blob: 48524e5acb89b3e595cae93a0f2e3aa864d2dacd [file] [log] [blame]
Verify default overflow rules for the outermost <svg> element in non-standalone documents.
You should see a 400x400 green rectangle, not covering the whole screen size.
Spec reference:
When an outermost 'svg' element is embedded inline within a parent XML grammar which uses CSS layout [CSS2-LAYOUT]
or XSL formatting [XSL], if the 'overflow' property has the value hidden or scroll, then the user agent will establish
an initial clipping path equal to the bounds of the initial viewport; otherwise, the initial clipping path is set
according to the clipping rules as defined in [CSS2-overflow].
<svg xmlns="" style="overflow: visible" width="400" height="400">
<rect width="4000" height="4000" fill="green"/>