blob: 28868e49cb2ef2dfadbc2f414f2f6440e305f947 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
Test that the content is flowed properly into regions.
On success, you should see that the colored boxes are displayed inside the 3 rectangles with black border.
The green box should be displayed in the left rectangle.
The blue box should be displayed in the middle rectangle.
The orange box should be displayed in the right rectangle.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/region-style.css">
<div class="flowArticle">
<div class="greenBox"></div>
<div class="blueBox"></div>
<div class="orangeBox"></div>
<div class="regionArticle borderBox"></div>
<div class="regionArticle borderBox"></div>
<div class="regionArticle borderBox"></div>