blob: 7924bbff3ecb59ec69a991dcaf8bcdfa49661bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>The Acid3 Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.testRunner) {
var startTime = new Date();
<style type="text/css">
/* set some basic styles so that we can get reliably exact results */
* { margin: 0; border: 1px blue; padding: 0; border-spacing: 0; font: inherit; line-height: 1.2; color: inherit; background: transparent; }
:link, :visited { color: blue; }
/* header and general layout */
html { font: 20px Arial, sans-serif; border: 2cm solid gray; width: 32em; margin: 1em; }
:root { background: silver; color: black; border-width: 0 0.2em 0.2em 0; } /* left and top content edges: 1*20px = 20px */
body { padding: 2em 2em 0; background: url(%2FINwWK6QAAAAlwSFlzAAAASAAAAEgARslrPgAAABtJREFUOMtj%2FM9APmCiQO%2Bo5lHNo5pHNVNBMwAinAEnIWw89gAAACJ6VFh0U29mdHdhcmUAAHjac0zJT0pV8MxNTE8NSk1MqQQAL5wF1K4MqU0AAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D) no-repeat 99.8392283% 1px white; border: solid 1px black; margin: -0.2em 0 0 -0.2em; } /* left and top content edges: 20px-0.2*20px+1px+2*20px = 57px */
h1:first-child { cursor: help; font-size: 5em; font-weight: bolder; margin-bottom: -0.4em; text-shadow: rgba(192, 192, 192, 1.0) 3px 3px; } /* (left:57px, top:57px) */
#result { font-weight: bolder; width: 5.68em; text-align: right; }
#result { font-size: 5em; margin: -2.19em 0 0; } /* (right:57px+5.2*5*20px = 577px, top:57px+1.2*5*20px-0.4*5*20px+1px+1*40px+1*40px+1px+2*40px+150px-2.19*5*20px = 230px) */
.hidden { visibility: hidden; }
#slash { color: red; color: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1.0); }
#instructions { margin-top: 0; font-size: 0.8em; color: gray; color: -acid3-bogus; height: 6.125em; } /* (left:57px, top:230px+1.2*5*20+0 = 350px) */
#instructions { margin-right: -20px; padding-right: 20px; background: url(%2FINwWK6QAAAAlwSFlzAAAASAAAAEgARslrPgAAABtJREFUOMtj%2FM9APmCiQO%2Bo5lHNo5pHNVNBMwAinAEnIWw89gAAACJ6VFh0U29mdHdhcmUAAHjac0zJT0pV8MxNTE8NSk1MqQQAL5wF1K4MqU0AAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D) no-repeat top right; }
#instructions span { float: right; width: 20px; margin-right: -20px; background: white; height: 20px; }
@font-face { font-family: "AcidAhemTest"; src: url(resources/acid3/font.ttf); }
map::after { position: absolute; top: 18px; left: 638px; content: "X"; background: fuchsia; color: white; font: 20px/1 AcidAhemTest; }
iframe { float: left; height: 0; width: 0; } /* hide iframes but don't make them display: none */
object { position: fixed; left: 130.5px; top: 84.3px; background: transparent; } /* show objects if they have content */
.removed { position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 380px; height: 100px; width: 100px; opacity: 0; }
/* set the line height of the line of coloured boxes so we can add them without the layout changing height */
.buckets { font: 0/0 Arial, sans-serif; }
.buckets { padding: 0 0 150px 3px; }
/* the next two rules give the six coloured blocks their default styles (they match the same elements); the third hides them */
:first-child + * .buckets p { display: inline-block; vertical-align: 2em; border: 2em dotted red; padding: 1.0em 0 1.0em 2em; }
* + * > * > p { margin: 0; border: 1px solid ! important; }
.z { visibility: hidden; } /* only matches the buckets with no score */
/* sizes for the six buckets */
#bucket1 { font-size: 20px; margin-left: 0.2em; padding-left: 1.3em; padding-right: 1.3em; margin-right: 0.0001px; }
#bucket2 { font-size: 24px; margin-left: 0.375em; padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 32px; margin-right: 2px; }
#bucket3 { font-size: 28px; margin-left: 8.9999px; padding-left: 17px; padding-right: 55px; margin-right: 12px; }
#bucket4 { font-size: 32px; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 84px; padding-right: 0; margin-right: 0; }
#bucket5 { font-size: 36px; margin-left: 13px; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 94px; margin-right: 25px; }
#bucket6 { font-size: 40px; margin-left: -10px; padding-left: 104px; padding-right: -10px; }
/* colours for them */
.z, .zP, .zPP, .zPPP, .zPPPP, .zPPPPP { background: black; }
.zPPPPPPPPPP { background: grey; }
.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPP, .zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: silver; }
#bucket1.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: red; }
#bucket2.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: orange; }
#bucket3.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: yellow; }
#bucket4.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: lime; }
#bucket5.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: blue; }
#bucket6.zPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP { background: purple; }
/* The line-height for the .bucket div is worked out as follows:
* The div.bucket element has a line box with a few
* inline-blocks. Each inline-block consists of:
* 2.0em vertical-align from baseline to bottom of inline-block
* 1px bottom border
* 1.0em bottom padding
* 1.0em top padding
* 1px top border
* The biggest inline-block has font-size: 40px.
* Thus the distance from the baseline to the top of the biggest
* inline-block is (2em+1em+1em)*2em*20px+2px = 162px.
* The line box itself has no other contents, and its strut has zero
* height and there is no half-leading, so the height of the
* div.bucket is 162px.
* (Why use line-height:0 and font-size:0? Well:
* The div.bucket line box would have a height that is the maximum
* of the following two sums:
* 1: half-leading + font descent at 1em + font ascent at 1em + half-leading
* 2: half-leading + font descent at 1em + 162px
* Now the half-leading is (line-height - (font-ascent + font-descent))/2, so that is really:
* 1: (line-height - (font-ascent + font-descent))/2 + font descent + font ascent + (line-height - (font-ascent + font-descent))/2
* 2: (line-height - (font-ascent + font-descent))/2 + font descent + 162px
* Which simplify to:
* 1: line-height
* 2: line-height/2 + (font descent - font-ascent)/2 + 162px
* So if the following expression is true:
* line-height > line-height/2 + (font descent - font-ascent)/2 + 162px
* That is, if this is true:
* line-height > font descent - font-ascent + 324px
* ...then the line-height matters, otherwise the font does. Note
* that font descent - font-ascent will be in the region of
* 10px-30px (with Ahem, exactly 12px). However, if we make the
* line-height big, then the _positioning_ of the inline-blocks will
* depend on the font descent, since that is what will decide the
* distance from the bottom of the line box to the baseline of the
* block (since the baseline is set by the strut).
* However, in Acid2 a dependency on the font metrics was introduced
* and this caused all kinds of problems. And we can't require Ahem
* in the Acid tests, since it's unlikely most people will have it
* installed.
* What we want is for the font to not matter, and the baseline to
* be as high as possible. We can do that by saying that the font
* and the line-height are zero.
* One word of warning. If your browser has a minimum font size feature
* that forces font sizes up even when there is no text, you will need
* to disable it before running this test.
/* rules specific to the tests below */
#instructions:last-child { white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: x-bogus; }
/* replaced for with the three rules after it:
#linktest:link { display: block; color: red; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; }
#linktest.pending, #linktest:visited { display: none; } */
#linktest { position: absolute; left: 17px; top: 18px; color: red; width: 80px; text-decoration: none; font: 900 small-caps 10px sans-serif; }
#linktest:link { color: red; }
#linktest.pending, #linktest:visited { color: white; }
#\ { color: transparent; color: hsla(0, 0, 0, 1); position: fixed; top: 10px; left: 10px; font: 40px Arial, sans-serif; }
#\ #result, #\ #score { position: fixed; top: 10%; left: 10%; width: 4em; z-index: 1; color: yellow; font-size: 50px; background: fuchsia; border: solid 1em purple; }
<!-- part of the HTTP tests -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/acid3/empty.css"><!-- text/html file (should be ignored, <h1> will go red if it isn't) -->
<!-- the next five script blocks are part of one of the tests -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var d1 = "fail";
var d2 = "fail";
var d3 = "fail";
var d4 = "fail";
var d5 = "fail";
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript,d1%20%3D%20'one'%3B"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript;base64,ZDIgPSAndHdvJzs%3D"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript;base64,%5a%44%4d%67%50%53%41%6e%64%47%68%79%5a%57%55%6e%4f%77%3D%3D"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript;base64,%20ZD%20Qg%0D%0APS%20An%20Zm91cic%0D%0A%207%20"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript,d5%20%3D%20'five%5Cu0027s'%3B"></script>
<!-- part of the JS regexp and \0 value tests test -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var nullInRegexpArgumentResult = 0 < /script/.test('\0script') ? "passed" : "failed";
<!-- main test body -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var notifications = {};
function notify(file) {
// used in cross-file tests
notifications[file] = 1;
function fail(message) {
throw { message: message };
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition)
function assertEquals(expression, value, message) {
if (expression != value) {
expression = (""+expression).replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "\\n");
value = (""+value).replace(/\r?\n/g, "\\n");
fail("expected '" + value + "' but got '" + expression + "' - " + message);
function getTestDocument() {
var iframe = document.getElementById("selectors");
var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
for (var i = doc.documentElement.childNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
return doc;
function selectorTest(tester) {
var doc = getTestDocument();
var style = doc.createElement('style');
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("* { z-index: 0; position: absolute; }\n"));
var ruleCount = 0;
tester(doc, function (selector) {
ruleCount += 1;
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(selector + " { z-index: " + ruleCount + "; }\n"));
return ruleCount;
}, function(node, rule, message) {
var value = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "").zIndex;
assert(value != 'auto', "underlying problems prevent this test from running properly");
assertEquals(value, rule, message);
var kungFuDeathGrip = null; // used to hold things from test to test
var tests = [
// there are 6 buckets with 16 tests each, plus four special tests (0, 97, 98, and 99).
// Remove the "JS required" message and the <script> element in the <body>
function () {
// test 0: whether removing an element that is the last child correctly recomputes styles for the new last child
// also tests support for getComputedStyle, :last-child, pre-wrap, removing a <script> element
// removing script:
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
// removing last child:
var last = document.getElementById('remove-last-child-test');
var penultimate = last.previousSibling; // this should be the whitespace node
penultimate = penultimate.previousSibling; // this should now be the actual penultimate element
assertEquals(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(penultimate, '').whiteSpace, 'pre-wrap', "found unexpected computed style");
return 7;
// bucket 1: DOM Traversal, DOM Range, HTTP
// DOM Traversal
function () {
// test 1: NodeFilters and Exceptions
var doc = getTestDocument(); // looks like <!DOCTYPE><html><head><title/><\head><body/><\html> (the '\'s are to avoid validation errors)
var iteration = 0;
var exception = "Roses";
var test = function(node) {
iteration += 1;
switch (iteration) {
case 1: case 3: case 4: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 14: case 15: throw exception;
case 2: case 5: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: return true; // ToNumber(true) => 1
default: throw 0;
var check = function(o, method) {
var ok = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e === exception)
ok = true;
assert(ok, "method " + o + "." + method + "() didn't forward exception");
var i = doc.createNodeIterator(doc.documentElement, 0xFFFFFFFF, test, true);
check(i, "nextNode"); // 1
assertEquals(i.nextNode(), doc.documentElement, "i.nextNode() didn't return the right node"); // 2
check(i, "previousNode"); // 3
var w = document.createTreeWalker(doc.documentElement, 0xFFFFFFFF, test, true);
check(w, "nextNode"); // 4
assertEquals(w.nextNode(), doc.documentElement.firstChild, "w.nextNode() didn't return the right node"); // 5
check(w, "previousNode"); // 6
check(w, "firstChild"); // 7
check(w, "lastChild"); // 8
check(w, "nextSibling"); // 9
assertEquals(iteration, 9, "iterations went wrong");
assertEquals(w.previousSibling(), null, "w.previousSibling() didn't return the right node"); // doesn't call filter
assertEquals(iteration, 9, "filter called incorrectly for previousSibling()");
assertEquals(w.lastChild(), doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0], "w.lastChild() didn't return the right node"); // 10
assertEquals(w.nextSibling(), null, "w.nextSibling() didn't return the right node"); // 11 (filter called on parent, to see if it's included, otherwise it could skip that and find a nextsibling elsewhere)
assertEquals(iteration, 11, "filter called incorrectly for nextSibling()");
assertEquals(w.parentNode(), doc.documentElement.firstChild, "w.parentNode() didn't return the right node"); // 12
assertEquals(w.nextSibling(), doc.documentElement.lastChild, "w.nextSibling() didn't return the right node"); // 13
check(w, "previousSibling"); // 14
check(w, "parentNode"); // 15
return 1;
function () {
// test 2: Removing nodes during iteration
var count = 0;
var expect = function(n, node1, node2) {
count += 1;
assert(n == count, "reached expectation " + n + " when expecting expectation " + count);
assertEquals(node1, node2, "expectation " + count + " failed");
var doc = getTestDocument();
var t1 = doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('t1'));
var t2 = doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('t2'));
var t3 = doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('t3'));
var t4 = doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('t4'));
var callCount = 0;
var filterFunctions = [
function (node) { expect(1, node, doc.body); return true; }, // filter 0
function (node) { expect(3, node, t1); return true; }, // filter 1
function (node) { expect(5, node, t2); return true; }, // filter 2
function (node) { expect(7, node, t3); doc.body.removeChild(t4); return true; }, // filter 3
function (node) { expect(9, node, t4); return true; }, // filter 4
function (node) { expect(11, node, t4); doc.body.removeChild(t4); return 2 /* REJECT */; }, // filter 5
function (node) { expect(12, node, t3); return true; }, // filter 6
function (node) { expect(14, node, t2); doc.body.removeChild(t2); return true; }, // filter 7
function (node) { expect(16, node, t1); return true; }, // filter 8
var i = doc.createNodeIterator(doc.documentElement.lastChild, 0xFFFFFFFF, function (node) { return filterFunctions[callCount++](node); }, true);
// * B 1 2 3 4
expect(2, i.nextNode(), doc.body); // filter 0
// [B] * 1 2 3 4
expect(4, i.nextNode(), t1); // filter 1
// B [1] * 2 3 4
expect(6, i.nextNode(), t2); // filter 2
// B 1 [2] * 3 4
expect(8, i.nextNode(), t3); // filter 3
// B 1 2 [3] *
// B 1 2 [3] * 4
expect(10, i.nextNode(), t4); // filter 4
// B 1 2 3 [4] *
expect(13, i.previousNode(), t3); // filters 5, 6
// B 1 2 3 * (4) // filter 5
// B 1 2 [3] * // between 5 and 6
// B 1 2 * (3) // filter 6
// B 1 2 * [3]
expect(15, i.previousNode(), t2); // filter 7
// B 1 * (2) [3]
// -- spec says "For instance, if a NodeFilter removes a node
// from a document, it can still accept the node, which
// means that the node may be returned by the NodeIterator
// or TreeWalker even though it is no longer in the subtree
// being traversed."
// -- but it also says "If changes to the iterated list do not
// remove the reference node, they do not affect the state
// of the NodeIterator."
