blob: 03fc259016e03a755457a1b87df26e472c6d4576 [file] [log] [blame]
LiveConnect 3.0 JavaScript to Java Data Type Conversion JavaScript Object to java.lang.String
PASS dt.setChar(new Boolean(true)); dt.PUB_CHAR is 1
PASS dt.setChar(new Boolean(true)); dt.getChar() is 1
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new Boolean(false)); dt.PUB_CHAR is 0
PASS dt.setChar(new Boolean(false)); dt.getChar() is 0
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new Number(0)); dt.PUB_CHAR is 0
PASS dt.setChar(new Number(0)); dt.getChar() is 0
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
FAIL dt.setChar(new String('65535')); dt.PUB_CHAR should be 111. Was 65535.
FAIL dt.setChar(new String('65535')); dt.getChar() should be 111. Was 65535.
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new String('1')); dt.PUB_CHAR is 1
PASS dt.setChar(new String('1')); dt.getChar() is 1
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new MyObject('5.5')); dt.PUB_CHAR is 5
PASS dt.setChar(new MyObject('5.5')); dt.getChar() is 5
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new MyOtherObject('107.5')); dt.PUB_CHAR is 107
PASS dt.setChar(new MyOtherObject('107.5')); dt.getChar() is 107
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS dt.setChar(new AnotherObject('6666')); dt.PUB_CHAR is 6666
PASS dt.setChar(new AnotherObject('6666')); dt.getChar() is 6666
PASS typeof dt.getChar() is "number"
PASS successfullyParsed is true