blob: 19e9ea3ed5bdf7c579022baee9bcc572bb1f08c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderFileUploadControl.h"
#include "FileList.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "Icon.h"
#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
#include "PaintInfo.h"
#include "RenderButton.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "ShadowRoot.h"
#include "TextRun.h"
#include "VisiblePosition.h"
#include <math.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
const int afterButtonSpacing = 4;
const int iconHeight = 16;
const int iconWidth = 16;
const int iconFilenameSpacing = 2;
const int defaultWidthNumChars = 34;
const int buttonShadowHeight = 2;
RenderFileUploadControl::RenderFileUploadControl(HTMLInputElement& input, PassRef<RenderStyle> style)
: RenderBlockFlow(input, std::move(style))
, m_canReceiveDroppedFiles(input.canReceiveDroppedFiles())
HTMLInputElement& RenderFileUploadControl::inputElement() const
return toHTMLInputElement(nodeForNonAnonymous());
bool RenderFileUploadControl::canBeReplacedWithInlineRunIn() const
return false;
void RenderFileUploadControl::updateFromElement()
if (HTMLInputElement* button = uploadButton()) {
bool newCanReceiveDroppedFilesState = inputElement().canReceiveDroppedFiles();
if (m_canReceiveDroppedFiles != newCanReceiveDroppedFilesState) {
m_canReceiveDroppedFiles = newCanReceiveDroppedFilesState;
// This only supports clearing out the files, but that's OK because for
// security reasons that's the only change the DOM is allowed to make.
FileList* files = inputElement().files();
if (files && files->isEmpty())
static int nodeWidth(Node* node)
return (node && node->renderBox()) ? node->renderBox()->pixelSnappedWidth() : 0;
int RenderFileUploadControl::maxFilenameWidth() const
return std::max(0, contentBoxRect().pixelSnappedWidth() - nodeWidth(uploadButton()) - afterButtonSpacing
- (inputElement().icon() ? iconWidth + iconFilenameSpacing : 0));
void RenderFileUploadControl::paintObject(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
if (style().visibility() != VISIBLE)
// Push a clip.
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context, false);
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds) {
IntRect clipRect = enclosingIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + borderLeft(), paintOffset.y() + borderTop(),
width() - borderLeft() - borderRight(), height() - borderBottom() - borderTop() + buttonShadowHeight));
if (clipRect.isEmpty())
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
const String& displayedFilename = fileTextValue();
const Font& font = style().font();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(this, font, displayedFilename, style(), TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion, RespectDirection | RespectDirectionOverride);
// Determine where the filename should be placed
LayoutUnit contentLeft = paintOffset.x() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
HTMLInputElement* button = uploadButton();
if (!button)
LayoutUnit buttonWidth = nodeWidth(button);
LayoutUnit buttonAndIconWidth = buttonWidth + afterButtonSpacing
+ (inputElement().icon() ? iconWidth + iconFilenameSpacing : 0);
LayoutUnit textX;
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
textX = contentLeft + buttonAndIconWidth;
textX = contentLeft + contentWidth() - buttonAndIconWidth - font.width(textRun);
LayoutUnit textY = 0;
// We want to match the button's baseline
// FIXME: Make this work with transforms.
if (RenderButton* buttonRenderer = toRenderButton(button->renderer()))
textY = paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop() + buttonRenderer->baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
textY = baselinePosition(AlphabeticBaseline, true, HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
paintInfo.context->setFillColor(style().visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style().colorSpace());
// Draw the filename
paintInfo.context->drawBidiText(font, textRun, IntPoint(roundToInt(textX), roundToInt(textY)));
if (inputElement().icon()) {
// Determine where the icon should be placed
LayoutUnit iconY = paintOffset.y() + borderTop() + paddingTop() + (contentHeight() - iconHeight) / 2;
LayoutUnit iconX;
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
iconX = contentLeft + buttonWidth + afterButtonSpacing;
iconX = contentLeft + contentWidth() - buttonWidth - afterButtonSpacing - iconWidth;
// Draw the file icon
inputElement().icon()->paint(paintInfo.context, IntRect(roundToInt(iconX), roundToInt(iconY), iconWidth, iconHeight));
// Paint the children.
RenderBlockFlow::paintObject(paintInfo, paintOffset);
void RenderFileUploadControl::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const
// Figure out how big the filename space needs to be for a given number of characters
// (using "0" as the nominal character).
const UChar character = '0';
const String characterAsString = String(&character, 1);
const Font& font = style().font();
// FIXME: Remove the need for this const_cast by making constructTextRun take a const RenderObject*.
RenderFileUploadControl* renderer = const_cast<RenderFileUploadControl*>(this);
float minDefaultLabelWidth = defaultWidthNumChars * font.width(constructTextRun(renderer, font, characterAsString, style(), TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion));
const String label = theme()->fileListDefaultLabel(inputElement().multiple());
float defaultLabelWidth = font.width(constructTextRun(renderer, font, label, style(), TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion));
if (HTMLInputElement* button = uploadButton())
if (RenderObject* buttonRenderer = button->renderer())
defaultLabelWidth += buttonRenderer->maxPreferredLogicalWidth() + afterButtonSpacing;
maxLogicalWidth = static_cast<int>(ceilf(std::max(minDefaultLabelWidth, defaultLabelWidth)));
if (!style().width().isPercent())
minLogicalWidth = maxLogicalWidth;
void RenderFileUploadControl::computePreferredLogicalWidths()
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = 0;
if (style().width().isFixed() && style().width().value() > 0)
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().width().value());
computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth);
if (style().minWidth().isFixed() && style().minWidth().value() > 0) {
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = std::max(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().minWidth().value()));
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = std::max(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().minWidth().value()));
if (style().maxWidth().isFixed()) {
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = std::min(m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().maxWidth().value()));
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = std::min(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth, adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(style().maxWidth().value()));
int toAdd = borderAndPaddingWidth();
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth += toAdd;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth += toAdd;
VisiblePosition RenderFileUploadControl::positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&)
return VisiblePosition();
HTMLInputElement* RenderFileUploadControl::uploadButton() const
Node* buttonNode = inputElement().shadowRoot()->firstChild();
return buttonNode && buttonNode->isHTMLElement() && isHTMLInputElement(buttonNode) ? toHTMLInputElement(buttonNode) : 0;
String RenderFileUploadControl::buttonValue()
if (HTMLInputElement* button = uploadButton())
return button->value();
return String();
String RenderFileUploadControl::fileTextValue() const
return theme()->fileListNameForWidth(inputElement().files(), style().font(), maxFilenameWidth(), inputElement().multiple());
} // namespace WebCore