// B 1 * [3]
expect(17, i.previousNode(), t1); // filter 8
// B [1] * 3
return 1;
function () {
// test 3: the infinite iterator
var doc = getTestDocument();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) {
doc.body.lastChild.title = i;
var count = 0;
var test = function() {
if (count > 3 && count < 12)
count += 1;
return (count % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
var i = doc.createNodeIterator(doc.body, 0xFFFFFFFF, test, true);
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "0", "failure 1");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "2", "failure 2");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "4", "failure 3");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "1", "failure 4");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "3", "failure 5");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "0", "failure 6");
assertEquals(i.nextNode().title, "2", "failure 7");
assertEquals(i.nextNode(), null, "failure 8");
return 1;
function () {
// test 4: ignoring whitespace text nodes with node iterators
var count = 0;
var expect = function(node1, node2) {
count += 1;
assertEquals(node1, node2, "expectation " + count + " failed");
var allButWS = function (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3 &&^\s*$/))
return 2;
return 1;
var i = document.createNodeIterator(document.body, 0x01 | 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x20, allButWS, true);
// now walk the document body and make sure everything is in the right place
expect(i.nextNode(), document.body); // 1
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket1'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket2'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket3'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket4'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket5'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('bucket6')); // 10
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('result'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('score'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('score').firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('slash'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('slash').firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('slash').nextSibling);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('slash').nextSibling.firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('area')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]); // 20
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1].firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[2]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.forms[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.forms.form.elements[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].getElementsByTagName('p')[0]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('instructions'));
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('instructions').firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode().nodeName, "SPAN");
expect(i.nextNode().nodeName, "#text");
expect(i.nextNode(), document.links[1]);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.links[1].firstChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), document.getElementById('instructions').lastChild);
expect(i.nextNode(), null);
// walk it backwards for good measure
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('instructions').lastChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.links[1].firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.links[1]);
expect(i.previousNode().nodeName, "#text");
expect(i.previousNode().nodeName, "SPAN");
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('instructions').firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('instructions'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].getElementsByTagName('p')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.forms.form.elements[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.forms[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[2]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1].firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]); // 20
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('area')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('slash').nextSibling.firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('slash').nextSibling);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('slash').firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('slash'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('score').firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('score'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('result'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket6'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket5'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket4'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket3'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket2'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementById('bucket1'));
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].firstChild);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]);
expect(i.previousNode(), document.body);
expect(i.previousNode(), null);
return 1;
function () {
// test 5: ignoring whitespace text nodes with tree walkers
var count = 0;
var expect = function(node1, node2) {
count += 1;
assertEquals(node1, node2, "expectation " + count + " failed");
var allButWS = function (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3 &&^\s*$/))
return 3;
return 1;
var w = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, 0x01 | 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x20, allButWS, true);
expect(w.currentNode, document.body);
expect(w.parentNode(), null);
expect(w.currentNode, document.body);
expect(w.firstChild(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]);
expect(w.firstChild().nodeType, 3);
expect(w.parentNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]);
expect(w.nextSibling().previousSibling.nodeType, 3);
expect(w.nextSibling(), document.getElementsByTagName('p')[6]);
expect(w.nextSibling(), document.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]);
expect(w.lastChild(), document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]);
expect(w.lastChild(), document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]);
expect(w.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]);
expect(w.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('td')[0]);
expect(w.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('p')[7]);
expect(w.nextNode(), document.getElementsByTagName('p')[8]); // resources/acid3/ paragraph
expect(w.previousSibling(), document.getElementsByTagName('map')[0]);
expect(w.previousNode().data, "100");
expect(w.parentNode().tagName, "SPAN");
expect(w.parentNode(), document.getElementById('result'));
expect(w.parentNode(), document.body);
expect(w.lastChild().id, "instructions");
expect(w.lastChild().data.substr(0,1), ".");
expect(w.previousNode(), document.links[1].firstChild);
return 1;
function () {
// test 6: walking outside a tree
var doc = getTestDocument();
var p = doc.createElement('p');
var b = doc.body;
var w = document.createTreeWalker(b, 0xFFFFFFFF, null, true);
assertEquals(w.currentNode, b, "basic use of TreeWalker failed: currentNode");
assertEquals(w.lastChild(), p, "basic use of TreeWalker failed: lastChild()");
assertEquals(w.previousNode(), b, "basic use of TreeWalker failed: previousNode()");
assertEquals(w.lastChild(), p, "TreeWalker failed after removing the current node from the tree");
assertEquals(w.nextNode(), null, "failed to walk into the end of a subtree");
assertEquals(w.previousNode(), doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0], "failed to handle regrafting correctly");
assertEquals(w.nextNode(), p, "couldn't retrace steps");
assertEquals(w.nextNode(), b, "couldn't step back into root");
assertEquals(w.previousNode(), null, "root didn't retake its rootish position");
return 1;
// DOM Range
function () {
// test 7: basic ranges tests
var r = document.createRange();
assert(r, "range not created");
assert(r.collapsed, "new range wasn't collapsed");
assertEquals(r.commonAncestorContainer, document, "new range's common ancestor wasn't the document");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, document, "new range's start container wasn't the document");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 0, "new range's start offset wasn't zero");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, document, "new range's end container wasn't the document");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 0, "new range's end offset wasn't zero");
assert(r.cloneContents(), "cloneContents() didn't return an object");
assertEquals(r.cloneContents().childNodes.length, 0, "nothing cloned was more than nothing");
assertEquals(r.cloneRange().toString(), "", "nothing cloned stringifed to more than nothing");
r.collapse(true); // no effect
assertEquals(r.compareBoundaryPoints(r.START_TO_END, r.cloneRange()), 0, "starting boundary point of range wasn't the same as the end boundary point of the clone range");
r.deleteContents(); // no effect
assertEquals(r.extractContents().childNodes.length, 0, "nothing removed was more than nothing");
var endOffset = r.endOffset;
r.insertNode(document.createComment("commented inserted to test ranges"));
r.setEnd(r.endContainer, endOffset + 1); // added to work around spec bug that smaug is blocking the errata for
try {
assert(!r.collapsed, "range with inserted comment is collapsed");
assertEquals(r.commonAncestorContainer, document, "range with inserted comment has common ancestor that isn't the document");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, document, "range with inserted comment has start container that isn't the document");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 0, "range with inserted comment has start offset that isn't zero");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, document, "range with inserted comment has end container that isn't the document");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "range with inserted comment has end offset that isn't after the comment");
} finally {
return 1;
function () {
// test 8: moving boundary points
var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null);
var root = doc.createElement("root");
var e1 = doc.createElement("e");
var e2 = doc.createElement("e");
var e3 = doc.createElement("e");
var r = doc.createRange();
r.setStart(e2, 0);
r.setEnd(e3, 0);
assert(!r.collapsed, "non-empty range claims to be collapsed");
r.setEnd(e1, 0);
assert(r.collapsed, "setEnd() didn't collapse the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, e1, "startContainer is wrong after setEnd()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 0, "startOffset is wrong after setEnd()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, e1, "endContainer is wrong after setEnd()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 0, "endOffset is wrong after setEnd()");
assert(r.collapsed, "setStartBefore() didn't collapse the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after setStartBefore()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong after setStartBefore()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, root, "endContainer is wrong after setStartBefore()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 2, "endOffset is wrong after setStartBefore()");
assert(!r.collapsed, "setEndAfter() didn't uncollapse the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after setEndAfter()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong after setEndAfter()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc, "endContainer is wrong after setEndAfter()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "endOffset is wrong after setEndAfter()");
assert(!r.collapsed, "setStartAfter() collapsed the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after setStartAfter()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong after setStartAfter()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc, "endContainer is wrong after setStartAfter()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "endOffset is wrong after setStartAfter()");
var msg = '';
try {
msg = "no exception thrown for setEndBefore() the document itself";
} catch (e) {
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - we may want to merge RangeException and DOMException
// msg = 'not a RangeException';
// else
// if (e.INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR != 2)
// msg = 'RangeException has no INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR';
// else
// if ("INVALID_ACCESS_ERR" in e)
// msg = 'RangeException has DOMException constants';
// else
if (e.code != e.INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR)
msg = 'wrong exception raised from setEndBefore()';
assert(msg == "", msg);
assert(!r.collapsed, "setEndBefore() collapsed the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after setEndBefore()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong after setEndBefore()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc, "endContainer is wrong after setEndBefore()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "endOffset is wrong after setEndBefore()");
assert(r.collapsed, "collapse() collapsed the range");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, doc, "startContainer is wrong after collapse()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 1, "startOffset is wrong after collapse()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc, "endContainer is wrong after collapse()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "endOffset is wrong after collapse()");
assert(!r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong after selectNodeContents()");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after selectNodeContents()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 0, "startOffset is wrong after selectNodeContents()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, root, "endContainer is wrong after selectNodeContents()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 3, "endOffset is wrong after selectNodeContents()");
assert(!r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong after selectNode()");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, root, "startContainer is wrong after selectNode()");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 1, "startOffset is wrong after selectNode()");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, root, "endContainer is wrong after selectNode()");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 2, "endOffset is wrong after selectNode()");
return 1;
function () {
// test 9: extractContents() in a Document
var doc = getTestDocument();
var h1 = doc.createElement('h1');
var t1 = doc.createTextNode('Hello ');
var em = doc.createElement('em');
var t2 = doc.createTextNode('Wonderful');
var t3 = doc.createTextNode(' Kitty');
var p = doc.createElement('p');
var t4 = doc.createTextNode('How are you?');
var r = doc.createRange();
assertEquals(r.toString(), "Hello Wonderful KittyHow are you?", "toString() on range selecting Document gave wrong output");
r.setStart(t2, 6);
r.setEnd(p, 0);
// <body><h1>Hello <em>Wonder ful<\em> Kitty<\h1><p> How are you?<\p><\body> (the '\'s are to avoid validation errors)
// ^----------------------^
assertEquals(r.toString(), "ful Kitty", "toString() on range crossing text nodes gave wrong output");
var f = r.extractContents();
// <h1><em>ful<\em> Kitty<\h1><p><\p>
// ccccccccccccccccMMMMMMcccccccccccc
assertEquals(f.nodeType, 11, "failure 1");
assert(f.childNodes.length == 2, "expected two children in the result, got " + f.childNodes.length);
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].tagName, "H1", "failure 3");
assert(f.childNodes[0] != h1, "failure 4");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].childNodes.length, 2, "failure 5");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].tagName, "EM", "failure 6");
assert(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[0] != em, "failure 7");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes.length, 1, "failure 8");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].data, "ful", "failure 9");
assert(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0] != t2, "failure 10");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[1], t3, "failure 11");
assert(f.childNodes[0].childNodes[1] != em, "failure 12");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[1].tagName, "P", "failure 13");
assertEquals(f.childNodes[1].childNodes.length, 0, "failure 14");
assert(f.childNodes[1] != p, "failure 15");
return 1;
function () {
// test 10: Ranges and Attribute Nodes
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - turns out instead of dropping Attr entirely, as Acid3 originally expected, the API is just being refactored
// var e = document.getElementById('result');
// if (!e.getAttributeNode)
// return 1; // support for attribute nodes is optional in Acid3, because attribute nodes might be removed from DOM Core in the future.
// // however, if they're supported, they'd better work:
// var a = e.getAttributeNode('id');
// var r = document.createRange();
// r.selectNodeContents(a);
// assertEquals(r.toString(), "result", "toString() didn't work for attribute node");
// var t = a.firstChild;
// var f = r.extractContents();
// assertEquals(f.childNodes.length, 1, "extracted contents were the wrong length");
// assertEquals(f.childNodes[0], t, "extracted contents were the wrong node");
// assertEquals(t.textContent, 'result', "extracted contents didn't match old attribute value");
// assertEquals(r.toString(), '', "extracting contents didn't empty attribute value; instead equals '" + r.toString() + "'");
// assertEquals(e.getAttribute('id'), '', "extracting contents didn't change 'id' attribute to empty string");
// = 'result';
return 1;
function () {
// test 11: Ranges and Comments
var msg;
var doc = getTestDocument();
var c1 = doc.createComment("11111");
var r = doc.createRange();
msg = 'wrong exception raised';
try {
msg = 'no exception raised';
} catch (e) {
if ('code' in e)
msg += '; code = ' + e.code;
if (e.code == 3) // HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
msg = '';
assert(msg == '', "when inserting <a> into Document with another child: " + msg);
var c2 = doc.createComment("22222");
var c3 = doc.createComment("33333");
r.setStart(c2, 2);
r.setEnd(c3, 3);
var msg = 'wrong exception raised';
try {
msg = 'no exception raised';
} catch (e) {
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - DOM Core changes the exception from RangeException.BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR (1) to DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR (11)
// if ('code' in e)
// msg += '; code = ' + e.code;
// if (e.code == 1)
msg = '';
assert(msg == '', "when trying to surround two halves of comment: " + msg);
assertEquals(r.toString(), "", "comments returned text");
return 1;
function () {
// test 12: Ranges under mutations: insertion into text nodes
var doc = getTestDocument();
var p = doc.createElement('p');
var t1 = doc.createTextNode('12345');
var t2 = doc.createTextNode('ABCDE');
var r = doc.createRange();
r.setStart(p.firstChild, 2);
r.setEnd(p.firstChild, 3);
assert(!r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.commonAncestorContainer, p.firstChild, "commonAncestorContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, p.firstChild, "startContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, p.firstChild, "endContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 3, "endOffset is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.toString(), "3", "range in text node stringification failed");
assertEquals(p.childNodes.length, 3, "insertion of node made wrong number of child nodes");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[0], t1, "unexpected first text node");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[0].data, "12", "unexpected first text node contents");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[1], t2, "unexpected second text node");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[1].data, "ABCDE", "unexpected second text node");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[2].data, "345", "unexpected third text node contents");
// The spec is very vague about what exactly should be in the range afterwards:
// the insertion results in a splitText(), which it says is equivalent to a truncation
// followed by an insertion, but it doesn't say what to do when you have a truncation,
// so we don't know where either the start or the end boundary points end up.
// The spec really should be clarified for how to handle splitText() and
// text node truncation in general
// The only thing that seems very clear is that the inserted text node should
// be in the range, and it has to be at the start, since insertion always puts it at
// the start.
assert(!r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong after insertion");
assert(r.toString().match(/^ABCDE/), "range didn't start with the expected text; range stringified to '" + r.toString() + "'");
return 1;
function () {
// test 13: Ranges under mutations: deletion
var doc = getTestDocument();
var p = doc.createElement('p');
var r = doc.createRange();
r.setEnd(doc.body, 1);
r.setStart(p.firstChild, 2);
assert(!r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.commonAncestorContainer, doc.body, "commonAncestorContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, p.firstChild, "startContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 2, "startOffset is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc.body, "endContainer is wrong at start");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 1, "endOffset is wrong at start");
assert(r.collapsed, "collapsed is wrong after deletion");
assertEquals(r.commonAncestorContainer, doc.body, "commonAncestorContainer is wrong after deletion");
assertEquals(r.startContainer, doc.body, "startContainer is wrong after deletion");
assertEquals(r.startOffset, 0, "startOffset is wrong after deletion");
assertEquals(r.endContainer, doc.body, "endContainer is wrong after deletion");
assertEquals(r.endOffset, 0, "endOffset is wrong after deletion");
return 1;
function () {
// test 14: HTTP - Content-Type: image/png
assert(!notifications['resources/acid3/empty.png'], "privilege escalation security bug: PNG ran script");
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
assert(iframe, "no <iframe> support");
if (iframe && iframe.contentDocument) {
var ps = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('p');
if (ps.length > 0) {
if (ps[0].firstChild && ps[0] && ps[0] == 'FAIL')
fail("PNG was parsed as HTML.");
return 1;
function () {
// test 15: HTTP - Content-Type: text/plain
assert(!notifications['resources/acid3/empty.txt'], "privilege escalation security bug: text file ran script");
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[1];
assert(iframe, "no <iframe> support");
if (iframe && iframe.contentDocument) {
var ps = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('p');
if (ps.length > 0) {
if (ps[0].firstChild && ps[0] && ps[0] == 'FAIL')
fail("text/plain file was parsed as HTML");
return 1;
function () {
// test 16: <object> handling and HTTP status codes
var oC = document.createElement('object');
var oB = document.createElement('object');
var oA = document.createElement('object'); = "resources/acid3/support-a.png"; = "resources/acid3/support-b.png";
oB.appendChild(oC); = "resources/acid3/support-c.png";
// assuming the above didn't raise any exceptions, this test has passed
// (the real test is whether the rendering is correct)
return 1;
// bucket 2: DOM2 Core and DOM2 Events
// Core
function () {
// test 17: hasAttribute
// missing attribute
assert(!document.getElementsByTagName('map')[0].hasAttribute('id'), "hasAttribute failure for 'id' on map");
// implied attribute
assert(!document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].hasAttribute('method'), "hasAttribute failure for 'method' on form");
// actually present attribute
assert(document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].hasAttribute('action'), "hasAttribute failure for 'action' on form");
assertEquals(document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].getAttribute('action'), '', "attribute 'action' on form has wrong value");
return 2;
function () {
// test 18: nodeType (this test also relies on accurate parsing of the document)
assertEquals(document.nodeType, 9, "document nodeType wrong");
assertEquals(document.documentElement.nodeType, 1, "element nodeType wrong");
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - turns out instead of dropping Attr entirely, as Acid3 originally expected, the API is just being refactored
// if (document.createAttribute) // support for attribute nodes is optional in Acid3, because attribute nodes might be removed from DOM Core in the future.
