blob: 90751649d87f1e54fae4fbfd83b545e56251bdfa [file] [log] [blame]
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
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* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
gTestfile = 'object-001.js';
* Verify that for-in loops can be used with java objects.
* Java array members of object instances should be enumerated in
* for... in loops.
var SECTION = "";
var VERSION = "1_4";
var TITLE = "LiveConnect 3.0";
// we just need to know the names of all the expected enumerated
// properties. we will get the values to the original objects.
var dt = applet.createQAObject("");
var a = new Array();
try {
a[a.length] = new TestObject(
} catch (ex) {
testFailed("java.lang.String: " + ex.toString());
try {
a[a.length] = new TestObject(
} catch (ex) {
testFailed("java.lang.Long: " + ex.toString());
try {
a[a.length] = new TestObject(
new java.awt.Rectangle(5,6,7,8),
"new java.awt.Rectangle(5,6,7,8)",
} catch (ex) {
testFailed("java.awt.Rectangle: " + ex.toString());
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
// check the value of each indexed array item
for ( var arrayItem = 0; arrayItem < a[i].items; arrayItem++ )
shouldBeWithErrorCheck("a[" + i + "].enumedObject['" + arrayItem + "']", "a[i].javaObject[arrayItem]");
// verify that all non-static properties are enumerated
var fieldArray = [];
try {
fieldArray = getFields( a[i].javaClass );
} catch (ex) {
testFailed("getFields( a[" + i + "].javaClass ): " + ex);
for ( var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldArray.length; fieldIndex++ ) {
try {
var f = fieldArray[fieldIndex] +"";
} catch (ex) {
testFailed(fieldArray[fieldIndex] + " " + ex.toString());
if ( ! isStatic( f ) ) {
var currentField = getFieldName( f );
shouldBeWithErrorCheck( 'a[' + i + '].enumedObject["' + currentField + '"]+""', 'a[' + i + '].javaObject["' + currentField + '"] +""');
// verify that all non-static methods are enumerated
var methodArray = [];
try {
methodArray = getMethods(a[i].javaClass);
} catch (ex) {
testFailed("getMethods( a[" + i + "].javaClass ): " + ex);
for ( var methodIndex = 0; methodIndex < methodArray.length; methodIndex++ ) {
try {
var m = methodArray[methodIndex] +"";
} catch (ex) {
testFailed(methodArray[methodIndex] + " " + ex.toString());
if ( ! isStatic(m) && inClass( a[i].javaClass, m)) {
var currentMethod = getMethodName(m);
shouldBeWithErrorCheck('a[' + i + '].enumedObject["' + currentMethod + '"] +""', 'a[' + i + '].javaObject["' + currentMethod + '"] +""');
function TestObject( ob, descr, len, jc) {
this.javaObject= ob;
this.description = descr;
this.items = len;
this.javaClass = jc;
this.enumedObject = new enumObject(ob);
function enumObject( o ) {
this.pCount = 0;
for ( var p in o ) {
this[p] = o[p];
// only return if the method is a method of the class, not an inherited
// method
function inClass( javaClass, m ) {
var argIndex = m.lastIndexOf( "(", m.length );
var methodIndex = m.lastIndexOf( ".", argIndex );
var classIndex = m.lastIndexOf( " ", methodIndex );
var className = m.substr(classIndex +1, methodIndex - classIndex -1 );
if ( className == javaClass ) {
return true;
return false;
function isStatic( m ) {
if ( m.lastIndexOf ( "static" ) > 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
function getMethods( javaString ) {
return java.lang.Class.forName( javaString ).getMethods();
function getArguments( m ) {
var argIndex = m.lastIndexOf("(", m.length());
var argString = m.substr(argIndex+1, m.length() - argIndex -2);
return argString.split( "," );
function getMethodName( m ) {
var argIndex = m.lastIndexOf( "(", m.length);
var nameIndex = m.lastIndexOf( ".", argIndex);
return m.substr( nameIndex +1, argIndex - nameIndex -1 );
function getFields( javaClassName ) {
return java.lang.Class.forName( javaClassName ).getFields();
function getFieldName( f ) {
return f.substr( f.lastIndexOf(".", f.length)+1, f.length );
function getFieldNames( javaClassName ) {
var javaFieldArray = getFields( javaClassName );
for ( var i = 0, jsFieldArray = new Array(); i < javaFieldArray.length; i++ ) {
var f = javaFieldArray[i] +"";
jsFieldArray[i] = f.substr( f.lastIndexOf(".", f.length)+1, f.length );
return jsFieldArray;
function hasMethod( m, noArgs ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++ ) {
if ( (m == methods[i][0]) && (noArgs == methods[i][1].length)) {
return true;
return false;