blob: 1fe00da32316b8236ab99f053c899707b0dd8f8a [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<html style="-webkit-writing-mode: vertical-lr; font: 16px/1.25 monospace;">
#content {
-webkit-flow-into: flow;
.overflow { color: orange; }
#content > p { margin: 0; }
#region1, #region2 { -webkit-flow-from: flow; width: 100px; height: 100px; }
#region1 { position: absolute; left: 200px; top: 100px; border: 5px solid green;}
#region2 { position: absolute; left: 350px; top: 100px; border: 5px solid blue;}
<p>Test that overflow content for the last region in chain is correctly displayed in different writing modes.</p>
<p>On success, the orange lines of text should be visible above the blue border rectangle.</p>
<div id="content">
<p class="overflow">Overflow11</p>
<p class="overflow">Overflow12</p>
<div id="region1"></div>
<div id="region2"></div>