUblle8WWX9Gn7v39LK2Oceig==
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha256 hash
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha384 hash
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha512 hash
PASS Style: Same-origin with empty integrity
PASS Style: Same-origin with incorrect hash.
PASS Style: Same-origin with multiple sha256 hashes, including correct.
PASS Style: Same-origin with multiple sha256 hashes, including unknown algorithm.
PASS Style: Same-origin with sha256 mismatch, sha512 match
PASS Style: Same-origin with sha256 match, sha512 mismatch
PASS Style: <crossorigin='anonymous'> with correct hash, ACAO: *
PASS Style: <crossorigin='anonymous'> with incorrect hash, ACAO: *
PASS Style: <crossorigin='use-credentials'> with correct hash, CORS-eligible
PASS Style: <crossorigin='use-credentials'> with incorrect hash CORS-eligible
PASS Style: <crossorigin='anonymous'> with CORS-ineligible resource
PASS Style: Cross-origin, not CORS request, with correct hash
PASS Style: Cross-origin, not CORS request, with hash mismatch
PASS Style: Cross-origin, empty integrity
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct hash, options.
PASS Style: Same-origin with unknown algorithm only.
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha256 hash, rel='stylesheet license'
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha256 hash, rel='license stylesheet'
PASS Style: Same-origin with correct sha256 and sha512 hash, rel='alternate stylesheet' enabled
PASS Style: Same-origin with incorrect sha256 and sha512 hash, rel='alternate stylesheet' enabled