blob: 78b190536aa62c93e3f21e225fe8f75aadc54502 [file] [log] [blame]
Simple paragraph
A paragraph pretending to be a table
A label Who said label? It's a heading!
A form with a button Click me!
Just a button Click me!
Just some text inside a div
This div is contains a textbox (an entry)
This tests that ARIA roles are not ignored for 'p','label', 'form' and 'div' elements
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXParagraph'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXTable'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXLabel'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXHeading'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXForm'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXButton'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXDiv'
PASS element.role is 'AXRole: AXTextField'
PASS successfullyParsed is true