blob: c99dfd8f873c00af20f887ef1bc6b1b1119d9772 [file] [log] [blame]
This test makes sure that navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered throws the proper exceptions and returns the default state of handler.
FAIL window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered is not defined.
PASS Invalid url "%S" threw SyntaxError exception.
PASS Invalid scheme "mailto:" failed.
PASS Invalid scheme "ssh:/" failed.
PASS Invalid scheme "magnet:+" failed.
PASS Invalid scheme "tel:sip" failed.
FAIL window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered call is failed: "window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered is not a function. (In 'window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered("bitcoin", "valid protocol %s")', 'window.navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered' is undefined)".