// assertEquals(document.createAttribute('test').nodeType, 2, "attribute nodeType wrong"); // however, if they're supported, they'd better work
assertEquals(document.getElementById('score').firstChild.nodeType, 3, "text node nodeType wrong");
assertEquals(document.firstChild.nodeType, 10, "DOCTYPE nodeType wrong");
return 2;
function () {
// test 19: value of constants
var e = null;
try {
} catch (err) {
e = err;
assertEquals(document.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE, 11, "document DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE constant missing or wrong");
assertEquals(document.body.COMMENT_NODE, 8, "element COMMENT_NODE constant missing or wrong");
assertEquals(document.createTextNode('').ELEMENT_NODE, 1, "text node ELEMENT_NODE constant missing or wrong");
assert(e.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR == 3, "exception HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR constant missing or wrong")
assertEquals(e.code, 3, "incorrect exception raised from appendChild()");
return 2;
function () {
// test 20: nulls bytes in various places
assert(!document.getElementById('bucket1\0error'), "null in getElementById() probably terminated string");
var ok = true;
try {
ok = false;
} catch (e) {
if (e.code != 5)
ok = false;
assert(ok, "didn't raise the right exception for null byte in createElement()");
return 2;
function () {
// test 21: basic namespace stuff
var element = document.createElementNS('', 'prefix:localname');
assertEquals(element.tagName, 'prefix:localname', "wrong tagName");
assertEquals(element.nodeName, 'prefix:localname', "wrong nodeName");
assertEquals(element.prefix, 'prefix', "wrong prefix");
assertEquals(element.localName, 'localname', "wrong localName");
assertEquals(element.namespaceURI, '', "wrong namespaceURI");
return 2;
function () {
// test 22: createElement() with invalid tag names
var test = function (name) {
var result;
try {
var div = document.createElement(name);
} catch (e) {
result = e;
assert(result, "no exception for createElement('" + name + "')");
assertEquals(result.code, 5, "wrong exception for createElement('" + name + "')"); // INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR
test('di v');
return 2;
function () {
// test 23: createElementNS() with invalid tag names
var test = function (name, ns, code) {
var result;
try {
var div = document.createElementNS(ns, name);
} catch (e) {
result = e;
assert(result, "no exception for createElementNS('" + ns + "', '" + name + "')");
assertEquals(result.code, code, "wrong exception for createElementNS('" + ns + "', '" + name + "')");
test('<div>', null, 5);
test('0div', null, 5);
test('di v', null, 5);
test('di<v', null, 5);
test('-div', null, 5);
test('.div', null, 5);
test('<div>', "", 5);
test('0div', "", 5);
test('di<v', "", 5);
test('-div', "", 5);
test('.div', "", 5);
test(':div', null, 14);
test(':div', "", 14);
test('d:iv', null, 14);
test('xml:test', "", 14);
test('xmlns:test', "", 14); // (technically a DOM3 Core test)
test('x:test', "", 14); // (technically a DOM3 Core test)
document.createElementNS("", 'xmlns:test'); // (technically a DOM3 Core test)
return 2;
function () {
// test 24: event handler attributes
assertEquals(document.body.getAttribute('onload'), "update() /* this attribute's value is tested in one of the tests */ ", "onload value wrong");
return 2;
function () {
// test 25: test namespace checking in createDocumentType, and
// check that exceptions that are thrown are DOMException objects
var message = "";
try {
document.implementation.createDocumentType('a:', '', ''); /* doesn't contain an illegal character; is malformed */
message = "failed to raise exception";
} catch (e) {
if (e.code != e.NAMESPACE_ERR)
message = "wrong exception";
else if (e.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR != 15)
message = "exceptions don't have all the constants";
if (message)
return 2;
function () {
// test 26: check that document tree survives while still accessible
var d;
// e1 - an element that's in a document
d = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null);
var e1 = d.createElement('test');
assert(e1.parentNode, "e1 - parent element doesn't exist");
assert(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e1 - document doesn't exist");
// e2 - an element that's not in a document
d = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null);
var e2 = d.createElement('test');
assert(e2.parentNode, "e2 - parent element doesn't exist");
assert(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e2 - document doesn't exist");
// now try to decouple them
d = null;
kungFuDeathGrip = [e1, e2];
assert(e1.parentNode, "e1 - parent element doesn't exist after dropping reference to document");
assert(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e1 - document doesn't exist after dropping reference to document");
assert(e2.parentNode, "e2 - parent element doesn't exist after dropping reference to document");
assert(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e2 - document doesn't exist after dropping reference to document");
var loops = new Date().valueOf() * 2.813435e-9 - 2412; // increases linearly over time
for (var i = 0; i < loops; i += 1) {
// we want to force a GC here, so we use up lots of memory
// we take the opportunity to sneak in a perf test to make DOM and JS stuff faster...
d = new Date();
d = new (function (x) { return { toString: function () { return x.toString() } } })(d.valueOf());
d = document.createTextNode("iteration " + i + " at " + d);
d = d.parentNode;
document.body.insertBefore(d, document.getElementById('bucket1').parentNode);
assert(document.getElementById('bucket2')\W/i), "iteration " + i + " failed");
d.setAttribute('class', d.textContent);
assert(e1.parentNode, "e1 - parent element doesn't exist after looping");
assert(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e1 - document doesn't exist after looping");
assertEquals(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument.nodeType, 9, "e1 - document node type has wrong node type");
assert(e2.parentNode, "e2 - parent element doesn't exist after looping");
assert(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e2 - document doesn't exist after looping");
assertEquals(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument.nodeType, 9, "e2 - document node type has wrong node type");
return 2;
function () {
// test 27: a continuation of the previous test
var e1 = kungFuDeathGrip[0];
var e2 = kungFuDeathGrip[1];
kungFuDeathGrip = null;
assert(e1, "e1 - element itself didn't survive across tests");
assert(e1.parentNode, "e1 - parent element doesn't exist after waiting");
assert(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e1 - document doesn't exist after waiting");
assertEquals(e1.parentNode.ownerDocument.nodeType, 9, "e1 - document node type has wrong node type after waiting");
assert(e2, "e2 - element itself didn't survive across tests");
assert(e2.parentNode, "e2 - parent element doesn't exist after waiting");
assert(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument, "e2 - document doesn't exist after waiting");
assertEquals(e2.parentNode.ownerDocument.nodeType, 9, "e2 - document node type has wrong node type after waiting");
return 2;
function () {
// test 28: getElementById()
// ...and name=""
assert(document.getElementById('form') !== document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0], "getElementById() searched on 'name'");
// ...and a space character as the ID
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('FAIL')); = " ";
document.body.appendChild(div); // it's hidden by CSS
assert(div === document.getElementById(" "), "getElementById() didn't return the right element");
return 2;
function () {
// test 29: check that whitespace survives cloning
var t1 = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
var t2 = t1.cloneNode(true);
assertEquals(t2.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.tagName, 'P', "<p> didn't clone right");
assertEquals(t2.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells[0].firstChild.childNodes.length, 0, "<p> got child nodes after cloning");
assertEquals(t2.childNodes.length, 2, "cloned table had wrong number of children");
assertEquals(, " ", "cloned table lost whitespace text node");
return 2;
// Events
function () {
// test 30: dispatchEvent()
var count = 0;
var ok = true;
var test = function (event) {
if (event.detail != 6)
ok = false;
// test event listener addition
document.getElementById('result').addEventListener('test', test, false);
// test event creation
var event = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
event.initUIEvent('test', true, false, null, 6);
// test event dispatch on elements and text nodes
assert(document.getElementById('score').dispatchEvent(event), "dispatchEvent #1 failed");
assert(document.getElementById('score').nextSibling.dispatchEvent(event), "dispatchEvent #2 failed");
// test event listener removal
document.getElementById('result').removeEventListener('test', test, false);
assert(document.getElementById('score').dispatchEvent(event), "dispatchEvent #3 failed");
assertEquals(count, 2, "unexpected number of events handled");
assert(ok, "unexpected events handled");
return 2;
function () {
// test 31: event.stopPropagation() and capture
// we're going to use an input element because we can cause events to bubble from it
var input = document.createElement('input');
var div = document.createElement('div');
// the test will consist of two event handlers:
var ok = true;
var captureCount = 0;
var testCapture = function (event) {
ok = ok &&
(event.type == 'click') &&
( == input) &&
(event.currentTarget == div) &&
(event.eventPhase == 1) &&
(event.bubbles) &&
event.stopPropagation(); // this shouldn't stop it from firing both times on the div element
var testBubble = function (event) {
ok = false;
// one of which is added twice:
div.addEventListener('click', function (event) { testCapture(event) }, true);
div.addEventListener('click', function (event) { testCapture(event) }, true);
div.addEventListener('click', testBubble, false);
// we cause an event to bubble like this:
input.type = 'reset';;
// cleanup afterwards
// capture handler should have been called twice
assertEquals(captureCount, 2, "capture handler called the wrong number of times");
assert(ok, "capture handler called incorrectly");
return 2;
function () {
// test 32: events bubbling through Document node
// event handler:
var ok = true;
var count = 0;
var test = function (event) {
count += 1;
if (event.eventPhase != 3)
ok = false;
// register event handler
document.body.addEventListener('click', test, false);
// create an element that bubbles an event, and bubble it
var input = document.createElement('input');
var div = document.createElement('div');
input.type = 'reset';;
// unregister event handler
document.body.removeEventListener('click', test, false);
// check that it's removed for good;
// remove the newly added elements
assertEquals(count, 1, "capture handler called the wrong number of times");
assert(ok, "capture handler called incorrectly");
return 2;
// bucket 3: DOM2 Views, DOM2 Style, and Selectors
function () {
// test 33: basic tests for selectors - classes, attributes
var p;
var builder = function(doc) {
p = doc.createElement("p");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
p.className = "selectorPingTest";
var good = add(".selectorPingTest");
expect(doc.body, 0, "failure 1");
expect(p, good, "failure 2");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
p.className = 'a\u0020b\u0009c\u000Ad\u000De\u000Cf\u2003g\u3000h';
var good = add(".a.b.c.d.e.f\\2003g\\3000h");
expect(p, good, "whitespace error in class processing");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
p.className = "selectorPingTest";
var good = add("[class=selectorPingTest]");
expect(doc.body, 0, "failure 3");
expect(p, good, "class attribute matching failed");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
p.className = "selectorPingTest";
var good = add("[title=selectorPingTest]");
expect(doc.body, 0, "failure 4");
expect(p, 0, "failure 5");
p.title = "selectorPingTest";
expect(doc.body, 0, "failure 6");
expect(p, good, "failure 7");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
p.setAttribute('align', 'right and left');
var good = add("[align=\"right and left\"]");
expect(p, good, "align attribute mismatch");
return 3;
function () {
// test 34: :lang() and [|=]
var div1;
var div2;
var p;
var builder = function(doc) {
div1 = doc.createElement('div');
div1.setAttribute("lang", "english");
div1.setAttribute("class", "widget-tree");
div2 = doc.createElement('div');
div2.setAttribute("lang", "en-GB");
div2.setAttribute("class", "WIDGET");
p = doc.createElement('p');
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var lang_en = add(":lang(en)");
expect(div1, 0, "lang=english should not be matched by :lang(en)");
expect(div2, lang_en, "lang=en-GB should be matched by :lang(en)");
expect(p, lang_en, "descendants inheriting lang=en-GB should be matched by :lang(en)");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var class_widget = add("[class|=widget]");
expect(div1, class_widget, "class attribute should be supported by |= attribute selectors");
expect(div2, 0, "class attribute is case-sensitive");
return 3;
function () {
// test 35: :first-child
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var notFirst = 0;
var first = add(":first-child");
var p1 = doc.createElement("p");
doc.body.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" TEST "));
expect(doc.documentElement, notFirst, "root element, with no parent node, claims to be a :first-child");
expect(doc.documentElement.firstChild, first, "first child of root node didn't match :first-child");
expect(doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild, first, "failure 3");
expect(doc.body, notFirst, "failure 4");
expect(p1, first, "failure 5");
var p2 = doc.createElement("p");
expect(doc.body, notFirst, "failure 6");
expect(p1, first, "failure 7");
expect(p2, notFirst, "failure 8");
var p0 = doc.createElement("p");
doc.body.insertBefore(p0, p1);
expect(doc.body, notFirst, "failure 9");
expect(p0, first, "failure 10");
expect(p1, notFirst, ":first-child still applies to element that was previously a first child");
expect(p2, notFirst, "failure 12");
doc.body.insertBefore(p0, p2);
expect(doc.body, notFirst, "failure 13");
expect(p1, first, "failure 14");
expect(p0, notFirst, "failure 15");
expect(p2, notFirst, "failure 16");
return 3;
function () {
// test 36: :last-child
var p1;
var p2;
var builder = function(doc) {
p1 = doc.createElement('p');
p2 = doc.createElement('p');
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var last = add(":last-child");
expect(p1, 0, "control test for :last-child failed");
expect(p2, last, "last child did not match :last-child");
expect(p2, 0, ":last-child matched element with a following sibling");
expect(p1, last, "failure 4");
expect(p2, last, "failure 5");
expect(p1, last, "failure 6");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var last = add(":last-child");
expect(p1, 0, "failure 7");
expect(p2, last, "failure 8");
doc.body.insertBefore(p2, p1);
expect(p2, 0, "failure 9");
expect(p1, last, "failure 10");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var last = add(":last-child");
expect(p1, 0, "failure 11");
expect(p2, last, "failure 12");
expect(p1, last, "failure 13");
assertEquals(p1.nextSibling, null, "failure 14");
assertEquals(p2.parentNode, null, "failure 15");
return 3;
function () {
// test 37: :only-child
var p1;
var p2;
var builder = function(doc) {
p1 = doc.createElement('p');
p2 = doc.createElement('p');
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var only = add(":only-child");
expect(p1, 0, "control test for :only-child failed");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 2");
expect(p1, only, ":only-child did not match only child");
expect(p2, only, "failure 4");
expect(p1, only, "failure 5");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var only = add(":only-child");
expect(p1, 0, "failure 6");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 7");
expect(p2, only, "failure 8");
expect(p2, only, "failure 9");
expect(p1, only, "failure 10");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var only = add(":only-child");
expect(p1, 0, "failure 11");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 12");
var span1 = doc.createElement('span');
expect(p1, 0, "failure 13");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 14");
expect(span1, only, "failure 15");
var span2 = doc.createElement('span');
