blob: a221f0cb4590b5a2585f90182a15cf2f0874c687 [file] [log] [blame]
// Helper functions.
function heading(string)
function jsWrapperClass(node)
if (!node)
return "[null]";
var string = Object.prototype.toString.apply(node);
return string.substr(8, string.length - 9);
// FIXME: This type-checking approach fails on V8, which requires us to have Chromium-specific expectations.
// We should use the shouldHaveConstructor function instead, which works regardless of JS engine.
function shouldBeType(expression, className, prototypeName, constructorName)
if (!prototypeName)
prototypeName = className + "Prototype";
if (!constructorName)
constructorName = className + "Constructor";
shouldBe("jsWrapperClass(" + expression + ")", "'" + className + "'");
shouldBe("jsWrapperClass(" + expression + ".__proto__)", "'" + prototypeName + "'");
shouldBe("jsWrapperClass(" + expression + ".constructor)", "'" + constructorName + "'");
function shouldHaveConstructor(expression, constructorName)
shouldBeTrue(expression + " instanceof " + constructorName);
shouldBeTrue(expression + ".constructor === " + constructorName);
shouldBeTrue(expression + ".__proto__ === " + constructorName + ".prototype");
// Need to remove the base URL to avoid having local paths in the expected results.
function removeBaseURL(src)
var urlRegexp = /url\(([^\)]*)\)/g;
return src.replace(urlRegexp, function(match, url) {
return "url(" + url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + ")";
// Common setup for parsing tests.
if (window.testRunner) {
window.testRunner.overridePreference("WebKitCSSCustomFilterEnabled", "1");
window.testRunner.overridePreference("WebKitWebGLEnabled", "1");
var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
var stylesheet = styleElement.sheet;