blob: fca4c978df2ad8b869b8126ea84019d8847efa77 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../editing.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/dump-as-markup.js"></script>
<div id="test" contenteditable="true">
<b>foo</b><a href=""><div id="linkText">bar</div></a>
<pre id="console"></pre>
function log(message) {
var console = document.getElementById("console");
console.innerHTML += message + '\n';
if (!window.internals)
log("FAILED: this test requires the 'internals' object.");
else {
Markup.description('This is a test for Overwrite mode');
var element = document.getElementById("test");
var selection = window.getSelection();
Markup.dump(element, 'These are the original contents');
selection.collapse(element, 0);
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, 'F');
Markup.dump(element, 'After overwritting the first character');
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, ' ');
Markup.dump(element, 'After inserting a blank');
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, ' ');
Markup.dump(element, 'After inserting a blank at the line end');
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, 'SOME MORE');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwrite at the end of a line performs as a normal Insert');
selection.collapse(document.getElementById("linkText"), 0);
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, 'BAR.BAR');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwritting works even if the inserted text is longer than the replaced text');
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, 'TEXT IN NEW NODE');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwrite should create new text nodes on demand');
element.innerHTML = "webkit";
selection.collapse(element, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Markup.dump(element, 'New plain text contents with an inner selection');
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, 'BK');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwrite behaves like insert on range selections');
element.innerHTML = "&#x4E20;&#x4E21;&#x4E22;&#x4E23;";
Markup.dump(element, 'New CJK contents');
selection.collapse(element, 0);
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, '\u4E14\u4E14');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwrite CJK text');
element.innerHTML="<div id=\"rtl-div\" dir=\"rtl\">&aleph;&beth;&gimel;&daleth;</div>"
Markup.dump(element, 'New RTL contents');
selection.collapse(element, 0);
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, '\u05d0\u05d0');
Markup.dump(element, 'Overwrite RTL text');
Markup.dump('console', 'console');