blob: 7cfa0ff0f1635a658899b6eb3a8add7325a023a9 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
@font-face {
font-family: webkit-ahem;
src: url(../../resources/Ahem.ttf) format(truetype);
<p> - CSSParser::parseFontFamily should allow
the keyword "default" as part of a font name
The next 4 lines should use the default font (same as this line):<br>
Test 1<br>
Test 2<br>
Test 3<br>
Test 4
The next 6 lines should use the font Arial:<br>
<span style="font-family: arial">
Test 1<br>
Test 2<br>
Test 3<br>
Test 4<br>
Test 5<br>
Test 6
The next 9 lines should use the font Ahem (black boxes):<br>
<span style="font-family: webkit-ahem">
Test 1<br>
Test 2<br>
Test 3<br>
Test 4<br>
Test 5<br>
Test 6<br>
Test 7<br>
Test 8<br>
Test 9