blob: 5ecda348a06136dc29e502755f98ec8996c6b345 [file] [log] [blame]
import struct
import time
from mod_pywebsocket import common
def web_socket_do_extra_handshake(request):
def web_socket_transfer_data(request):
length = 0x8000000000000000
# pywebsocket refuses to send a frame with too long payload.
# Thus, we need to build a frame manually.
header = chr(0x80 | common.OPCODE_TEXT) # 0x80 is for "fin" bit.
header += chr(127)
header += struct.pack('!Q', length)
# Send data indefinitely to simulate a real (broken) server sending a big frame.
# A client should ignore these bytes and abort the connection.
while True:
request.connection.write('X' * 4096)