blob: 53d4c3bdddd6891a5185e3e2ed66626a43cbd7f6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
.flowContent { font-size: 50px; font-family: monospace; line-height: 2; color: green; }
#article { -webkit-flow-into: flow; }
.regionSize { width: 200px; }
.regionSize2 { width: 100px; }
#region { -webkit-flow-from: flow; height: 100px; border: 1px solid black;}
#region2 { -webkit-flow-from: flow; height: 100px; border: 1px solid black;}
<p>Test for <a href=""> Blocks don't relayout children if the width of a region changes</a>.</p>
<p>When the width of a region decreases the lines in that region should be recomputed. This test covers the special case of having inlines flow directly in the thread.</p>
<p>On success, there should be no text outside the black rectangles and both regions should have text in them.</p>
<div class="flowContent">
<span id="article">
a a a a a
<div id="region" class="regionSize"></div>
<div id="region2" class="regionSize"></div>
document.body.offsetTop; //force layout
document.getElementById("region").className = "regionSize2";