blob: c338d24c6ab4eb6379578c9bba3563c21762fd0a [file] [log] [blame]
description("Test that the custom() function of the -webkit-filter property is not parsed when CSS Custom Filter is disabled.");
if (window.testRunner)
window.testRunner.overridePreference("WebKitCSSCustomFilterEnabled", false);
// These have to be global for the test helpers to see them.
var stylesheet, cssRule, declaration;
var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
stylesheet = styleElement.sheet;
function testInvalidFilterRule(description, rule)
debug(description + " : " + rule);
stylesheet.insertRule("body { -webkit-filter: " + rule + "; }", 0);
cssRule = stylesheet.cssRules.item(0);
shouldBe("cssRule.type", "1");
declaration =;
shouldBe("declaration.length", "0");
shouldBe("declaration.getPropertyValue('-webkit-filter')", "null");
testInvalidFilterRule("Custom with vertex shader", "custom(url(vertex.shader))");
testInvalidFilterRule("Multiple with fragment shader", "grayscale() custom(none url(fragment.shader)) sepia()", "grayscale() custom(none url(fragment.shader)) sepia()");