expect(p1, 0, "failure 16");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 17");
expect(span1, 0, "failure 18");
expect(span2, 0, "failure 19");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var only = add(":only-child");
expect(p1, 0, "failure 20");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 21");
var span1 = doc.createElement('span');
expect(p1, 0, "failure 22");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 23");
expect(span1, only, "failure 24");
var span2 = doc.createElement('span');
p2.insertBefore(span2, span1);
expect(p1, 0, "failure 25");
expect(p2, 0, "failure 26");
expect(span1, 0, "failure 27");
expect(span2, 0, "failure 28");
return 3;
function () {
// test 38: :empty
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var empty = add(":empty");
var p = doc.createElement('p');
expect(p, empty, "empty p element didn't match :empty");
var span = doc.createElement('span');
expect(p, 0, "adding children didn't stop the element matching :empty");
expect(span, empty, "empty span element didn't match :empty");
expect(p, empty, "removing all children didn't make the element match :empty");
expect(p, empty, "element with a comment node and an empty text node didn't match :empty");
expect(p, empty, "element with a comment node and two empty text nodes didn't match :empty"); = " ";
expect(p, 0, "adding text to a text node didn't make the element non-:empty");
assertEquals(p.childNodes.length, 3, "text nodes may have merged");
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - replaceWholeText() might go away entirely
// p.childNodes[1].replaceWholeText("");
// assertEquals(p.childNodes.length, 1, "replaceWholeText('') didn't remove text nodes");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[1].nodeType, 3, "missing text node before first removal");
assertEquals(p.childNodes[1].nodeType, 3, "missing text node before second removal");
expect(p, empty, "element with a comment node only didn't match :empty");
p.appendChild(doc.createElementNS("", "test"));
expect(p, 0, "adding an element in a namespace didn't make the element non-:empty");
return 3;
function () {
// test 39: :nth-child, :nth-last-child
var ps;
var builder = function(doc) {
ps = [
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 1)
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-child(odd)");
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? 0 : match, ":nth-child(odd) failed with child " + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-child(even)");
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? match : 0 , ":nth-child(even) failed with child " + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-child(odd)");
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? 0 : match, ":nth-child(odd) failed after removal with child " + i);
for (var i = 6; i < ps.length; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? match : 0, ":nth-child(odd) failed after removal with child " + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-child(even)");
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? match : 0, ":nth-child(even) failed after removal with child " + i);
for (var i = 6; i < ps.length; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], i % 2 ? 0 : match, ":nth-child(even) failed after removal with child " + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-child(-n+3)");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], match, ":nth-child(-n+3) failed with child " + i);
for (var i = 3; i < ps.length; i += 1)
expect(ps[i], 0, ":nth-child(-n+3) failed with child " + i);
return 3;
function () {
// test 40: :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-of-type, :nth-of-type, :nth-last-of-type
var elements;
var builder = function(doc) {
elements = [
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":first-of-type");
var values = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 1:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":last-of-type");
var values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 2:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":only-of-type");
var values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 3:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-of-type(3n-1)");
var values = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 4:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-of-type(3n+1)");
var values = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 5:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-last-of-type(2n)");
var values = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 6:" + i);
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":nth-last-of-type(-5n+3)");
var values;
values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 7:" + i);
values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 8:" + i);
values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1)
expect(elements[i], values[i] ? match : 0, "part 9:" + i);
return 3;
function () {
// test 41: :root, :not()
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var match = add(":not(:root)");
var p = doc.createElement('p');
expect(doc.documentElement, 0, "root was :not(:root)");
expect(doc.documentElement.childNodes[0], match,"head was not :not(:root)");
expect(doc.documentElement.childNodes[1], match,"body was not :not(:root)");
expect(doc.documentElement.childNodes[0].firstChild, match,"title was not :not(:root)");
expect(p, match,"p was not :not(:root)");
return 3;
function () {
// test 42: +, ~, >, and ' ' in dynamic situations
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var div1 = doc.createElement('div'); = "div1";
var div2 = doc.createElement('div');
var div3 = doc.createElement('div');
var div31 = doc.createElement('div');
var div311 = doc.createElement('div');
var div3111 = doc.createElement('div');
var match = add("#div1 ~ div div + div > div");
expect(div1, 0, "failure 1");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 2");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 3");
expect(div31, 0, "failure 4");
expect(div311, 0, "failure 5");
expect(div3111, 0, "failure 6");
var div310 = doc.createElement('div');
div31.insertBefore(div310, div311);
expect(div1, 0, "failure 7");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 8");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 9");
expect(div31, 0, "failure 10");
expect(div310, 0, "failure 11");
expect(div311, 0, "failure 12");
expect(div3111, match, "rule did not start matching after change");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var div1 = doc.createElement('div'); = "div1";
var div2 = doc.createElement('div');
var div3 = doc.createElement('div');
var div4 = doc.createElement('div');
var div5 = doc.createElement('div');
var div6 = doc.createElement('div');
var match = add("#div1 > div div > div");
expect(div1, 0, "failure 14");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 15");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 16");
expect(div4, match, "failure 17");
expect(div5, match, "failure 18");
expect(div6, match, "failure 19");
var p34 = doc.createElement('p');
div3.insertBefore(p34, div4);
p34.insertBefore(div4, null);
expect(div1, 0, "failure 20");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 21");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 22");
expect(p34, 0, "failure 23");
expect(div4, 0, "failure 24");
expect(div5, match, "failure 25");
expect(div6, match, "failure 26");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var div1 = doc.createElement('div'); = "div1";
var div2 = doc.createElement('div');
var div3 = doc.createElement('div');
var div4 = doc.createElement('div');
var div5 = doc.createElement('div');
var div6 = doc.createElement('div');
var match = add("#div1 > div div > div");
expect(div1, 0, "failure 27");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 28");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 29");
expect(div4, match, "failure 30");
expect(div5, match, "failure 31");
expect(div6, match, "failure 32");
var p23 = doc.createElement('p');
div2.insertBefore(p23, div3);
p23.insertBefore(div3, null);
expect(div1, 0, "failure 33");
expect(div2, 0, "failure 34");
expect(div3, 0, "failure 35");
expect(p23, 0, "failure 36");
expect(div4, match, "failure 37");
expect(div5, match, "failure 38");
expect(div6, match, "failure 39");
return 3;
function () {
// test 43: :enabled, :disabled, :checked, etc
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var input = doc.createElement('input');
input.type = 'checkbox';
var neither = 0;
var both = add(":checked:enabled");
var checked = add(":checked");
var enabled = add(":enabled");
expect(doc.body, neither, "control failure");
expect(input, enabled, "input element didn't match :enabled");;
expect(input, both, "input element didn't match :checked");
input.disabled = true;
expect(input, checked, "failure 3");
input.checked = false;
expect(input, neither, "failure 4");
expect(doc.body, neither, "failure 5");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var input1 = doc.createElement('input');
input1.type = 'radio'; = 'radio';
var input2 = doc.createElement('input');
input2.type = 'radio'; = 'radio';
var checked = add(":checked");
expect(input1, 0, "failure 6");
expect(input2, 0, "failure 7");;
expect(input1, 0, "failure 6");
expect(input2, checked, "failure 7");
input1.checked = true;
expect(input1, checked, "failure 8");
expect(input2, 0, "failure 9");
input2.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); // sets defaultChecked, doesn't change actual state
expect(input1, checked, "failure 10");
expect(input2, 0, "failure 11");
input1.type = "text";
expect(input1, 0, "text field matched :checked");
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
var input = doc.createElement('input');
input.type = 'button';
var neither = 0;
var enabled = add(":enabled");
var disabled = add(":disabled");
expect(input, enabled, "failure 12");
input.disabled = true;
expect(input, disabled, "failure 13");
expect(input, enabled, "failure 14");
expect(doc.body, neither, "failure 15");
return 3;
function () {
// test 44: selectors without spaces before a "*"
selectorTest(function (doc, add, expect) {
doc.body.className = "test";
var p = doc.createElement('p');
p.className = "test";
expect(doc.body, 0, "misparsed selectors");
expect(p, 0, "really misparsed selectors");
return 3;
function () {
// test 45: cssFloat and the style attribute
assert(!, "body has floatation");
document.body.setAttribute("style", "float: right");
assertEquals(, "right", "body doesn't have floatation");
document.body.setAttribute("style", "float: none");
assertEquals(, "none", "body didn't lose floatation");
return 3;
function () {
// test 46: media queries
var doc = getTestDocument();
var style = doc.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-color: 0) { #a { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (min-color: 0) { #b { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (min-color: 0) { #c { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (bogus) { #d { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (bogus) { #e { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (bogus) { #f { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // commentd out but should not match
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (bogus) { #g { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (bogus), all { #h { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (bogus), all { #i { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (bogus), all { #j { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media only all and (bogus), all { #k { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, (bogus) { #l { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and (bogus) { #m { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, not all and (bogus) { #n { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, only all and (bogus) { #o { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and color { #p { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and min-color: 0 { #q { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and color { #r { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // commented out but should match
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and min-color: 0 { #s { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // commented out but should match
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and min-color: 0, all { #t { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // commented out but should match
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (max-color: 0) and (max-monochrome: 0) { #u { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media (min-color: 1), (min-monochrome: 1) { #v { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-color: 0) and (min-monochrome: 0) { #w { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media not all and (min-color: 1), not all and (min-monochrome: 1) { #x { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-height: 1em) and (min-width: 1em) { #y1 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (max-height: 1em) and (min-width: 1em) { #y2 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (min-height: 1em) and (max-width: 1em) { #y3 { text-transform: uppercase; } }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all and (max-height: 1em) and (max-width: 1em) { #y4 { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
var names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3', 'y4'];
for (var i in names) {
var p = doc.createElement('p'); = names[i];
var count = 0;
var check = function (c, e) {
count += 1;
var p = doc.getElementById(c);
assertEquals(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(p, '').textTransform, e ? 'uppercase' : 'none', "case " + c + " failed (index " + count + ")");
check('a', true); // 1
check('b', false);
check('c', true);
check('d', false);
check('e', false);
* check('f', false);
check('g', false);
check('h', true);
check('i', true);
check('j', true); // 10
check('k', true);
check('l', true);
check('m', true);
check('n', true);
check('o', true);
check('p', false);
check('q', false);
* check('r', true);
* check('s', true);
* check('t', true); // 20
check('u', false);
check('v', true);
check('w', true);
check('x', true);
// here the viewport is 0x0
check('y1', false); // 25
check('y2', false);
check('y3', false);
check('y4', true);
document.getElementById("selectors").setAttribute("style", "height: 100px; width: 100px");
// now the viewport is more than 1em by 1em
check('y1', true); // 29
check('y2', false);
check('y3', false);
check('y4', false);
// here the viewport is 0x0 again
check('y1', false); // 33
check('y2', false);
check('y3', false);
check('y4', true);
return 3;
function () {
// test 47: 'cursor' and CSS3 values
var doc = getTestDocument();
var style = doc.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
var cursors = ['auto', 'default', 'none', 'context-menu', 'help', 'pointer', 'progress', 'wait', 'cell', 'crosshair', 'text', 'vertical-text', 'alias', 'copy', 'move', 'no-drop', 'not-allowed', 'e-resize', 'n-resize', 'ne-resize', 'nw-resize', 's-resize', 'se-resize', 'sw-resize', 'w-resize', 'ew-resize', 'ns-resize', 'nesw-resize', 'nwse-resize', 'col-resize', 'row-resize', 'all-scroll'];
for (var i in cursors) {
var c = cursors[i];
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('#' + c + ' { cursor: ' + c + '; }'));
style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('#bogus { cursor: bogus; }'));
doc.body.previousSibling.appendChild(style); = "bogus";
assertEquals(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(doc.body, '').cursor, "auto", "control failed");
for (var i in cursors) {
var c = cursors[i]; = c;
assertEquals(doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(doc.body, '').cursor, c, "cursor " + c + " not supported");
return 3;
function () {
// test 48: :link and :visited
var iframe = document.getElementById("selectors");
var number = (new Date()).valueOf();
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS AT ALL')); // changed text when fixing
a.setAttribute('id', 'linktest');
a.setAttribute('class', 'pending');
a.setAttribute('href', iframe.getAttribute('src') + "?" + number);
iframe.setAttribute("onload", "document.getElementById('linktest').removeAttribute('class')");
iframe.src = a.getAttribute("href");
return 3;
// bucket 4: HTML and the DOM
// Tables
function () {
// test 49: basic table accessor ping test create*, delete*, and *
// where * is caption, tHead, tFoot.
