blob: 9f745d93f728284772f92a2a7edb5e976974c48f [file] [log] [blame]
description("This removes an animation element while the animation is running");
// Setup animation test
function sample1() {
shouldBeCloseEnough("rect1.x.animVal.value", "50");
shouldBe("rect1.x.baseVal.value", "0");
shouldBeCloseEnough("rect2.x.animVal.value", "50");
shouldBe("rect2.x.baseVal.value", "0");
function sample2() {
shouldBeCloseEnough("rect1.x.animVal.value", "100");
shouldBe("rect1.x.baseVal.value", "0");
shouldBeCloseEnough("rect2.x.animVal.value", "100");
shouldBe("rect2.x.baseVal.value", "0");
// Remove the animation element animating rect1
// The effect is that rect1 is now reset to the initial state, before any animation was applied to it.
// Compatible with FF. In Opera it shows a repainting bug currently (two rects are visible!).
var an1 = rootSVGElement.ownerDocument.getElementById("an1");
function sample3() {
shouldBe("rect1.x.animVal.value", "0");
shouldBe("rect1.x.baseVal.value", "0");
shouldBeCloseEnough("rect2.x.animVal.value", "100");
shouldBe("rect2.x.baseVal.value", "0");
function sample4() {
shouldBe("rect1.x.animVal.value", "0");
shouldBe("rect1.x.baseVal.value", "0");
shouldBe("rect2.x.animVal.value", "0");
shouldBe("rect2.x.baseVal.value", "0");
function executeTest() {
var rects = rootSVGElement.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("rect");
rect1 = rects[0];
rect2 = rects[1];
const expectedValues = [
// [animationId, time, sampleCallback]
["an1", 0.0, sample1],
["an1", 1.0, sample2],
["an2", 1.001, sample3],
["an2", 2.001, sample4],
["an2", 60.0, sample4]
window.animationStartsImmediately = true;
var successfullyParsed = true;