blob: 17d42ba1a95587497f45fa3e095c4174a247d923 [file] [log] [blame]
<h1>CSS2 System Fonts</h1>
<p>The following should appear with the fonts specified, per the <a href="">CSS2 specs</a>. If they appear in a monospace font, the test has failed.</p>
<ul style="font-family: monospace;">
<li style="font: caption;">Caption (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 13.0 Regular)</li>
<li style="font: icon;">Icon (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 13.0 Regular for now, not sure how to get this info from Finder)
<li style="font: menu;">Menu (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 13.0 Regular)</li>
<li style="font: message-box;">Message-Box (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 13.0 Regular)</li>
<li style="font: small-caption;">Small-Caption (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 11.0 Regular)</li>
<li style="font: status-bar;">Status-Bar (on Mac will be Lucida Grande 10.0 Regular)</li>
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