var table = document.createElement('table');
assert(!table.caption, "initially: caption");
assert(table.tBodies, "initially: tBodies");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 0, "initially: tBodies.length");
assert(table.rows, "initially: rows");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 0, "initially: rows.length");
assert(!table.tFoot, "initially: tFoot");
assert(!table.tHead, "initially: tHead");
var caption = table.createCaption();
var thead = table.createTHead();
var tfoot = table.createTFoot();
assertEquals(table.caption, caption, "after creation: caption");
assert(table.tBodies, "after creation: tBodies");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 0, "after creation: tBodies.length");
assert(table.rows, "after creation: rows");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 0, "after creation: rows.length");
assertEquals(table.tFoot, tfoot, "after creation: tFoot");
assertEquals(table.tHead, thead, "after creation: tHead");
assertEquals(table.childNodes.length, 3, "after creation: childNodes.length");
table.caption = caption; // no-op
table.tHead = thead; // no-op
table.tFoot = tfoot; // no-op
assertEquals(table.caption, caption, "after setting: caption");
assert(table.tBodies, "after setting: tBodies");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 0, "after setting: tBodies.length");
assert(table.rows, "after setting: rows");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 0, "after setting: rows.length");
assertEquals(table.tFoot, tfoot, "after setting: tFoot");
assertEquals(table.tHead, thead, "after setting: tHead");
assertEquals(table.childNodes.length, 3, "after setting: childNodes.length");
assert(!table.caption, "after deletion: caption");
assert(table.tBodies, "after deletion: tBodies");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 0, "after deletion: tBodies.length");
assert(table.rows, "after deletion: rows");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 0, "after deletion: rows.length");
assert(!table.tFoot, "after deletion: tFoot");
assert(!table.tHead, "after deletion: tHead");
assert(!table.hasChildNodes(), "after deletion: hasChildNodes()");
assertEquals(table.childNodes.length, 0, "after deletion: childNodes.length");
return 4;
function () {
// test 50: construct a table, and see if the table is as expected
var table = document.createElement('table');
var tr1 = document.createElement('tr');
// <table><tbody/><tr/><caption/><thead/>
table.insertBefore(table.firstChild.nextSibling, null); // move the <tr/> to the end
// <table><tbody/><caption/><thead/><tr/>
table.replaceChild(table.firstChild, table.lastChild); // move the <tbody/> to the end and remove the <tr>
// <table><caption/><thead/><tbody/>
var tr2 = table.tBodies[0].insertRow(0);
// <table><caption/><thead/><tbody><tr/><\tbody> (the '\' is to avoid validation errors)
assertEquals(table.tBodies[0].rows[0].rowIndex, 0, "rowIndex broken");
assertEquals(table.tBodies[0].rows[0].sectionRowIndex, 0, "sectionRowIndex broken");
assertEquals(table.childNodes.length, 3, "wrong number of children");
assert(table.caption, "caption broken");
assert(table.tHead, "tHead broken");
assert(!table.tFoot, "tFoot broken");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 1, "wrong number of tBodies");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 1, "wrong number of rows");
assert(!tr1.parentNode, "orphan row has unexpected parent");
assertEquals(table.caption, table.createCaption(), "caption creation failed");
assertEquals(table.tFoot, null, "table has unexpected footer");
assertEquals(table.tHead, table.createTHead(), "header creation failed");
assertEquals(table.createTFoot(), table.tFoot, "footer creation failed");
// either: <table><caption/><thead/><tbody><tr/><\tbody><tfoot/>
// or: <table><caption/><thead/><tfoot/><tbody><tr/><\tbody>
// either: <table><caption/><thead><tr/><\thead><tbody><tr/><\tbody><tfoot/>
// or: <table><caption/><thead><tr/><\thead><tfoot/><tbody><tr/><\tbody>
assertEquals(table.rows[0], table.tHead.firstChild, "top row not in expected position");
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 2, "wrong number of rows after appending one");
assertEquals(table.rows[1], table.tBodies[0].firstChild, "second row not in expected position");
return 4;
function () {
// test 51: test the ordering and creation of rows
var table = document.createElement('table');
var rows = [
document.createElement('tr'), // 0: ends up first child of the tfoot
document.createElement('tr'), // 1: goes at the end of the table
document.createElement('tr'), // 2: becomes second child of thead
document.createElement('tr'), // 3: becomes third child of the thead
document.createElement('tr'), // 4: not in the table
table.insertRow(0), // 5: not in the table
table.createTFoot().insertRow(0) // 6: ends up second in the tfoot
table.insertBefore(document.createElement('thead'), table.firstChild);
assertEquals(table.rows.length, 6, "wrong number of rows");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr').length, 6, "wrong number of tr elements");
assertEquals(table.childNodes.length, 3, "table has wrong number of children");
assertEquals(table.childNodes[0], table.tHead, "tHead isn't first");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0], table.tHead.childNodes[0], "first tr isn't in tHead correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[1], table.tHead.childNodes[1], "second tr isn't in tHead correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[1], rows[2], "second tr is the wrong row");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[2], table.tHead.childNodes[2], "third tr isn't in tHead correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[2], rows[3], "third tr is the wrong row");
assertEquals(table.childNodes[1], table.tFoot, "tFoot isn't second");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[3], table.tFoot.childNodes[0], "fourth tr isn't in tFoot correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[3], rows[0], "fourth tr is the wrong row");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[4], table.tFoot.childNodes[1], "fifth tr isn't in tFoot correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[4], rows[6], "fifth tr is the wrong row");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[5], table.childNodes[2], "sixth tr isn't in tFoot correctly");
assertEquals(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[5], rows[1], "sixth tr is the wrong row");
assertEquals(table.tBodies.length, 0, "non-zero number of tBodies");
return 4;
// Forms
function () {
// test 52: <form> and .elements
test = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
assert(test.elements !== test, "form.elements === form");
assert(test.elements !== test.getAttribute('elements'), "form element has an elements content attribute");
assertEquals(test.elements.length, 1, "form element has unexpected number of controls");
assertEquals(test.elements.length, test.length, "form element has inconsistent numbers of controls");
return 4;
function () {
// test 53: changing an <input> dynamically
var f = document.createElement('form');
var i = document.createElement('input'); = 'first';
i.type = 'text';
i.value = 'test';
assertEquals(i.getAttribute('name'), 'first', "name attribute wrong");
assertEquals(, 'first', "name property wrong");
assertEquals(i.getAttribute('type'), 'text', "type attribute wrong");
assertEquals(i.type, 'text', "type property wrong");
assert(!i.hasAttribute('value'), "value attribute wrong");
assertEquals(i.value, 'test', "value property wrong");
assertEquals(f.elements.length, 1, "form's elements array has wrong size");
assertEquals(f.elements[0], i, "form's element array doesn't have input control by index");
assertEquals(f.elements.first, i, "form's element array doesn't have input control by name");
assertEquals(f.elements.second, null, "form's element array has unexpected controls by name"); = 'second';
i.type = 'password';
i.value = 'TEST';
assertEquals(i.getAttribute('name'), 'second', "name attribute wrong after change");
assertEquals(, 'second', "name property wrong after change");
assertEquals(i.getAttribute('type'), 'password', "type attribute wrong after change");
assertEquals(i.type, 'password', "type property wrong after change");
assert(!i.hasAttribute('value'), "value attribute wrong after change");
assertEquals(i.value, 'TEST', "value property wrong after change");
assertEquals(f.elements.length, 1, "form's elements array has wrong size after change");
assertEquals(f.elements[0], i, "form's element array doesn't have input control by index after change");
assertEquals(f.elements.second, i, "form's element array doesn't have input control by name after change");
assertEquals(f.elements.first, null, "form's element array has unexpected controls by name after change");
return 4;
function () {
// test 54: changing a parsed <input>
var i = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
// initial values
assertEquals(i.getAttribute('type'), 'HIDDEN', "input control's type content attribute was wrong");
assertEquals(i.type, 'hidden', "input control's type DOM attribute was wrong");
// change values = 'test';
assertEquals(i.parentNode.elements.test, i, "input control's form didn't update");
// check event handlers
i.parentNode.action = 'javascript:';
var called = false;
i.parentNode.onsubmit = function (arg) {
called = true;
i.type = 'submit';; // synchronously dispatches a click event to the submit button, which submits the form, which calls onsubmit
assert(called, "click handler didn't dispatch properly");
i.type = 'hIdDeN';
// check numeric attributes
i.setAttribute('maxLength', '2');
var s = i.getAttribute('maxLength');
assert(s.match, "attribute is not a String");
assert(!s.MIN_VALUE, "attribute is a Number");
return 4;
function () {
// test 55: moved checkboxes should keep their state
var container = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
var input1 = document.createElement('input');
input1.type = "checkbox";
input1.checked = true;
assert(input1.checked, "checkbox not checked after being checked (inserted first)");
var input2 = document.createElement('input');
input2.type = "checkbox";
input2.checked = true;
assert(input2.checked, "checkbox not checked after being checked (inserted after type set)");
var input3 = document.createElement('input');
input3.type = "checkbox";
input3.checked = true;
assert(input3.checked, "checkbox not checked after being checked (inserted after being checked)");
var target = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[1];
assert(input1.checked, "checkbox 1 not checked after being moved");
assert(input2.checked, "checkbox 2 not checked after being moved");
assert(input3.checked, "checkbox 3 not checked after being moved");
return 4;
function () {
// test 56: cloned radio buttons should keep their state
var form = document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
var input1 = document.createElement('input');
input1.type = "radio"; = "radioGroup1";
var input2 = input1.cloneNode(true);
input1.checked = true;
assert(form.elements.radioGroup1, "radio group absent");
assert(input1.checked, "first radio button not checked");
assert(!input2.checked, "second radio button checked");
input2.checked = true;
assert(!input1.checked, "first radio button checked");
assert(input2.checked, "second radio button not checked");
var input3 = document.createElement('input');
input3.type = "radio"; = "radioGroup2";
assert(!input3.checked, "third radio button checked");
input3.checked = true;
assert(!input1.checked, "first radio button newly checked");
assert(input2.checked, "second radio button newly not checked");
assert(input3.checked, "third radio button not checked");
input1.checked = true;
assert(input1.checked, "first radio button ended up not checked");
assert(!input2.checked, "second radio button ended up checked");
assert(input3.checked, "third radio button ended up not checked");
return 4;
function () {
// test 57: HTMLSelectElement.add()
var s = document.createElement('select');
var o = document.createElement('option');
s.add(o, null);
assert(s.firstChild === o, "add() didn't add to firstChild");
assertEquals(s.childNodes.length, 1, "add() didn't add to childNodes");
assert(s.childNodes[0] === o, "add() didn't add to childNodes correctly");
assertEquals(s.options.length, 1, "add() didn't add to options");
assert(s.options[0] === o, "add() didn't add to options correctly");
return 4;
function () {
// test 58: HTMLOptionElement.defaultSelected
var s = document.createElement('select');
var o1 = document.createElement('option');
var o2 = document.createElement('option');
o2.defaultSelected = true;
var o3 = document.createElement('option');
assert(s.options[s.selectedIndex] === o2, "defaultSelected didn't take");
return 4;
function () {
// test 59: attributes of <button> elements
var button = document.createElement('button');
assertEquals(button.type, "submit", "<button> doesn't have type=submit");
button.setAttribute("type", "button");
assertEquals(button.type, "button", "<button type=button> doesn't have type=button");
assertEquals(button.type, "submit", "<button> doesn't have type=submit back");
button.setAttribute('value', 'apple');
assertEquals(button.value, 'apple', "wrong button value");
return 4;
// Misc DOM2 HTML
function () {
// test 60: className vs "class" vs attribute nodes
var span = document.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
span.setAttribute('class', 'kittens');
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - turns out instead of dropping Attr entirely, as Acid3 originally expected, the API is just being refactored
// if (!span.getAttributeNode)
// return 4; // support for attribute nodes is optional in Acid3, because attribute nodes might be removed from DOM Core in the future.
// var attr = span.getAttributeNode('class');
// // however, if they're supported, they'd better work:
// assert(attr.specified, "attribute not specified");
// assertEquals(attr.value, 'kittens', "attribute value wrong");
// assertEquals(, 'class', "attribute name wrong");
// attr.value = 'ocelots';
// assertEquals(attr.value, 'ocelots', "attribute value wrong");
// assertEquals(span.className, 'ocelots', "setting attribute value failed to be reflected in className");
span.className = 'cats';
// assertEquals(attr.ownerElement.getAttribute('class'), 'cats', "setting attribute value failed to be reflected in getAttribute()");
// span.removeAttributeNode(attr);
// assert(attr.specified, "attribute not specified after removal");
// assert(!attr.ownerElement, "attribute still owned after removal");
// assert(!span.className, "element had class after removal");
return 4;
function () {
// test 61: className and the class attribute: space preservation
var p = document.createElement('p');
assert(!p.hasAttribute('class'), "element had attribute on creation");
p.setAttribute('class', ' te st ');
assert(p.hasAttribute('class'), "element did not have attribute after setting");
assertEquals(p.getAttribute('class'), ' te st ', "class attribute's value was wrong");
assertEquals(p.className, ' te st ', "className was wrong");
p.className = p.className.replace(/ /g, '\n');
assert(p.hasAttribute('class'), "element did not have attribute after replacement");
assertEquals(p.getAttribute('class'), '\nte\n\nst\n', "class attribute's value was wrong after replacement");
assertEquals(p.className, '\nte\n\nst\n', "className was wrong after replacement");
p.className = '';
assert(p.hasAttribute('class'), "element lost attribute after being set to empty string");
assertEquals(p.getAttribute('class'), '', "class attribute's value was wrong after being emptied");
assertEquals(p.className, '', "className was wrong after being emptied");
return 4;
function () {
// test 62: check that DOM attributes and content attributes aren't equivalent
var test;
// <div class="">
test = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
assertEquals(test.className, 'buckets', "buckets: className wrong");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('class'), 'buckets', "buckets: class wrong");
assert(!test.hasAttribute('className'), "buckets: element has className attribute");
assert(test.className != test.getAttribute('className'), "buckets: className attribute equals className property");
assert(!('class' in test), "buckets: element has class property")
test['class'] = "oil";
assert(test.className != "oil", "buckets: class property affected className");
// <label for="">
test = document.createElement('label');
test.htmlFor = 'jars';
assertEquals(test.htmlFor, 'jars', "jars: htmlFor wrong");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('for'), 'jars', "jars: for wrong");
assert(!test.hasAttribute('htmlFor'), "jars: element has htmlFor attribute");
assert(test.htmlFor != test.getAttribute('htmlFor'), "jars: htmlFor attribute equals htmlFor property");
test = document.createElement('label');
test.setAttribute('for', 'pots');
assertEquals(test.htmlFor, 'pots', "pots: htmlFor wrong");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('for'), 'pots', "pots: for wrong");
assert(!test.hasAttribute('htmlFor'), "pots: element has htmlFor attribute");
assert(test.htmlFor != test.getAttribute('htmlFor'), "pots: htmlFor attribute equals htmlFor property");
assert(!('for' in test), "pots: element has for property");
test['for'] = "oil";
assert(test.htmlFor != "oil", "pots: for property affected htmlFor");
// <meta http-equiv="">
test = document.createElement('meta');
test.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'boxes');
assertEquals(test.httpEquiv, 'boxes', "boxes: httpEquiv wrong");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('http-equiv'), 'boxes', "boxes: http-equiv wrong");
assert(!test.hasAttribute('httpEquiv'), "boxes: element has httpEquiv attribute");
assert(test.httpEquiv != test.getAttribute('httpEquiv'), "boxes: httpEquiv attribute equals httpEquiv property");
test = document.createElement('meta');
test.httpEquiv = 'cans';
assertEquals(test.httpEquiv, 'cans', "cans: httpEquiv wrong");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('http-equiv'), 'cans', "cans: http-equiv wrong");
assert(!test.hasAttribute('httpEquiv'), "cans: element has httpEquiv attribute");
assert(test.httpEquiv != test.getAttribute('httpEquiv'), "cans: httpEquiv attribute equals httpEquiv property");
assert(!('http-equiv' in test), "cans: element has http-equiv property");
test['http-equiv'] = "oil";
assert(test.httpEquiv != "oil", "cans: http-equiv property affected httpEquiv");
return 4;
function () {
// test 63: attributes of the <area> element
var area = document.getElementsByTagName('area')[0];
assertEquals(area.getAttribute('href'), '', "wrong value for href=''");
assertEquals(area.getAttribute('shape'), 'rect', "wrong value for shape=''");
assertEquals(area.getAttribute('coords'), '2,2,4,4', "wrong value for coords=''");
assertEquals(area.getAttribute('alt'), '<\'>', "wrong value for alt=''");
return 4;
function () {
// test 64: more attribute tests
// attributes of the <object> element
var obj1 = document.createElement('object');
obj1.setAttribute('data', 'test.html');
var obj2 = document.createElement('object');
obj2.setAttribute('data', './test.html');
assertEquals(,, "object elements didn't resolve URIs correctly");
assert(^http:/), " isn't absolute");
assertEquals(obj1.getElementsByTagName('param').length, 1, "object is missing its only child");
// non-existent attributes
var test = document.createElement('p');
assert(!('TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u' in test), "TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u unexpectedly found");
assertEquals(test.TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u, undefined, ".TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u wasn't undefined");
assertEquals(test['TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u'], undefined, "['TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u'] wasn't undefined");
test.setAttribute('TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u', 'woof');
assert(!('TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u' in test), "TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u unexpectedly found after setting");
assertEquals(test.TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u, undefined, ".TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u wasn't undefined after setting");
assertEquals(test['TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u'], undefined, "['TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u'] wasn't undefined after setting");
assertEquals(test.getAttribute('TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u'), 'woof', "TWVvdywgbWV3Li4u has wrong value after setting");
return 4;
// bucket 5: Tests from the Acid3 Competition
function () {
// test 65: bring in a couple of SVG files and some HTML files dynamically - preparation for later tests in this bucket
// NOTE FROM 2011 UPDATE: The svg.xml file still contains the SVG font, but it is no longer used
kungFuDeathGrip = document.createElement('p');
kungFuDeathGrip.className = 'removed';
var iframe, object;
// svg iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '1' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/svg.xml";
// object iframe
object = document.createElement('object');
object.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '2' }; = "resources/acid3/svg.xml";
// xml iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '3' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/empty.xml";
// html iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '4' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/empty.html";
// html iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '5' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/xhtml.1";
// html iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '6' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/xhtml.2";
// html iframe
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () { kungFuDeathGrip.title += '7' };
iframe.src = "resources/acid3/xhtml.3";
// add the lot to the document
return 5;
function () {
// test 66: localName on text nodes (and now other things), from Sylvain Pasche
assertEquals(document.createTextNode("test").localName, null, 'wrong localName for text node');
assertEquals(document.createComment("test").localName, null, 'wrong localName for comment node');
assertEquals(document.localName, null, 'wrong localName for document node');
return 5;
function () {
// test 67: removedNamedItemNS on missing attributes, from Sylvain Pasche
var p = document.createElement("p");
var msg = 'wrong exception raised';
try {
p.attributes.removeNamedItemNS("", "absent");
msg = 'no exception raised';
} catch (e) {
if ('code' in e) {
if (e.code == 8)
msg = '';
msg += '; code = ' + e.code;
assert(msg == '', "when calling removeNamedItemNS in a non existent attribute: " + msg);
return 5;
function () {
// test 68: UTF-16 surrogate pairs, from David Chan
// In The Unicode Standard 5.0, it is explicitly permitted to
// allow malformed UTF-16, that is, to leave the string alone.
// (
// section 2.7: "...strings in ... ECMAScript are Unicode 16-bit
// strings, but are not necessarily well-formed UTF-16
// sequences. In normal processing, it can be far more
// efficient to allow such strings to contain code unit
// sequences that are not well-formed UTF-16 -- that is,
// isolated surrogates"
// On the other hand, if the application wishes to ensure
// well-formed character sequences, it may not permit the
// malformed sequence and it must regard the first codepoint as
// an error:
// Section 3.2: "C10. When a process interprets a code sequence
// which purports to be in a Unicode character encoding form, it
// shall treat ill-formed code unit sequences as an error
// condition and shall not interpret such sequences as
// characters.
// [...]
// For example, in UTF-8 every code unit of the form 110....2
// must be followed by a code unit of the form 10......2. A
// sequence such as 110.....2 0.......2 is ill-formed and must
// never be generated. When faced with this ill-formed code unit
// sequence while transforming or interpreting text, a
// conformant process must treat the first code unit 110.....2
// as an illegally terminated code unit sequence~Wfor example,
// by signaling an error, filtering the code unit out, or
// representing the code unit with a marker such as U+FFFD
// replacement character."
// So it would be permitted to do any of the following:
// 1) Leave the string alone
// 2) Remove the unpaired surrogate
// 3) Replace the unpaired surrogate with U+FFFD
// 4) Throw an exception
try {
var unpaired = String.fromCharCode(0xd863); // half a surrogate pair
var before = unpaired + "text";
var elt = document.createElement("input");
elt.value = before;
var after = elt.value;
catch(ex) {
return 5; // Unpaired surrogate caused an exception - ok
if (after == before && before.length == 5)
return 5; // Unpaired surrogate kept - ok
if (after == "text")
return 5; // Unpaired surrogate removed - ok
var replacement = String.fromCharCode(0xfffd);
if (after == replacement + "text")
return 5; // Unpaired surrogate replaced - ok
fail("Unpaired surrogate handled wrongly (input was '" + before + "', output was '" + after + "')");
function () {
// test 69: check that the support files loaded -- preparation for the rest of the tests in this bucket
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip == null), "kungFuDeathGrip was null");
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip.title == null), "kungFuDeathGrip.title was null");
if (kungFuDeathGrip.title.length < 7)
return "retry";
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild == null), "kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild was null");
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument == null), "kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument was null");
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName == null), "kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName was null");
var t = kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('text')[0];
assert(!(t == null), "t was null");
assert(!(t.parentNode == null), "t.parentNode was null");
assert(!(t.parentNode.removeChild == null), "t.parentNode.removeChild was null");
return 5;
function () {
// test 70: XML encoding test
// the third child in kungFuDeathGrip is an ISO-8859-1 document sent as UTF-8.
// q.v. XML 1.0, section 4.3.3 Character Encoding in Entities
// this only tests one of a large number of conditions that should cause fatal errors
var doc = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[2].contentDocument;
if (!doc)
return 5;
if (doc.documentElement.tagName != "root")
return 5;
if (doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('test').length < 1)
return 5;
fail("UTF-8 encoded XML document with invalid character did not have a well-formedness error");
function () {
// test 71: HTML parsing, from Simon Pieters and Anne van Kesteren
var doc = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[3].contentDocument;
assert(doc, "missing document for test");
try {
// siblings;
doc.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"><title><\/title><span><\/span><script type=\"text/javascript\"><\/script>");
assertEquals(doc.childNodes.length, 2, "wrong number of children in #document (first test)");
assertEquals(, "HTML", "name wrong (first test)"); // changed 2009-08-13 to add .toUpperCase() for HTML5 compat
assertEquals(doc.firstChild.publicId, "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN", "publicId wrong (first test)");
if ((doc.firstChild.systemId != null) && (doc.firstChild.systemId != ""))
fail("systemId wrong (first test)");
if (('internalSubset' in doc.firstChild) || doc.firstChild.internalSubset)
assertEquals(doc.firstChild.internalSubset, null, "internalSubset wrong (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.childNodes.length, 2, "wrong number of children in HTML (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.nodeName, "HEAD", "misplaced HEAD element (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.childNodes.length, 1, "wrong number of children in HEAD (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.tagName, "TITLE", "misplaced TITLE element (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.nodeName, "BODY", "misplaced BODY element (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.childNodes.length, 2, "wrong number of children in BODY (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.firstChild.tagName, "SPAN", "misplaced SPAN element (first test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.lastChild.tagName, "SCRIPT", "misplaced SCRIPT element (first test)");
// parent/child;
doc.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><title><\/title><span><script type=\"text/javascript\"><\/script><\/span>");
assertEquals(doc.childNodes.length, 2, "wrong number of children in #document (second test)");
assertEquals(, "HTML", "name wrong (second test)"); // changed 2009-08-13 to add .toUpperCase() for HTML5 compat
assertEquals(doc.firstChild.publicId, "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN", "publicId wrong (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.firstChild.systemId, "", "systemId wrong (second test)");
if (('internalSubset' in doc.firstChild) || doc.firstChild.internalSubset)
assertEquals(doc.firstChild.internalSubset, null, "internalSubset wrong (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.childNodes.length, 2, "wrong number of children in HTML (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.nodeName, "HEAD", "misplaced HEAD element (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.childNodes.length, 1, "wrong number of children in HEAD (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.tagName, "TITLE", "misplaced TITLE element (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.nodeName, "BODY", "misplaced BODY element (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.childNodes.length, 1, "wrong number of children in BODY (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.firstChild.tagName, "SPAN", "misplaced SPAN element (second test)");
assertEquals(doc.documentElement.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.tagName, "SCRIPT", "misplaced SCRIPT element (second test)");
} finally {
// prepare the file for the next test;
doc.write("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"><head><title><\/title><style type=\"text/css\">img { height: 10px; }<\/style><body><p><img src=\"%2FAMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw%3D%3D\" alt=\"\">");
return 5;
function () {
// test 72: dynamic modification of <style> blocks' text nodes, from Jonas Sicking and Garret Smith
var doc = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[3].contentDocument;
assert(doc, "missing document for test");
assert(doc.images[0], "prerequisite failed: no image");
assertEquals(doc.images[0].height, 10, "prerequisite failed: style didn't affect image");
doc.styleSheets[0] = "img { height: 20px; }";
assertEquals(doc.images[0].height, 20, "change failed to take effect");
doc.styleSheets[0].ownerNode.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("img { height: 30px; }"));
assertEquals(doc.images[0].height, 30, "append failed to take effect");
var rules = doc.styleSheets[0].cssRules; // "All CSS objects in the DOM are "live"" says section 2.1, Overview of the DOM Level 2 CSS Interfaces
doc.styleSheets[0].insertRule("img { height: 40px; }", 2);
assertEquals(doc.images[0].height, 40, "insertRule failed to take effect");
assertEquals(doc.styleSheets[0].cssRules.length, 3, "count of rules is wrong");
assertEquals(rules.length, 3, "cssRules isn't live");
// while we're at it, check some other things on doc.styleSheets:
assert(doc.styleSheets[0].href === null, "internal stylesheet had a URI: " + doc.styleSheets[0].href);
assert(document.styleSheets[0].href === null, "internal acid3 stylesheet had a URI: " + document.styleSheets[0].href);
return 5;
function () {
// test 73: nested events, from Jonas Sicking
var doc = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[3].contentDocument;
// implied events
var up = 0;
var down = 0;
var button = doc.createElement("button");
button.type = "button";
button.onclick = function () { up += 1; if (up < 10); down += up; }; // not called
button.addEventListener('test', function () { up += 1; var e = doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); e.initEvent('test', false, false); if (up < 20) button.dispatchEvent(e); down += up; }, false);
var evt = doc.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent('test', false, false);
assertEquals(up, 20, "test event handler called the wrong number of times");
assertEquals(down, 400, "test event handler called in the wrong order");
return 5;
function () {
// test 74: check getSVGDocument(), from Erik Dahlstrom
// GetSVGDocument[6]: "In the case where an SVG document is
// embedded by reference, such as when an XHTML document has an
// 'object' element whose href (or equivalent) attribute
// references an SVG document (i.e., a document whose MIME type
// is "image/svg+xml" and whose root element is thus an 'svg'
// element), the SVG user agent is required to implement the
// GetSVGDocument interface for the element which references the
// SVG document (e.g., the HTML 'object' or comparable
// referencing elements)."
// [6]
// iframe
var iframe = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[0];
assert(iframe, "Failed finding svg iframe.");
assert(iframe.contentDocument, "contentDocument failed for <iframe> referencing an svg document.");
if (!iframe.getSVGDocument)
fail("getSVGDocument missing on <iframe> element.");
assert(iframe.getSVGDocument(), "getSVGDocument failed for <iframe> referencing an svg document.");
assert(iframe.getSVGDocument() == iframe.contentDocument, "Mismatch between getSVGDocument and contentDocument #1.");
// object
var object = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[1];
assert(object, "Failed finding svg object.");
assert(object.contentDocument, "contentDocument failed for <object> referencing an svg document.");
if (!object.getSVGDocument)
fail("getSVGDocument missing on <object> element.");
assert(object.getSVGDocument(), "getSVGDocument failed for <object> referencing an svg document.");
assert(object.getSVGDocument() == object.contentDocument, "Mismatch between getSVGDocument and contentDocument #2.");
return 5;
function () {
// PARTS COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - SVG Fonts, SVG SMIL animation, and XLink have met with some implementor malaise even amongst those that shipped them
// This affects tests 75 to 79
// // test 75: SMIL in SVG, from Erik Dahlstrom
// //
// // The test begins by creating a few elements, among those is a
// // <set> element. This element is prevented from running by
// // setting begin="indefinite", which means that the animation
// // doesn't start until the 'beginElement' DOM method is called
// // on the <set> element. The animation is a simple animation
// // that sets the value of the width attribute to 0. The duration
// // of the animation is 'indefinite' which means that the value
// // will stay 0 indefinitely. The target of the animation is the
// // 'width' attribute of the <rect> element that is the parent of
// // the <set> element. When 'width' is 0 the rect is not rendered
// // according to the spec[7].
// //
// // Some properties of the SVGAnimatedLength[2] and SVGLength[8]
// // are also inspected. Before the animation starts both baseVal
// // and animVal contain the same values[2]. Then the animation is
// // started by calling the beginElement method[9]. To make sure
// // that time passes between the triggering of the animation and
// // the time that the values are read out (in test #66), the
// // current time is set to 1000 seconds using the setCurrentTime
// // method[10].
// //
// // [2]
// // [7]
// // [8]
// // [9]
// // [10]
var svgns = "";
var svgdoc = kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument;
assert(svgdoc, "contentDocument failed on <iframe> for svg document.");
var svg = svgdoc.documentElement;
var rect = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "rect");
rect.setAttribute("fill", "red");
rect.setAttribute("width", "100");
rect.setAttribute("height", "100");
rect.setAttribute("id", "rect");
// var anim = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "set");
// anim.setAttribute("begin", "indefinite");
// anim.setAttribute("to", "0");
// anim.setAttribute("attributeName", "width");
// anim.setAttribute("dur", "indefinite");
// anim.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
// rect.appendChild(anim);
assert(rect.width, "SVG DOM interface SVGRectElement not supported.");
// assert(rect.width.baseVal, "SVG DOM base type SVGAnimatedLength not supported.");
// assert(rect.width.animVal, "SVG DOM base type SVGAnimatedLength not supported.");
// assertEquals(SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER, 1, "Incorrect SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER constant value.");
// assertEquals(rect.width.baseVal.unitType, SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER, "Incorrect unitType on width attribute.");
assertEquals(rect.getAttribute("width"), "100", "Incorrect value from getAttribute.");
// assertEquals(rect.width.baseVal.valueInSpecifiedUnits, 100, "Incorrect valueInSpecifiedUnits value.");
// assertEquals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 100, "Incorrect baseVal value before animation.");
// assertEquals(rect.width.animVal.value, 100, "Incorrect animVal value before animation.");
// anim.beginElement();
// assertEquals(rect.width.baseVal.value, 100, "Incorrect baseVal value after starting animation.");
// svg.setCurrentTime(1000); // setting 1 second to make sure that time != 0s when we check the animVal value
// // the animation is then tested in the next test
return 5;
function () {
// // test 76: SMIL in SVG, part 2, from Erik Dahlstrom
// //
// // About animVal[2]: "If the given attribute or property is
// // being animated, contains the current animated value of the
// // attribute or property, and both the object itself and its
// // contents are readonly. If the given attribute or property is
// // not currently being animated, contains the same value as
// // 'baseVal'."
// //
// // Since the duration of the animation is indefinite the value
// // is still being animated at the time it's queried. Now since
// // the 'width' attribute was animated from its original value of
// // "100" to the new value of "0" the animVal property must
// // contain the value 0.
// //
// // [2]
var svgdoc = kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument;
assert(svgdoc, "contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.");
var rect = svgdoc.getElementById("rect");
assert(rect, "Failed to find <rect> element in svg document.");
// assertEquals(rect.width.animVal.value, 0, "Incorrect animVal value after svg animation.");
return 5;
function () {
// // test 77: external SVG fonts, from Erik Dahlstrom
// //
// // SVGFonts are described here[3], and the relevant DOM methods
// // used in the test are defined here[4].
// //
// // Note that in order to be more predictable the svg should be
// // visible, so that clause "For non-rendering environments, the
// // user agent shall make reasonable assumptions about glyph
// // metrics." doesn't influence the results. We use 'opacity:0'
// // to hide the SVG, but arguably it's still a "rendering
// // environment".
// //
// // The font-size 4000 was chosen because that matches the
// // unitsPerEm value in the svgfont, which makes it easy to check
// // the glyph advances since they will then be exactly what was
// // specified in the svgfont.
// //
// // [3]
// // [4]
var svgns = "";
// var xlinkns = "";
var svgdoc = kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument;
assert(svgdoc, "contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.");
var svg = svgdoc.documentElement;
var text = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "text");
text.setAttribute("y", "1em");
text.setAttribute("font-size", "4000");
text.setAttribute("font-family", "ACID3svgfont");
var textContent = svgdoc.createTextNode("abc");
// The font-size 4000 was chosen because that matches the unitsPerEm value in the svgfont,
// which makes it easy to check the glyph advances since they will then be exactly what was specified in the svgfont.
assert(text.getNumberOfChars, "SVGTextContentElement.getNumberOfChars() not supported.");
assertEquals(text.getNumberOfChars(), 3, "getNumberOfChars returned incorrect string length.");
// assertEquals(text.getComputedTextLength(), 4711+42+23, "getComputedTextLength failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getSubStringLength(0,1), 42, "getSubStringLength #1 failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getSubStringLength(0,2), 42+23, "getSubStringLength #2 failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getSubStringLength(1,1), 23, "getSubStringLength #3 failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getSubStringLength(1,0), 0, "getSubStringLength #4 failed.");
// * var code = -1000;
// * try {
// * var sl = text.getSubStringLength(1,3);
// * } catch(e) {
// * code = e.code;
// * }
// * assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getSubStringLength #1 didn't throw exception.");
// * code = -1000;
// * try {
// * var sl = text.getSubStringLength(0,4);
// * } catch(e) {
// * code = e.code;
// * }
// * assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getSubStringLength #2 didn't throw exception.");
// * code = -1000;
// * try {
// * var sl = text.getSubStringLength(3,0);
// * } catch(e) {
// * code = e.code;
// * }
// * assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getSubStringLength #3 didn't throw exception.");
// */
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var sl = text.getSubStringLength(-17,20);
// } catch(e) {
// code = 0; // negative values might throw native exception since the api accepts only unsigned values
// }
// assert(code == 0, "getSubStringLength #4 didn't throw exception.");
// assertEquals(text.getStartPositionOfChar(0).x, 0, "getStartPositionOfChar(0).x returned invalid value.");
// assertEquals(text.getStartPositionOfChar(1).x, 42, "getStartPositionOfChar(1).x returned invalid value.");
// assertEquals(text.getStartPositionOfChar(2).x, 42+23, "getStartPositionOfChar(2).x returned invalid value.");
// assertEquals(text.getStartPositionOfChar(0).y, 4000, "getStartPositionOfChar(0).y returned invalid value.");
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getStartPositionOfChar(-1);
// } catch(e) {
// code = 0; // negative values might throw native exception since the api accepts only unsigned values
// }
// assert(code == 0, "getStartPositionOfChar #1 exception failed.");
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getStartPositionOfChar(4);
// } catch(e) {
// code = e.code;
// }
// assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getStartPositionOfChar #2 exception failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getEndPositionOfChar(0).x, 42, "getEndPositionOfChar(0).x returned invalid value.");
// assertEquals(text.getEndPositionOfChar(1).x, 42+23, "getEndPositionOfChar(1).x returned invalid value.");
// assertEquals(text.getEndPositionOfChar(2).x, 42+23+4711, "getEndPositionOfChar(2).x returned invalid value.");
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getEndPositionOfChar(-17);
// } catch(e) {
// code = 0; // negative values might throw native exception since the api accepts only unsigned values
// }
// assert(code == 0, "getEndPositionOfChar #1 exception failed.");
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getEndPositionOfChar(4);
// } catch(e) {
// code = e.code;
// }
// assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getEndPositionOfChar #2 exception failed.");
return 5;
function () {
// // test 78: SVG textPath and getRotationOfChar(), from Erik Dahlstrom
// //
// // The getRotationOfChar[4] method fetches the midpoint rotation
// // of a glyph defined by a character (in this testcase there is
// // a simple 1:1 correspondence between the two). The path is
// // defined in the resources/acid3/svg.xml file, and consists of first a line
// // going down, then followed by a line that has a 45 degree
// // slope and then followed by a horizontal line. The length of
// // each path segment have been paired with the advance of each
// // glyph, so that each glyph will be on each of the three
// // different path segments (see text on a path layout rules[5]).
// // Thus the rotation of the first glyph is 90 degrees, the
// // second 45 degrees and the third 0 degrees.
// //
// // [4]
// // [5]
var svgns = "";
// var xlinkns = "";
var svgdoc = kungFuDeathGrip.firstChild.contentDocument;
assert(svgdoc, "contentDocument failed on <object> for svg document.");
var svg = svgdoc.documentElement;
// var text = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "text");
// text.setAttribute("font-size", "4000");
// text.setAttribute("font-family", "ACID3svgfont");
// var textpath = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "textPath");
// textpath.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:href", "#path");
// var textContent = svgdoc.createTextNode("abc");
// textpath.appendChild(textContent);
// text.appendChild(textpath);
// svg.appendChild(text);
// assertEquals(text.getRotationOfChar(0), 90, "getRotationOfChar(0) failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getRotationOfChar(1), 45, "getRotationOfChar(1) failed.");
// assertEquals(text.getRotationOfChar(2), 0, "getRotationOfChar(2) failed.");
// var code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getRotationOfChar(-1)
// } catch(e) {
// code = e.code;
// }
// assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getRotationOfChar #1 exception failed.");
// code = -1000;
// try {
// var val = text.getRotationOfChar(4)
// } catch(e) {
// code = e.code;
// }
// assertEquals(code, DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR, "getRotationOfChar #2 exception failed.");
return 5;
function () {
// // test 79: a giant test for <svg:font>, from Cameron McCormack
// // This tests various features of SVG fonts from SVG 1.1. It consists of
// // a <text> element with 33 characters, styled using an SVG font that has
// // different advance values for each glyph. The script uses
// // SVGTextElementContent.getStartPositionOfChar() to determine where the
// // glyph corresponding to each character was placed, and thus to work out
// // whether the SVG font was used correctly.
// //
// // The font uses 100 units per em, and the text is set in 100px. Since
// // font-size gives the size of the em box
// // (, the scale of the
// // coordinate system for the glyphs is the same as the SVG document.
// //
// // The expectedAdvances array holds the expected advance value for each
// // character, and expectedKerning holds the (negative) kerning for each
// // character. getPositionOfChar() returns the actual x coordinate for the
// // glyph, corresponding to the given character, and if multiple characters
// // correspond to the same glyph, the same position value is returned for
// // each of those characters.
// //
// // Here are the reasonings for the advance/kerning values. Note that for
// // a given character at index i, the expected position is
// // sum(expectedAdvances[0:i-1] + expectedKerning[0:i-1]).
// //
// // char advance kerning reasoning
// // ------- ------- ------- --------------------------------------------------
// // A 10000 0 Normal character mapping to a single glyph.
// // B 0 0 First character of a two character glyph, so the
// // current position isn't advanced until the second
// // character.
// // C 200 0 Second character of a two character glyph, so now
// // the position is advanced.
// // B 300 0 Although there is a glyph for "BC" in the font,
// // it appears after the glyph for "B", so the single
// // character glyph for "B" should be chosen instead.
// // D 1100 0 Normal character mapping to a single glyph.
// // A 10000 200 Kerning of -200 is specified in the font between
// // the "A" and "EE" glyphs.
// // E 0 0 The first character of a two character glyph "EE".
// // E 1300 0 The second character of a two character glyph.
// // U 0 0 This is a glyph for the six characters "U+0046",
// // which happen to look like a valid unicode range.
// // This tests that the <glyph unicode=""> in the
// // font matches exact strings rather than a range,
// // as used in the kerning elements.
// // + 0 0 Second character of six character glyph.
// // 0 0 0 Third character of six character glyph.
// // 0 0 0 Fourth character of six character glyph.
// // 4 0 0 Fifth character of six character glyph.
// // 6 1700 0 Sixth character of six character glyph.
// // U 0 0 The same six character glyph that looks like a
// // Unicode range. One of the kerning elements has
// // u1="U+0046" u2="U+0046", which shouldn't match
// // this, because those attributes are interpreted
// // as Unicode ranges if they are, and normal
// // strings otherwise. Thus there should be no
// // kerning between these two glyphs.
// // G 2300 200 Kerning is between this character and the next
// // "G", since there is an <hkern> element that
// // uses a Unicode range on its u1="" attribute
// // and a glyph name on its g2="" attribute which
// // both match "G".
// // G 2300 0 Normal character with kerning before it.
// // H 3100 0 A glyph with graphical content describing the
// // glyph, rather than a d="" attribute.
// // I 4300 0 Glyphs are checked in document order for one
// // that matches, but the first glyph with
// // unicode="I" also has lang="zh", which disqualifies
// // it. Thus the second glyph with unicode="I"
// // is chosen.
// // I 4100 0 Since this I has xml:lang="zh" on it in the text,
// // the first glyph with lang="zh" matches.
// // J 4700 -4700 A normal glyph with kerning between the "J" and the
// // next glyph "A" equal to the advance of the "J"
// // glyph, so the position should stay the same.
// // A 10000 0 Normal glyph with kerning before it.
// // K 5900 0 The first glyph with unicode="K" does not match,
// // since it has orientation="v", so the second
// // glyph with unicode="K" is chosen.
// // <spc> 6100 0 The space character should select the glyph with
// // unicode=" ", despite it having a misleading
// // glyph-name="L".
// // L 6700 0 The "L" character should select the glyph with
// // unicode=" ", despite it having a misleading
// // glyph-name="spacev".
// // A 2900 0 An <altGlyph> element is used to select the
// // glyph for U+10085 instead of the one for "A".
// // U+10085 2900 0 Tests glyph selection with a non-plane-0
// // character.
// // A 10000 0 A final normal character.
// //
// // In addition, the script tests the value returned by
// // SVGTextContentElement.getNumberOfChars(), which in this case should be 34.
// // If it returned 33, then it incorrectly counted Unicode characters instead
// // of UTF-16 codepoints (probably).
// //
// // See for a description of the glyph
// // matching rules, and
// // for a description of getStartPositionOfChar() and getNumberOfChars().
// //
// // Note also that the test uses DOMImplementation.createDocument() to create
// // the SVG document. This seems to cause browsers trouble for the SVG DOM
// // interfaces, since the document isn't being "rendered" as it might be
// // if it were in an <iframe>. Changing the test to use an <iframe> will
// // at least let you see the main part of the test running.
var NS = {
svg: '',
xml: '',
// xlink: ''
var doc = kungFuDeathGrip.childNodes[1].contentDocument;
while (doc.hasChildNodes())
doc.appendChild(doc.createElementNS(NS.svg, "svg:svg"));
// var e = function (n, as, cs) {
// var elt = doc.createElementNS(NS.svg, n);
// if (as) {
// for (var an in as) {
// var idx = an.indexOf(':');
// var ns = null;
// if (idx != -1)
// ns = NS[an.substring(0, idx)];
// elt.setAttributeNS(ns, an, as[an]);
// }
// }
// if (cs) {
// for (var i in cs) {
// var c = cs[i];
// elt.appendChild(typeof c == 'string' ? doc.createTextNode(c) : c);
// }
// }
// return elt;
// }
// doc.documentElement.appendChild(e('font', { 'horiz-adv-x': '10000'}, [e('font-face', { 'font-family': 'HCl', 'units-per-em': '100', 'ascent': '1000', 'descent': '500'}), e('missing-glyph', null, [e('path', { 'd': 'M100,0 h800 v-100 h-800 z'})]), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'A', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'BC', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '200'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'B', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '300'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'C', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '500'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'BD', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '700'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'D', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '1100'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'EE', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '1300', 'glyph-name': 'grapefruit'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'U+0046', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '1700'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'F', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '1900'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'G', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '2300', 'glyph-name': 'gee'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': '\uD800\uDC85', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '2900', 'id': 'astral'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'H', 'horiz-adv-x': '3100'}, [e('path', { 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z'})]), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'I', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '4100', 'lang': 'zh'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'I', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '4300'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'J', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '4700'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'K', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '5300', 'orientation': 'v'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'K', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '5900'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': ' ', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '6100', 'glyph-name': 'L'}), e('glyph', { 'unicode': 'L', 'd': 'M100,0 h100 v-100 h-100 z', 'horiz-adv-x': '6700', 'glyph-name': 'space'}), e('hkern', { 'u1': 'A', 'u2': 'EE', 'k': '1000'}), e('hkern', { 'u1': 'A', 'g2': 'grapefruit', 'k': '-200'}), e('hkern', { 'u1': 'U+0046', 'u2': 'U+0046', 'k': '-200'}), e('hkern', { 'u1': 'U+0047-0047', 'g2': 'gee', 'k': '-200'}), e('hkern', { 'u1': 'J', 'u2': 'A', 'k': '4700'})]));
// doc.documentElement.appendChild(e('text', { 'y': '100', 'font-family': 'HCl', 'font-size': '100px', 'letter-spacing': '0px', 'word-spacing': '0px'}, ['ABCBDAEEU+0046U+0046GGHI', e('tspan', { 'xml:lang': 'zh'}, ['I']), 'JAK L', e('altGlyph', { 'xlink:href': '#astral'}, ['A']), '\uD800\uDC85A']));
// var t = doc.documentElement.lastChild;
// var characterDescriptions = [
// "a normal character",
// "the first character of a two-character glyph",
// "the second character of a two-character glyph",
// "a normal character, which shouldn't be the first character of a two-character glyph",
// "a normal character, which shouldn't be the second character of a two-character glyph",
// "a normal character, which has some kerning after it",
// "the first character of a two-character glyph, which has some kerning before it",
// "the second character of a two-character glyph, which has some kerning before it",
// "the first character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the second character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the third character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the fourth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the fifth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the sixth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning after it, but this glyph does not",
// "the first character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "the second character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "the third character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "the fourth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "the fifth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "the sixth character of a six-character glyph, which happens to look like a Unicode range, where the range-specified glyph has kerning before it, but this glyph does not",
// "a normal character, which has some kerning after it that is specified by glyph name",
// "a normal character, which has some kerning before it that is specified by glyph name",
// "a normal character, whose glyph is given by child graphical content of the <glyph> element",
// "a normal character, whose glyph should not match the one with a lang=\"\" attribute on it",
// "a normal character, whose glyph should match the one with a lang=\"\" attribute on it",
// "a normal character, which has some kerning after it that is equal to the advance of the character",
// "a normal character, which has some kerning before it that is equal to the advance of the previous character",
// "a normal character, whose glyph should not match the one with an orientation=\"v\" attribute on it",
// "a space character, which has a misleading glyph-name=\"\" attribute",
// "a normal character, which has a misleading glyph-name=\"\" attribute",
// "a normal character, whose glyph is chosen to be another by using <altGlyph>",
// "a character not in Plane 0 (high surrogate pair)",
// "a character not in Plane 0 (low surrogate pair)",
// "a normal character",
// ];
// var expectedAdvances = [
// 10000, // A
// 0, // BC [0]
// 200, // BC [1]
// 300, // B
// 1100, // D
// 10000, // A
// 0, // EE [0]
// 1300, // EE [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [0]
// 0, // U+0046 [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [2]
// 0, // U+0046 [3]
// 0, // U+0046 [4]
// 1700, // U+0046 [5]
// 0, // U+0046 [0]
// 0, // U+0046 [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [2]
// 0, // U+0046 [3]
// 0, // U+0046 [4]
// 1700, // U+0046 [5]
// 2300, // G
// 2300, // G
// 3100, // H
// 4300, // I
// 4100, // I (zh)
// 4700, // J
// 10000, // A
// 5900, // K
// 6100, // <space>
// 6700, // L
// 2900, // A (using &#x10085; altGlyph)
// 0, // &#x10085; high surrogate pair
// 2900, // &#x10085; low surrogate pair
// 10000, // A
// ];
// var expectedKerning = [
// 0, // A
// 0, // BC [0]
// 0, // BC [1]
// 0, // B
// 0, // D
// 200, // A
// 0, // EE [0]
// 0, // EE [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [0]
// 0, // U+0046 [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [2]
// 0, // U+0046 [3]
// 0, // U+0046 [4]
// 0, // U+0046 [5]
// 0, // U+0046 [0]
// 0, // U+0046 [1]
// 0, // U+0046 [2]
// 0, // U+0046 [3]
// 0, // U+0046 [4]
// 0, // U+0046 [5]
// 200, // G
// 0, // G
// 0, // H
// 0, // I
// 0, // I (zh)
// -4700, // J
// 0, // A
// 0, // K
// 0, // <space>
// 0, // L
// 0, // A (using &#x10085; altGlyph)
// 0, // &#x10085; high surrogate pair
// 0, // &#x10085; low surrogate pair
// 0, // A
// ];
// assertEquals(t.getNumberOfChars(), expectedAdvances.length, 'SVGSVGTextElement.getNumberOfChars() incorrect');
// var expectedPositions = [0];
// for (var i = 0; i < expectedAdvances.length; i++)
// expectedPositions.push(expectedPositions[i] + expectedAdvances[i] + expectedKerning[i]);
// var actualPositions = [];
// for (var i = 0; i < t.getNumberOfChars(); i++)
// actualPositions.push(t.getStartPositionOfChar(i).x);
// actualPositions.push(t.getEndPositionOfChar(t.getNumberOfChars() - 1).x);
// for (var i = 0; i < expectedPositions.length; i++) {
// if (expectedPositions[i] != actualPositions[i]) {
// var s = "character position " + i + ", which is ";
// if (i == 0) {
// s += "before " + characterDescriptions[0];
// } else if (i == expectedPositions.length - 1) {
// s += "after " + characterDescriptions[characterDescriptions.length - 1];
// } else {
// s += "between " + characterDescriptions[i - 1] + " and " + characterDescriptions[i];
// }
// s += ", is " + actualPositions[i] + " but should be " + expectedPositions[i] + ".";
// fail(s);
// }
// }
return 5;
function () {
// test 80: remove the iframes and the object
// (when fixing the test for,
// this section was flipped around so the linktest check is done first;
// this is to prevent the 'retry' from failing the second time since by
// then the kungFuDeathGrip has been nullified, if we do it first)
// first, check that the linktest is loaded
var a = document.links[1];
assert(!(a == null), "linktest was null");
assert(a.textContent == "YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS AT ALL", "linktest link couldn't be found"); // changed text when fixing
if (a.hasAttribute('class'))
return "retry"; // linktest onload didn't fire -- could be a networking issue, check that first
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip == null), "kungFuDeathGrip was null");
assert(!(kungFuDeathGrip.parentNode == null), "kungFuDeathGrip.parentNode was null");
// ok, now remove the iframes
kungFuDeathGrip = null;
// check that the xhtml files worked right
assert(notifications['xhtml.1'], "Script in XHTML didn't execute");
assert(!notifications['xhtml.2'], "XML well-formedness error didn't stop script from executing");
assert(!notifications['xhtml.3'], "Script executed despite having wrong namespace");
return 5;
// bucket 6: ECMAScript
function () {
// test 81: length of arrays with elisions at end
var t1 = [,];
var t2 = [,,];
assertEquals(t1.length, 1, "[,] doesn't have length 1");
assertEquals(t2.length, 2, "[,,] doesn't have length 2");
return 6;
function () {
// test 82: length of arrays with elisions in the middle
var t3 = ['a', , 'c'];
assertEquals(t3.length, 3, "['a',,'c'] doesn't have length 3");
assert(0 in t3, "no 0 in t3");
assert(!(1 in t3), "unexpected 1 in t3");
assert(2 in t3, "no 2 in t3");
assertEquals(t3[0], 'a', "t3[0] wrong");
assertEquals(t3[2], 'c', "t3[2] wrong");
return 6;
function () {
// test 83: array methods
var x = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
assertEquals(x.unshift('A', 'B', 'C'), 6, "array.unshift() returned the wrong value");
var s = x.join(undefined);
assertEquals(s, 'A,B,C,a,b,c', "array.join(undefined) used wrong separator"); // qv
return 6;
function () {
// test 84: converting numbers to strings
assertEquals((0.0).toFixed(4), "0.0000", "toFixed(4) wrong for 0");
assertEquals((-0.0).toFixed(4), "0.0000", "toFixed(4) wrong for -0");
assertEquals((0.00006).toFixed(4), "0.0001", "toFixed(4) wrong for 0.00006");
assertEquals((-0.00006).toFixed(4), "-0.0001", "toFixed(4) wrong for -0.00006");
assertEquals((0.0).toExponential(4), "0.0000e+0", "toExponential(4) wrong for 0");
assertEquals((-0.0).toExponential(4), "0.0000e+0", "toExponential(4) wrong for -0");
var x = 7e-4;
assertEquals(x.toPrecision(undefined), x.toString(undefined), "toPrecision(undefined) was wrong");
return 6;
function () {
// test 85: strings and string-related operations
// substr() and negative numbers
assertEquals("scathing".substr(-7, 3), "cat", "substr() wrong with negative numbers");
return 6;
function () {
// test 86: Date tests -- methods passed no arguments
var d = new Date();
assert(isNaN(d.setMilliseconds()), "calling setMilliseconds() with no arguments didn't result in NaN");
assert(isNaN(d), "date wasn't made NaN");
assert(isNaN(d.getDay()), "date wasn't made NaN");
return 6;
function () {
// test 87: Date tests -- years
var d1 = new Date(Date.UTC(99.9, 6));
assertEquals(d1.getUTCFullYear(), 1999, "Date.UTC() didn't do proper 1900 year offsetting");
var d2 = new Date(98.9, 6);
assertEquals(d2.getFullYear(), 1998, "new Date() didn't do proper 1900 year offsetting");
return 6;
function () {
// test 88: ES3 section 7.6:3 (unicode escapes can't be used to put non-identifier characters into identifiers)
// and there's no other place for them in the syntax (other than strings, of course)
var ok = false;
try {
eval("var test = { };\ntest.i= 0;\ntest.i\\u002b= 1;\ntest.i;\n");
} catch (e) {
ok = true;
assert(ok, "\\u002b was not considered a parse error in script");
return 6;
function () {
// test 89: Regular Expressions
var ok = true;
// empty classes in regexps
try {
// JS regexps aren't like Perl regexps, if their character
// classes start with a ] that means they're empty. So this
// is a syntax error; if we get here it's a bug.
ok = false;
} catch (e) { }
assert(ok, "orphaned bracket not considered parse error in regular expression literal");
try {
if (eval("/[]/.exec('')"))
ok = false;
} catch (e) {
ok = false;
assert(ok, "/[]/ either failed to parse or matched something");
return 6;
function () {
// test 90: Regular Expressions
// not back references.
assert(!(/(1)\0(2)/.test("12")), "NUL in regexp incorrectly ignored");
assert((/(1)\0(2)/.test("1" + "\0" + "2")), "NUL in regexp didn't match correctly");
assert(!(/(1)\0(2)/.test("1\02")), "octal 2 unexpectedly matched NUL");
assertEquals(nullInRegexpArgumentResult, "passed", "failed //.test() check"); // nothing to see here, move along now
// back reference to future capture
var x = /(\3)(\1)(a)/.exec('cat'); // the \3 matches the empty string, qv. ES3:
assert(x, "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to match 'cat'");
assertEquals(x.length, 4, "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to return four components");
assertEquals(x[0], "a", "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to find 'a' in 'cat'");
assert(x[1] === "", "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to find '' in 'cat' as first part");
assert(x[2] === "", "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to find '' in 'cat' as second part");
assertEquals(x[3], "a", "/(\\3)(\\1)(a)/ failed to find 'a' in 'cat' as third part");
// negative lookahead
x = /(?!(text))(te.t)/.exec("text testing");
assertEquals(x.length, 3, "negative lookahead test failed to return the right number of bits");
assertEquals(x[0], "test", "negative lookahead test failed to find the right text");
assert(x[1] === undefined, "negative lookahead test failed to return undefined for negative lookahead capture");
assert(x[2] === "test", "negative lookahead test failed to find the right second capture");
return 6;
function () {
// test 91: check that properties are enumerable by default
var test = {
constructor: function() { return 1; },
toString: function() { return 2; },
toLocaleString: function() { return 3; },
valueOf: function() { return 4; },
hasOwnProperty: function() { return 5; },
isPrototypeOf: function() { return 6; },
propertyIsEnumerable: function() { return 7; },
prototype: function() { return 8; },
length: function() { return 9; },
unique: function() { return 10; }
var results = [];
for (var property in test)
results.push([test[property](), property]);
results.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1;
if (a[0] > b[0]) return 1;
return 0;
assertEquals(results.length, 10, "missing properties");
for (var index = 0; index < 10; index += 1)
assertEquals(results[index][0], index+1, "order wrong at results["+index+"] == ");
var index = 0;
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "constructor", "failed to find constructor in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "toString", "failed to find toString in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "toLocaleString", "failed to find toLocaleString in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "valueOf", "failed to find valueOf in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "hasOwnProperty", "failed to find hasOwnProperty in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "isPrototypeOf", "failed to find isPrototypeOf in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "propertyIsEnumerable", "failed to find propertyIsEnumerable in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "prototype", "failed to find prototype in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "length", "failed to find length in expected position");
assertEquals(results[index++][1], "unique", "failed to find unique in expected position");
return 6;
function () {
// test 92: internal properties of Function objects
// constructor is not ReadOnly
var f1 = function () { 1 };
f1.prototype.constructor = "hello world";
var f1i = new f1();
assert(f1i.constructor === "hello world", "Function object's prototype's constructor was ReadOnly");
// constructor is DontEnum (indeed, no properties at all on a new Function object)
var f2 = function () { 2 };
var f2i = new f2();
var count = 0;
for (var property in f2i) {
assert(property != "constructor", "Function object's prototype's constructor was not DontEnum");
count += 1;
assertEquals(count, 0, "Function object had unexpected properties");
// constructor is not DontDelete
var f3 = function (a, b) { 3 };
delete f3.prototype.constructor;
var f3i = new f3();
assertEquals(f3i.constructor, Object.prototype.constructor, "Function object's prototype's constructor was DontDelete (or got magically replaced)");
return 6;
function () {
// test 93: FunctionExpression semantics
var functest;
var vartest = 0;
var value = (function functest(arg) {
if (arg)
return 1;
vartest = 1;
functest = function (arg) { return 2; }; // this line does nothing as 'functest' is ReadOnly here
return functest(true); // this is therefore tail recursion and returns 1
assertEquals(vartest, 1, "rules in 10.1.4 not followed in FunctionBody");
assertEquals(value, 1, "semantics of FunctionExpression: function Identifier ... not followed");
assert(!functest, "Property in step 4 of FunctionExpression: function Identifier ... leaked to parent scope");
return 6;
function () {
// test 94: exception scope
var test = 'pass';
try {
throw 'fail';
} catch (test) {
test += 'ing';
assertEquals(test, 'pass', 'outer scope poisoned by exception catch{} block');
return 6;
function () {
// test 95: types of expressions
var a = []; var s;
s = a.length = "2147483648";
assertEquals(typeof s, "string", "type of |\"2147483648\"| is not string");
return 6;
function () {
// test 96: encodeURI() and encodeURIComponent() and null bytes
assertEquals(encodeURIComponent(String.fromCharCode(0)), '%00', "encodeURIComponent failed to encode U+0000");
assertEquals(encodeURI(String.fromCharCode(0)), '%00', "encodeURI failed to encode U+0000");
return 6;
// URIs
function () {
// test 97: data: URI parsing
assertEquals(d1, "one", "data: failed as escaped");
assertEquals(d2, "two", "data: failed as base64");
assertEquals(d3, "three", "data: failed as base64 escaped");
assertEquals(d4, "four", "data: failed as base64 with spaces");
assertEquals(d5, "five's", "data: failed with backslash");
return 7;
function () {
// test 98: XHTML and the DOM
// (special test)
var doctype = document.implementation.createDocumentType("html", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN", "");
// COMMENTED OUT FOR 2011 UPDATE - doctypes are moving towards having an owner, like other nodes
// assertEquals(doctype.ownerDocument, null, "doctype's ownerDocument was wrong after creation");
var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "html", doctype);
doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElementNS("", "head"));
doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElementNS("", "body"));
var t = doc.createElementNS("", "title");
// ok we have a conforming XHTML1 doc in |doc| now.
assertEquals(doctype.ownerDocument, doc, "doctype's ownerDocument didn't change when it was assigned to another document");
assertEquals(doc.title, "", "document had unexpected title");
t.textContent = "Sparrow";
assertEquals(doc.title, "Sparrow", "document.title did not update dynamically");
doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElementNS("", "form"));
assertEquals(doc.forms.length, 1, "document.forms not updated after inserting a form");
return 7;
// Sanity
function () {
// test 99: check for the weirdest bug ever
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', '');
a.href = '';
assertEquals(, "", "sanity did not prevail");
a.href = '';
assertEquals(, "", "final test failed");
return 7;
var log = '';
var delay = 10;
var score = 0, index = 0, retry = 0, errors = 0;
function update() {
var span = document.getElementById('score'); // not cached by JS
span.nextSibling.removeAttribute('class'); // no-op after first loop = tests.length; // no-op after first loop
if (index < tests.length) {
var zeroPaddedIndex = index < 10 ? '0' + index : index;
try {
var beforeTest = new Date();
var result = tests[index]();
var elapsedTest = new Date() - beforeTest;
if (result == "retry") {
// some tests uses this magical mechanism to wait for support files to load
// we will give this test 500 attempts (5000ms) before aborting
retry += 1;
if (retry < 500) {
setTimeout(update, delay);
fail("timeout -- could be a networking issue");
} else if (result) {
var bucket = document.getElementById('bucket' + result);
if (bucket)
bucket.className += 'P';
score += 1;
if (retry > 0) {
errors += 1;
log += "Test " + zeroPaddedIndex + " passed, but took " + retry + " attempts (less than perfect).\n";
} else if (elapsedTest > 33) { // 30fps
errors += 1;
log += "Test " + zeroPaddedIndex + " passed, but took " + elapsedTest + "ms (less than 30fps)\n";
} else {
fail("no error message");
} catch (e) {
var s;
if (e.message)
s = e.message.replace(/\s+$/, "");
s = e;
errors += 1;
log += "Test " + zeroPaddedIndex + " failed: " + s + "\n";
retry = 0;
index += 1; = score;
setTimeout(update, delay);
} else {
var endTime = new Date();
var elapsedTime = ((endTime - startTime) - (delay * tests.length)) / 1000;
log += "Total elapsed time: " + elapsedTime.toFixed(2) + "s";
if (errors == 0)
log += "\nNo JS errors and no timing issues.\nWas the rendering pixel-for-pixel perfect too?";
if (window.testRunner) {
if (score < 100)
function report(event) {
// for debugging either click the "A" in "Acid3" (to get an alert) or shift-click it (to get a report)
if (event.shiftKey) {
var w =;
w.document.write('<pre>Failed ' + (tests.length - score) + ' of ' + tests.length + ' tests.\n' +
log.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(RegExp('<', 'g'), '&lt;').replace('\0', '\\0') +
} else {
alert('Failed ' + (tests.length - score) + ' test' + (score == 1 ? '' : 's') + '.\n' + log)
<body onload="update() /* this attribute's value is tested in one of the tests */ ">
<h1 onclick="report(event)">Acid3</h1>
<div class="buckets"
><p id="bucket1" class="z"></p
><p id="bucket2" class="z"></p
><p id="bucket3" class="z"></p
><p id="bucket4" class="z"></p
><p id="bucket5" class="z"></p
><p id="bucket6" class="z"></p>
<p id="result"><span id="score">JS</span><span id="slash" class="hidden">/</span><span>?</span></p>
<!-- The following line is used in a number of the tests. It is done using document.write() to sidestep complaints of validity. -->
<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<map name=""><area href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,4,4" alt="<\'>"><iframe src="resources/acid3/empty.png">FAIL<\/iframe><iframe src="resources/acid3/empty.txt">FAIL<\/iframe><iframe src="resources/acid3/empty.html" id="selectors"><\/iframe><form action="" name="form"><input type=HIDDEN><\/form><table><tr><td><p><\/tbody> <\/table><\/map>');</script>
<p id="instructions">To pass the test,<span></span> a browser must use its default settings, the animation has to be smooth, the score has to end on 100/100, and the final page has to look exactly, pixel for pixel, like <a href="resources/acid3/reference.html">this reference rendering</a>.</p>
<p id="remove-last-child-test">Scripting must be enabled to use this test.</p>